Facing Valve Replacement Surgery Soon

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This is my first time in here and it's very interesting. Currently, I am facing valve replacement surgery in 12 months or sooner. Right now, I'm terrified! I don't even know where to begin to look for support. Anyone have any suggestions?
How about right here! :D

Welcome to the family here at VR. I see your from Ohio or Snowhio which ever way you look at it. Perhaps we are neighbors?

Best thing for you to do is read any thread that you think will help you understand what's going on and then start asking questions that you may still have.

Do Not Fear! It will eat you up if you let it and what your facing, most all of us have, and some, a few times now. It's not all as bad as it seems. There are a lot of experienced people here and we will all go the miles with you during your learning phase and into the surgery phase if you'll let us.

Tell me a story about where your at in the evaluation process, what testing you've had, what the Docs have told you, etc,.

Again, welcome and read around. ;)
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Hi Deb - I remember how you feel. I think you can find a lot of help and support here on this web site. Just a few thoughts, I was given 6 months to have the surgery and decided to go to Cle Clinic. You are already in Ohio. Go to their web site and look around at surgeons. Next, ask a bunch of questions, about the procedure, recovery, etc. After you understand better, you will feel better.
Hi Debby and welcome.
You are at the right place and rest assured there are many very knowledgeable people here who have been there and done that.
Of course you are scared, if you wern't you wouldn't be normal.
My wife and I now live in Michigan but we are both natives of Ohio.
Where are you at and what hospital will do your surgery?
Unlike you I was unaware of the problem and my doctor was looking for cancer while I became more and more ill. When they did discover the valve problem I was slated for surgery eight weeks later. During that time I did little or no research and went into the surgery "blind". Then after I began to gather all the info I could. (this site is a great source). For me that was the best way to go, but everyone is different. What I can tell you is that after the surgery you will recover faster than you could ever imagine and in short order start feeling better than you have in a long time. I'm just coming up to the one year anniversary of my surgery. I walk or do an aerobics three times a week, do heavy repairs around the house, and carry on a normal existence. Good luck
Ross has said it all. Stick with us here and you'll find boundless support and information. Keep in touch and best wishes!
Les AVR '93 / '95
Hi Debby

Hi Debby

You've come to a good information center, the people here have either been through the procedure/post-op, soon to be/pre-op, or family members of those who have.

You have to stress down, 12 months can be a long time to be terrified. You'll find out all you need to know here, but just remember we are all different, we recover at a different rate, and deal with pain and stress in our own ways.

Welcome and join right in,

Hi Debby-

Welcome to this great site. You'll love it here. Everyone is so nice,
Take the time you have right now to educate yourself in every aspect of the upcoming surgery. It will be hard at first, because it will scare you, but really, the more you read, the more your fears will start to fall away. The surgery is a lifesaver, it's highly perfected and the surgeons know their stuff. They do it all the time.

So stay and be our friend. We hope to see you here often.
Heart talk

Heart talk

Hi Deb,
I'm new here too!!!I'm going in about 3 weeks to have my valve repair/replacement done and I'm scared too.Why is your Doctor waiting so long...I'd go crazy if I had to wait.Now everyone is different.This is a good site and I must say everyone is so helpful which is great.I'm originally from Chicago but now I live in Italy as I married an Italian.All my best to you and keep in touch Shana


Hi Deb, and welcome to what some of us have begun calling "The Waiting Room." I have similar condition to yours (aortic stenosis) and am about the same age ('nuff said about THAT). My diagnosis was a surprise when, at a physical for another purpose, a new doc asked "How long have you had that heart murmur?" One thing lead to another and I now know that I have moderate to severe AS that will require valve replacement, but we don't know when. Probably much the same state you're in.

The emotional process from here out is mostly governed by your personality type. A couple of us (ccrawford and myself) are admitted control frieks, and the unknowns of it all drove us nuts for the first month or so. The info and family on this site brought us up to speed quickly so we were able to overcome as much of the fear as possible. After about a month of intense learning and some rather rocky emotional times, I have been able to accept the fact that this will progress as it chooses to, and that the docs will help me to manage through it. I'm now doing my best to lead a normal life until time for surgery.

Read all you can find here, ask questions, ask more questions, vent, and most of all, stay healthy until it's time.

Hello Deb

Hello Deb

Hi Deb - Welcome to the waiting room. You picked a good place to be if you have to be here. The magazines in the waiting room are out of date, but the people here have an awful lot to offer as you go thru this process. As Steve indicated, I had a lot of problems with a few things related to potential surgery. These were really driving me nuts, and the anxiety was not getting any better. After a lot of reading on this site and asking a lot of questions, I got two of my major concerns resolved. Participate and you'll learn a lot, get to know the group, and maybe even find some humor behind all of this mess. The group likes to pick on us control freaks because we get so serious about things, but they don't bruise us too badly. Having people to communicate with that have experienced all of this first hand is an invaluable asset, and I hope we can help. Chris
Hi Deb

Hi Deb

Welcome to this site. It is a big help. I wish it would have been here when I had my surgeries. This is surely a frightening time for you but please understand, and I'm sure many others will agree with me that the waiting is the hardest part. The hard part is being in limbo. Not knowing exactly when yur surgery will take place. One the peices start coming together you can start planning accordingly. Until then try to push things to the back of your mind (I know that is much easier said than done). It will all work out. Also remember that the surgery is not as bad as you think. Get as much info as possible and visit us often. There are a lot of very caring supportive people here who have already gone through what you will be going through. Take care. Peggy
Hi Deb and Welcome!!

Great site, wonderful people, lots of experience.....what more can be said about VR.com.......Please feel free to ask any question you may have---someone or many someones will be happy to give you their opinion and experience.

Rossman is right, DO NOT FEAR! It will eat you alive. Instead, find out as much as you can about the surgery, drs., alternatives, etc. This is the place to do it. We will all be with you here, each step of the way.

Good luck, and welcome.

Watch out!

Watch out!

Ross - Better watch out or Chris may partner with a control freak tech nerd and sneak into your computer. . . let's see, is it:

C:> format c:\ (enter)

If it brings a smile to his face, then he's not thinking of controlling at that time, he lost control in order to have that smile! That's what it's about my friend. ;)
I'm a little late to the party, but I want to welcome you, too. I'm also in Ohio - seem to be a few of us here! This is a great website that I didn't discover until recently (and after surgery). Stick with this bunch and they'll answer just about any question you can think of. My first time here I spent hours browsing the various forums and learning all the stuff I wished I'd've known before. I didn't have much time to prepare for my surgery - not sure which is worse - going from thinking your perfectly healthy to the operating room in under a month or having to think about it for months on end! I can add a big Fear Not to the consensus. The process is not a whole lot of fun, but you'll get through it just fine!
Hi Deb!
You are definately in the right place. I don't know what I would have done without this site. The people here are wonderful. Very supportive and knowledgeable. I know exactly how you are feeling right now, eventhough you may feel like you are all alone, you are not. I was in the same place you are about 6 or seven months ago. Very very scarey and that is normal. Get as much info as you can, it makes things a little easier. Believe it or not, this part (the waiting) and the anxiety is the worst. Please lean on us whenever you need to. That is what we are here for. We will help you through this every step of the way.

Take Care!
Thanks to all of you for the wonderful words of support. Since I posted my question, I have been in the hospital for chest pains and the doctor is scheduling a heart cath in the near future. Guess I just don't want to wait until I have the heart attack to get all of this done. Again, you guys are great! :)
Hi Debby

Hi Debby

Before you start reading, sit down and make a list of things you would like to know..Examples....Do you have small children at home..or I'm scared of the surgery....what to expect when I come home..and you WILL come home:) How long before I am able to do housework, ect. driving?...PLEASE do not be embarrased to ask..:) ...Get the normal answers from us bunch of Valvers who have been thru it..Then you can go into it with your doctors..Don't be afraid....Bonnie....P.S. Have pencil and paper ready..We love to chat:p :p :p

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