Family friend on plane crash today

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2007
North Carolina
The usair plane that crashed today into the Hudson river had my daughter's best friend's father on it. I actually had her with my kids after school today to pick up ski's for this weekend when we walked into the store and saw on CNN that a plane coming to Charlotte had crashed. My phone started ringing and it was the mother telling me not to let her daughter see the tv or listen to the radio, that her dad was on the plane. Thank goodness, he is ok, just hypothermia. He has to get on a plane tomorrow to come home...don't know how he will do it.

OMYGOSH,saw tiis on the news at Dr's office today

could have been so much worse,thank god no one

was killed..........Prayers for all though and kim

thanks for letting us know about the dad.....added prayers.

zipper2 (DEB)

Glad your daughter's friend's dad is OK. He is one very lucky guy!!!

That pilot deserves a special medal -- maybe the Carnegie-Mellon medal for heroism (not sure if those are only given poshumously or not).
I just saw this story on the news earlier this evening Kim & it sent shivers down my spine! I too salute this extrordinary pilot for making it possible for all passengers to come out alive! :)

The Guardian Angel was working overtime for sure!!

So glad to hear your daughter's friend's Dad is okay! I don't know either how he's going to get on another plane after that! :eek:

I hate flying.............:eek:
Thank God he and all the other passengers are safe. Amazing action by the pilot and NYC's battle-tested rescue workers. Wonderful to see a potential tragedy before our very eyes with a happy ending.
Well, I just got off the phone with his wife. They have admitted him to the hospital. He has a cracked sternum (we all know about that) and is hypothermic. He actually had to get all the way in the water. Basically, he is still very good and very, very lucky. Sherry is flying up to be with him tomorrow and so I will have their daughter through Monday night.

That pilot deserves a parade!!! What a miracle. I first saw the report right after it happened and I thought "Oh no, I hope some survived." And then to find they all survived is incredible.
I don't know how anyone could watch those people get off that plane alive and doubt God!!

My friend, Barry Leonard, is on Good Morning America today. He said the pilot literally gave him the shirt off of his back. Amazing!

I'd sure like to know why some planes can remain totally intact from an emergency landing on water and some completely disintegrate. Is it fantastic piloting skills? Size of the plane? What say you Ross?
I imagine your friend will have a renewed appreciation for life after undergoing this harrowing experience. Praise be to God that it had a happy ending.
I imagine your friend will have a renewed appreciation for life after undergoing this harrowing experience. Praise be to God that it had a happy ending.

I have no doubt that he does. His wife just left here after dropping off her daughter's clothes for the weekend before she gets on a plane to go to New York to be with her husband (by the way, USAir is flying her for free). We were just saying that we wondered if our teenagers, who are in the middle of what my husband calls the "exorcist years" (meaning their heads spin around on their bodies), have any deeper appreciation of life after all that has gone on in the last year and a half of their of their other best friend's mother died from cancer, I had my heart surgery, and now this. Of course, they act like it is all no big deal. They only have 100 kids in their class at school and it just seems like an awful lot for them to have to deal with.

I'd sure like to know why some planes can remain totally intact from an emergency landing on water and some completely disintegrate. Is it fantastic piloting skills? Size of the plane? What say you Ross?

Well I did say it was a good day for skinny dippin. :D

Seriously though, I think it's pure luck and a bit of Supreme Being overshadowing. Got to remember that aircraft aren't much more then tin cans with enormous amounts of fuel in the wings. Maybe the pilot sat the tail down first, but even then, it's hard to imagine the fuselage not breaking apart.
I heard some pilot experts being interviewed say that the pilot did a "textbook perfect" emergency water landing. They said that it's rare that you see an emergency water landing that the plane didn't break apart. They said he was able to get the plane to the correct speed before hitting the water. The tail hit first - but not too much ahead of the rest of the plane, which kept it from "whiplashing" and snapping in 2. I'm giving ALL the credit to pilot skill (and the God who gave him the ability to have that skill.) and the training of the crew to get ALL the people off safely. I think it's truly amazing.
Wow Kim,I saw the news immediately and was relieved to hear everyone
was ok...amazingly. Glad to hear your friend is ok too.
They think it was a seagull flock that caused it,atleast this is what I heard.
I find it strange that they haven't found a way to prevent this yet since
it has been a known occurrence for many years. If its just one or 2 birds
the engine will be ok,they say. I guess there has been some sort of change
in our bird populations or their behavior.
Kim, Our news here in Az. called it the "Miracle on the Hudson". I bet your friend feels that way too. Will keep their family in my prayers. Hope they find out what went wrong, but feel some things went right like the pilot with his quick decision to land in the water. Keep us posted on the family and how they are doing.
I've been following the news updates since it happened yesterday....horrific, to say the least.
Today, the general consensus is that not many pilots could have landed the plane intact.
This guy is a HERO.
I also heard that it was a flock of geese that the plane hit! Absolutely astounding that no one was hurt.

They said that out of the 150 people on board, only one was reported to have broken bones, which is probably Kim's friend's dad!