epigastric pain

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My surgery (mitral valve repair, maze procedure) was march 10, discharged on march 17th, home march 19th. Went ok, although breakthrough atrial fib,
trial of lopressor, stopped because of hypotension, etc. and lots of lightheadedness and nausea (which responds well to reglan) and visual aura migraines. Very little incisional pain with a pain catheter for three days, although impossible to get comfortable for sleep without musculoskeletal and incisional pain - never more that 2 hours sleep. Felt completely knocked out from the surgery, never expected to feel that bad - but feel much better now. One of biggest problems in hospital was total loss of appetite, and lots of drama about my not eating. I gradually started to eat a little. Now at home I am really upset about epigastric pain and discomfort - burning, uncomfortable pain right in the upper part of the abdomen, above the belly button and in the middle. Sometimes it feels better when it is massaged, but now I am afraid to eat, and it won't go away. I was on omeprazole (prilosec) preop, with no problem, and am now on it again. Don't have a doctor's appointment (with my family doc) until tuesday, and today is sunday. Has anyone had this issue??? I have researched even the medical websites (I am an MD) - but can't seem to find any helpful info. (Am also on coumadin, iron, colace, and only occasional tylenol or aleve - both approved by my physicians) Also, wondering if anyone has had visual migraines (lots of graphic bright lights going across the periphery of my visual fields - not associated with headache). I was getting them maybe once a year before surgery, then up to 7 times a day in the hospital, and still 1-3 times a day at home - relieved by Fiorcet, or just waiting it out.
I did have visual migraines quite frequently post surgery. Like you I had them pre-surgery 2-3 times per year but post surgery I was having them several times per day. I am now 5 1/2 weeks post surgery and the frequency has dropped to 1-2 times per week. From what I've read on this forum these are quite common.

As for the epigastric pain I did have a few short bouts of that, quite bad pain but it would only last for 5-10 minutes then dissipate. My Doctor likened it to colic in a baby. As it wasn't continuous it doesn't sound like what you are experiencing though.

good luck,
I think it was on my 3rd or 4th day postop when the nurses started me on a daily med regime.
Coumadin, colace, Tylenol, and Zantac.
After a few days, I tried omitting the Zantac and I ended up with such a fierce pain.
The nurse pointed out that my digestive system was still out of balance and to continue the Zantac for a few more days.
Eating small amounts of low fat, low salt foods helps alot. No pepper, no spices, etc.

Visual auras still seem to come and go......
I'm also on Metoprolol.
I always had migraines but since my surgery on 2/23/09 They went way up. I take pain meds to deal with them now. I hope you feel better soon. I know how you feel.
Could it be bile reflux? I have acid refulx and for which I take nexium but I get break through which they attribute to bile reflux. I take carafate for that and gastritis. I am just throwing out ideas. I always have to take a lot of carafate with any type of pain medication and even sometimes antibiotics as they bother my stomach greatly.
Hi . I'm 3 years post op. I get very pretty flashes in front of my eyes. They look like multicoloured bits of broken glass. I had them checked out by a very good optomitrist and he confirmed that they were visual migraines. I get no pain or discomfort. He said that when I get then to rest my eyes and/or take pain meds just like any other headache.

I did not have any gastric problems except loss of appetite and taste, so can not help there.

Hope it clears up soon for you.

I have had migraine auras for a few years and lots more since my surgery. My post op instructions actually say you can't drive after OHS because of visual disturbances so it's pretty common. I sometimes get one a day that usually doesn't get to a headache.
thank you all for your suggestions. the migraine auras i think i understand and can treat and hope that they lessen over time.
the stomach pain i am trying to deal with by eating more frequent smaller amounts, totally nonspicy (same as before surgery, however!) - and will talk to my doctor on tuesday...