ER. . .Again

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
Northern VT
hey guys,
quick update, I was in the ER again last night in SVT at a rate in the 150s, luckily I got it on a strip this time, and I converted out within a few minutes of it starting, after I converted out the nurse told me that I had NO color when I walked in, apparrently I didnt look very good. after I converted out I went through about 10-15 mins of frequent PVCs, and a few runs of ventricular bigeminy.

The doc that saw me is the same doc that saw me last Thursday. He said that this is definitely SVT, and called my cardio (talked to on call pedi cardio cause mine was off) their office is going to call me on tuesday, and it looks like we are going to end up moving on this pretty quick. I am glad, because its hard not to think "when's the next one gonna happen?" but on the other hand, I guess I am kinda in denial, the major thought on my mind is "how the heck am I gonna fit this into my schedule" LOL I just dont want to be in a patient's room and have this happen, or have to keep leaving work early, I feel like I'm screwing ppl over.

mom isnt dealing well, she's trying to be mommy, and is getting a little too pushy about it, she thinks I am making more of this than it really is, and doesnt see that this is that big a deal, she's worried about me making the wrong choice and ending up with negative consequences as a result. I get that she's in denial, and that she's used to making these decisions for me, but she goes out and runs 6-8 miles a day, has never had an issue with her heart, she doesnt understand how much of an impact this is making. She also seems to forget that I am an adult, and I think I can make these decisions for myself, especially considering the field I am in.

Dad is another story, he had a couple spells like this when he was in his 40s, his doc told him to stop drinking coffee, did some testing, found nothing, and convinced him that it was a virus in his heart, and they stopped within a couple weeks. he's comparing his situation to mine, He's as healthy as a horse, and doesnt get that that's not even a comparison.

I have a few ppl around me though, and school, and my bosses are being great about it, hopefully we'll figure this out, and get on the right track.

I'll update more when I know more though, and thanks if you've gotten this far

People have a weird way of being convinced that "you're fine, it's just ______. I've had that before." Don't ever let them persuade you that you're "fine" if your gut says you're not. Sounds like you're pursuing the issue, so you're on the right track. Be persistent and schedule be damned! Get it fixed :)
Hi Morgan, I just want to remind you that knowing's half the battle. They've got a name for what's going on for certain now and not just a suspicion, with that, there's a tried and true plan of treatment. I sincerely hope your team will get you back in the game as a whole and active player.

My best wishes for a good outcome in all of this.

Take Heart,
Hi Morgan....I?m glad they got this on a strip and that you are going to get it addressed. I think the ones that love us are hoping against hope that it will just go away?or out of fear are in denial?.and there are some that just don?t get it?.I hope all gets taken care of soon?Hang in there and stay strong!.....Tom
I'm glad they got you on "tape" and will get this taken care of. You are right, you are an adult, so don't feel badly about saying to your Mom or Dad "I love you very much, but you have to have trust that I am doing the very best I and the doctors can do with this."
Morgan I've been following your postings and wanted to wish you luck and that they get this taken care of pronto. Forget your schedule for now and get this taken care of. I'm sure Mom and Dad care about you a great deal they just have a hard time believing what's happening to you but you need to do whatever is best for you and they need to trust that.
Keep us posted
Sorry to hear you had another visit to ER Morgan. I suffer with SVT myself and know how scary it is to feel your hear race at such a high rate all the while gasping for breath. Horrible. *Hopefully you will get this taken care of asap. Best wishes.
I'm glad that the hospital was able to capture what's happening to your heart on tape. Now you can tell the 'nay-sayers' to hold their tongues and get on with proper treatment....

SO, please give those of us who are not familiar with SVT's a brief description / definition and tell us about the standard treatment. That way, we'll all learn something from your 'trials and tribulations".

Best wishes,

'AL Capshaw'
Hi Morgan ~ I'm glad they found the problem and now you can get it taken care of. Hang in there and i hope you feel better soon! HUGS, Dawn-Marie
Morgan, Glad you will be getting help with this. Coming from a parent I can tell you that the the prospect of your child (no matter how old!) has something seriously wrong, as you do, can cause us to react in weird ways. Our son had a brain tumor five years ago (he is doing very well today, Thank God) but I can tell you it was the most devasting and frightening time of our lives. Know that yours love you and are struggling too. Meanwhile of course, do what you have to. It sounds like you are on the right track.

You are in my prayers. Barbara
Just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you.
My heart skipped a beat when I saw the title of this thread.
Your strong and tough and I pray that you do get the treatment you need pronto.
Maybe "mom" will understand more if you take her with you on your next appointment.
And don't worry about screwing other ppl - you come FIRST
Take Care and I'll be waiting for an update.
hey guys, new update:

this last episode was not an SVT, I contacted my cardiologist this morning, and his nurse told me that this wasnt an SVT, it was only like 151 at its fastest which isnt fast enough to be SVT but I need to continue to watch for them to catch one because it wasnt as fast as the one I had the first time , yet again today I've felt like my heart was gonna take off, but it didnt, so we'll see what happens, gonna continue with my normal activities, and see if it happens again, I have a sneaking suspicion it will. . . we shall see, it usually happens at the end of a long day when I am over tired, and have been putting myself through the mill, not as if I havent been doing that enough lately

I'll update later

There was one time I caught my paroxysmal SVT on tape. It was 145ish bpm. It jumped from 80 bpm to 145 instantly, and back to 80, then back to 145 and so on. Every time it jumped to 145 it hurt bad. They almost cardioverted me, so I don't know why yours isn't "fast enough". They never did anything about mine either though, except for Beta Blockers. The BB's must've worked because I don't think I've had an episode since.