Excellent first annual cardio report with new valve

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Premium Level User
May 18, 2004
Hello all!

Well, it's one year to the day since my surgery. I had my first annual echo last week and my first annual check-up with the cardio this afternoon. My echo was fine. I got so busy talking with her about blood pressure meds that I forgot to get a copy of the echo. It's weird. I don't even care!!! If it's good, I just don't care how good....just that it IS good!! A different me, I think!! :D

We are going to double my dose of Diovan since the BP is hovering in the 120/75 to 140/80's and she would like it lower.....me too. The one comment she made about my heart was that since it had worked so hard all those years to compensate for the bicuspid valve, there is some nominal thickening (I knew this). What we don't want to have happen is to allow it to work hard now and trend toward increased thickening. Duh. (well, I guess those echo numbers would be interesting......)

As far as getting off the beta blocker (which I am anxious to do since it has given me a low grade headache now) we (cardio's okay) did try that last weekend. 3 days off the Toprol XL and I had a very scary shock-like feeling run through me and then my heart felt like it was being squeezed. Ten minutes later it happened again. These sensations were only a second or so long. Not too deep. Just scary. I went home and started up the Toprol again and there were no more. She wonders if that is what a PVC feels like now that my heart is fixed. I wondered if it was a heart attack!! She quizzed me and said no. no heart attack! Wonder if any of you have had feelings like that at some time. It sure wasn't like the PVC's that I'm familiar with! I still want to go off the Toprol, but I'm going to wean myself rather slowly from it!

Anyway, besides all the little nuisance particulars, the concensus was that I do not need to see her for a year....and I do not need to have an echo for 2 years. Sounds GRRREAAAT to me!!

So thank you all for being my constant companions through all of this. I honestly feel like a weight has been lifted. There is something about these anniversaries!! A good time to reflect, a good time to let go, a good time to rejoice. I'm so glad that I have all of you there with me, knowing what it's all about!!

:) :D :) Marguerite
Congratulations, Marguerite and thank you for all you have contributed to VR.com.
Happy Happy News!

Happy Happy News!


It was great to read your report!! Thank you for letting us know and thank you for being so helpful to me in the short time I have been registered on this site.
About time! This is the 3rd time I have checked the site today looking for this report. Congratulations on a good report; you April girls are tough. I have wanted to reply to this post all day now I am at a loss for words. Like Phyllis I want to thank you for all you have contributed to this site and your words of encouragement that helped me over a few detours in my recovery. Your well written and frequently witty post always make me smile.
Now go celebrate and it's not too late to implement the one carat rule (one carat for each year) If you pull that off perhaps it will set a precedent and the guys can get some nice toys as well. I have been good all year!
Great report for a wonderful day. Congratulations on this milestone.
Interesting about not having an echo done for 2 years. My avr was done 5.5 years ago. I have seen 3 cardios since my surgery due to job-related moves (2 very high caliber, 1 average), and they all have done an echo every year (and sent it to my surgeon) even though the results of all my exams have been excellent. I guess different cardios have different approaches.

I wonder whether others have it done annually or less frequently.

It certainly is great getting to that first year exam and hearing everything is going well. While it becomes more routine over the years, it still is pleasing to hear each year that things are going great.

Good luck.
Hi Marguerite,
Congratulations on a great one year report. Keep 'em coming!
I'm awesomely happy for you, Marguerite! I know I've seen my cardio so much lately that it's been good news over and over again. Heh. :rolleyes: The tone of happiness in your post makes me feel lighthearted (no pun here). You have been such a great contributor to VR. I always love reading your responses to my posts because they're so informative, helpful, well-written, and just great to read.

Here's to many more happy (yearly, I hope!) cardio visits and echo reports!!! :D :D :D

Love, Debi
Congratulations on Daisy's 1st anniversary...

You are a wonderful attribute to our family here...

wishing you love and many many more happy years mooing ;)
Great news Marguerite. CONGRATULATIONS and best wishes for continued ''good news'' visits to your cardio each and every year. :cool:
Great to hear good news, congratulations, happy anniversary to your valve:)
Marguerite -

Congratulations on your excellent news! Thank you as well for all you have contributed to this site, I for one have been greatly comforted and encouraged by many of your posts as I went through my recent surgery/recovery.

Here's wishing you many more happy, and HEALTHY anniversaries!

All my best,
Yes, your posts are so friendly and helpful. And this is a terrific support site, isn't it?!?

I'm really glad to read that you got good news. I too am surprised they'll wait two years to do another echo though.
Thanks, everyone! Lovely comments, all! This is such a nice "town" to live in!! :D

My husband wasn't too keen on the 2 year wait for the echo either. That was my doing (I can be a pushy broad) I suspect. She first said, see you in 6 months. I asked if that was necessary. She said if I'm working with someone else about my weight and cholesterol (which I honestly am) then 1 year was fine. Then she said, echo before the appointment? and I asked if that was necessary and she said, not really, unless you sense some changes or feel the need. I said, okay. She said, okay, let's make it 2 years. I'm sure she put a little emoticon in her notes to suggest...ha....this lady won't actually last the 2 years!!! But you know....I do consider myself fixed and that is how I want to live my days. It's not like I don't know what symptoms are!

So now I'll go call her office and get that echo report faxed over. I'm determined to just look at it, smile, and file it!!

:) Marguerite
It seems like only yesterday that we were anxiously awaiting news of your surgery, and now, a year later, we are celebrating your good news. Time really does fly!
Congratulations and I wish you many, many more years of good health.
Congratulations one year lady!

You certainly want a copy of that report. Don't ever think you don't. ;)
YAY!! (clapping hands)!! I'm so glad you got a good report, girlfriend!! :) :)

Now, let me ask....did you go off that Toprol cold turkey??? :eek: :eek: