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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2009
commack ny 11725 USA
I have had Aortic Valve Repair.
Also Aortic replacement
Can anyne share what kind of excercise they now do?
How long since surgery and when they started more vigerous excercise.4thanks
Don't rush it or you'll regret it. You have the rest of your life ( a longer life now)
to get in shape. Everyones more vigorous varies so to be safe, I'll
say 6 months to a year.
walked everyday, up to 3 miles by 4 weeks. started running at 6 weeks. It depends what shape you were in going into surgery, and how your recovery is going.
At 4 weeks I was walking 5 miles a day. I'm at 6 weeks now and I am walking 7 miles a day and not planning on really upping the mileage. I am just going to try to up the speed at this point. I am at 3.7 mph. I am not doing much other then walking yet. I feel that I could but want to wait until the folks at cardiac rehab give me the ok. Should start that any day.
Mike, did the hospital give you any instructions about exercise? Because each one of us differ and how our bodies reacted to the surgery differ from one another. I, personally, was not allowed to go upstairs more than once a day, while many others did stairs while at the hospital.

Just be careful and do not rush it...as Jack said...you have all your life ahead to do it. Continue walking and increase your pace after three weeks.
walked from the day after until the 12 week point. Then started riding my bicycle, and interval walking. also got back to horse riding and light weight lifting.

I was walking a mile day after I returned home.
My HR has been up on 3 metroprol 50 MG a day
Cardio also informed me I have a little fluid on my heart stil
Also she believes I may be Anemic after the surgery
She says it is all natural
ECHO she was very happy with
She wants me to not push myself for another week and after the blood work
she says I may start jogging
I am a little nervous and anxious I would love for my heart rate to come down
and get off these beta blockers which may never happen


My recovery and return to exercise after AVR surgery with an aortic graft probably isn't the norm but...

I was walking a couple of miles a day following my five day hospital stay. I started a formal cardiac rehab program two weeks after surgery. I was riding my bicycle for long distances and golfing (walking the course with a pull cart) at six weeks. By the time I reached eight weeks post-op, I was back to doing everything I did prior to surgery.

What do I do now? Anything I want to do. I hike, ski, kayak, sail, and bicycle (road & mtn). I'm probably more serious about cycling than any other kind of exercise. Last year, I completed five century event road rides. Four of these involved riding over multiple mountain passes.

Others are certainly entitled to subscribe to different opinions, but I believe AVR surgery is about getting things fixed so one can engage in the activities they enjoy.

do you do this @ one time??
No, I usually break it into 3 sessions. Mostly because my legs get sore after an hour. In fact I am not going over 7 miles a day because of my legs just getting tired walking so much. Nothing to do with being worn out in general. My naps ended about 2 weeks ago.