Experiences with Ablation for A-Fib?

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2006
New York, NY

I have arotic regurg which was diagnosed a few years ago (I was and remain unsymptomatic) and for which I am being treated. About 2 years ago, for the first time, I started having episodes of atrial fibrilation. At first it was every 6 months or so, now it's every 3 months or so - not so frequent, but increasing in frequency. I was electrocardioverted once and since have been put back into rhythm using a combination of Amiodarone and Coumadin. After my most recent episode, my cardio suggested that if it happened again, he might recommend ablation as a way of eliminating a-fib. I was just wondering what the experience of people who have had ablation has been - did it work, were there side effects, how was the procedure, what was recovery time, etc? Just trying to educate myself and this site is usually such a great resource. Thanks!:)
Several members report having good control of A-Fib with Sotalol (the generic form of BetaPace). I have been told that Sotalol 'targets' A-Fib.

Bottom Line: It WORKS, it's CHEAP, and has few side effects (other than some dizzyness for a few weeks as your body 'adjusts' to it.)

Note that the Manufacturer recommends a Hospital Stay for a Few Days when starting Sotalol (or BetaPace), 'just in case' some dangerous arrhythmias are triggered during the 'adjustment' phase.
I went from periodic a-fib to semi-chronic over a period on 5 years ... I had ablation done at the time of my AVR ... I went into a-fib about two weeks post-op and was cardioverted (they said this was not unusual) ... I have not been in a-fib for nearly three years ... I am taking 25mg of Toprol as a safe guard (I don't think I need it but cardio disagrees) .... as far as I am concerned it worked for me but I do not think everyone has the same results ... this may not be comforting but we do have a few members that live with chronic a-fib .... I am sure they will post when they see your thread .... good luck.
It worked for me -- for awhile(several months),but my heart valve was
causing atrial enlargement and instability of the cardiac tissue which
ended up causing another arrhythmia. So while the ablation was a success,
it only helped for awhile. But if your valve problem is not worsening or
you don't plan on surgery anyway it might be much better for you.
The ablation itself was not painful or difficult and you don't need general
anesthesia, which is always helpful.
Best wishes-Dina

I have arotic regurg which was diagnosed a few years ago (I was and remain unsymptomatic) and for which I am being treated. About 2 years ago, for the first time, I started having episodes of atrial fibrilation. At first it was every 6 months or so, now it's every 3 months or so - not so frequent, but increasing in frequency. I was electrocardioverted once and since have been put back into rhythm using a combination of Amiodarone and Coumadin. After my most recent episode, my cardio suggested that if it happened again, he might recommend ablation as a way of eliminating a-fib. I was just wondering what the experience of people who have had ablation has been - did it work, were there side effects, how was the procedure, what was recovery time, etc? Just trying to educate myself and this site is usually such a great resource. Thanks!:)

You said you are (A) symptomatic. It sounds like your A-fib could be the first symptom of your progressing aortic regugitation. This is precisely what happened to me. I was diagnosed 25 yrs ago with aortic regurg due to bicuspid AValve. I had no symptoms until March of last year: my first Afib episode. the first 5 induced by extremely intense cycling and each lasted a little longer than the previous episode. In July, I had my first of 2 Afibs that came on while I slept. I was cardioverted for one of those. In the mean time, my left ventricle had been increasing in size at first steadily but in the last couple years the rate of enlargement increased. Even after my last pre-op Afib, I was able to exercise at a level of a well conditioned athlete. No dizziness, lightheadedness, chest pain, shortness of breath....no symptoms...well, except for the Afib. So, I had my aortic valve replaced in September, at which time I received a partial ablation procedure. I don't know if my A-fib has subsided due to the ablation or to having a normally functioning aortic valve. Other than the first few weeks, during which Afib is common for all heart surgeries, I have had none. It's now been 4 months since my surgery and I am cycling at a very high intensity level. I'm very out of shape but no Afib. Please, if you haven't done so, find out if your Afib is due to your regurg. I don't know the stats but I'm confident that the trend with this condition is that it eventually worsens to the point of requiring surgery. Once it gets to the point of symptoms, time is critical as heart function will deteriorate rapidly and sudden death heart attack risk elevates dramatically. The more damage (especially ventricular hypertrophy) done, the worse the outcome and prognosis after surgery. Best of luck to you!
, find out if your Afib is due to your regurg. I don't know the stats but I'm confident that the trend with this condition is that it eventually worsens to the point of requiring surgery. Once it gets to the point of symptoms, time is critical as heart !

Yes,I wanted to second this also. Exactly what happened to me.
thanks Jeff:)
I had an ablation but I had SVT. I was converted 4 times. I have had some tachycardia since I can remember. In my case the EP said I was born w/an extra electrical system????? Anyway the ablation was last June. For the procedure, I was in and out. For the most part, I was out. I had absolutely no pain before, during or after. For me the entire procedure was less than an hour because he thought he knew what the problem was when he went in and he was right. So far, so good! I woke up from the ablation, the EP was playing "Highway to hell" by ACDC. They said he plays that after successful ablation.:eek: The hardest part was laying flat for 3 (I think) hours. Best of luck to you.
thanks for posting experiences guys,

its Morgan here, I'm not in for an ablation for A-Fib but for SVTs and PVCs, and I think it might be time to start planning it/at least getting myself ready emotionally to schedule it (I have to wait to the end of the semester) and I appreciate the positive outlooks here


Thanks for the responses. My cardio has told me that the aortic regurg and the a-fib are not linked. He said that the former is a mechanical issue with the valve, the second is an electrical issue. My heart dimensions have remained stable for past couple of years since the a-fiib started so, in his view, no reason to link the two.
Thanks for the responses. My cardio has told me that the aortic regurg and the a-fib are not linked. He said that the former is a mechanical issue with the valve, the second is an electrical issue. My heart dimensions have remained stable for past couple of years since the a-fiib started so, in his view, no reason to link the two.

My tricuspid regurg was a mechanical prob that ended up causing an
electrical problem(A.Flutter/SVT) in another area.
Not sure about you specifically, since your heart is not enlarged:confused: