Event monitor experience anyone?

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2002
I have been having these runs of some type of irregular heartbeat.Made the mistake of telling myDoc about it , now I have to wear this monitor that will record it if this happens again inthe next 30 days. I am supposed to press record button on the monitor when this rirregularity starts. I never thought I would want tohave an irregular heart beat.:D

I wore one a few years ago. At that time I only had to wear it 24 hours. It showed the tachycardia, so it was worth it. I think a lot of people have had it. They should be on soon to tell you their story. Take care. Let us know what you find out.
That monitor did pay off. It took2 weeks but now Iknow that my problem is some short runs of SVTand some occasionalPVCS. for now we do nothing and just wait to see if it gets worse.
It is ALWAYS better to KNOW what kind of arrhythmia's you are experiencing. There are several different types of medicaitons than can be used to help control the different types of arrhythmias.

24 hour Holter Monitors and 30 day Event Monitors are the (non-invasive) tools that Cardiologists use to 'capture' (record) those arrhythmias for identification.
That monitor did pay off. It took2 weeks but now Iknow that my problem is some short runs of SVTand some occasionalPVCS. for now we do nothing and just wait to see if it gets worse.


I am happy you are already getting some results. I had to wear it to see if I had AF, but I returned it after 17 days! Luckily, I was fine.
Good luck.:)
As silly as you feel with those heart monitor contraptions, it is information that can be very useful...to you for calming any fears, and to the doctor should there be anything to act upon.

Hoping all reports are of benign (yet so many of us know.... annoying!!) irregularities.

Best wishes.

I just got one yesterday. It's from LifeWatch. Seems pretty small and easy to carry around. The unit is a little bigger than a pager. I tried sleeping with it last nite (because I wake up w/ palps sometimes), but the plug going into the m/c came off. You are supposed to phone in an event after you record it (it is an acoustic modem I think), and it can hold upto 3 events ( gets reset every time you transmit it to the company).

I asked the nurse when I should record it. I had a couple of dizzy spells last week but I may not have them in the coming month. She said if you have a tight feeling in your neck or a buzz in your head go ahead and record it. I don't think I have abnormal rhythms though, I always get a pulse, it's just that lightheaded feeling and almost a lump in my throat ( have been reading the afib thread ).

Overall, it seems pretty easy to live with it, except for the extra time you spend every time to put the leads after a shower (which in my case, with the morning rush of getting my son to school and get to work, is a big deal). They said the leads last 2-3 days, but I can't go that long w/o a shower!

Good luck!

I just got one yesterday. It's from LifeWatch. Seems pretty small and easy to carry around. The unit is a little bigger than a pager. I tried sleeping with it last nite (because I wake up w/ palps sometimes), but the plug going into the m/c came off. You are supposed to phone in an event after you record it (it is an acoustic modem I think), and it can hold upto 3 events ( gets reset every time you transmit it to the company).

I asked the nurse when I should record it. I had a couple of dizzy spells last week but I may not have them in the coming month. She said if you have a tight feeling in your neck or a buzz in your head go ahead and record it. I don't think I have abnormal rhythms though, I always get a pulse, it's just that lightheaded feeling and almost a lump in my throat ( have been reading the afib thread ).

Overall, it seems pretty easy to live with it, except for the extra time you spend every time to put the leads after a shower (which in my case, with the morning rush of getting my son to school and get to work, is a big deal). They said the leads last 2-3 days, but I can't go that long w/o a shower!

Good luck!

I figured they got a lot smaller. Mine was HUGE! It was on a belt and as big as a radio! But it did the job! Glad they are not so uncomfortable now.
I wore a 24 hour holter monitor to see if my AFIB was gone, which it was. Unfortunately they found a 9 beat run of Vtach which was an unpleasant surprise. Saw the EP specialist who ordered a 21 day monitor. After the 21 day monitor the doctor said there was nothing to be concerned about. I still have PVCs but no symptons associated with them and I do take a beta blocker. They explained that the monitor was precautionary to see how frequent the rythm was and if it was anything to be concerned about. Most rythms in a strtucturally sound heart absent any coronary artery disease are benign