EP Doctor appointment

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Well-known member
May 2, 2008
Franklin, Ohio
Hi all - I have a pre-scheduled appointment with the EP tomorrow morning and I am not sure that I should even go. As some of you may remember, he wanted to me take that really strong beta blocker with iodine and I refused. I saw a different EP doc and he suggested that I just learn to live with the PVC's and PAC's. I have been trying to do that, but I am not very good at it. They are totally driving me nuts and since I am almost a year out from surgery to have my aortic valve replaced, I really did expect all this to go away. It seems to be getting worse instead of better even though I am trying to ignore it. My cardio put me on magnesium to see if that would work, but no go again.

What is your opinion? Should I go talk to him and see what his options are? The last time I was in there, he said if the medication did not work he would do some kind of study or procedure to try and control them. If it was you, would you go or just cancel the appointment and continue to try and live with them? I did have a stress echo a few weeks ago which showed that my aortic valve is working great and my mitral valve is still leaking, not better, but not worse either. Any help would be greatly appreciated. And since I am still on crutches and have my leg in a cast, that is a concern too, since I will have to rely on someone else to drive me to the appointment. Thanks again!
Thanks Ross - I was thinking the same thing. We are supposed to go to Phoenix and Vegas on the 17th and I really want to have some answers before we go see DH's family since they are constantly calling and asking me questions I don't have answers too......Now, I just need to find someone to drive me or take a chance driving myself with this stupid cast!!! :D
I'm in the same boat with you. I would definitely keep the appointment. I started out on beta blockers, which didn't help them and in fact made them worse for me. I am now on my second calcium channel blocker, which while helping some, it is not enough. My next drug to try is Flecainide. I actually just put a call into my EP MD myself this morning to see about making this change. We are actually going away on spring break next week and I cant' decide whether to make this switch before hand or afterwards. I also have an appointment at the Mayo clinic with an EP MD there the first week of May.

I really wish these Dr's would quit telling us to learn to live with it..that is such B.S. If they had them, I can guarantee you they wouldn't be willing to live with them.

Good luck trying to solve this problem.

OK, saw the EP guy today and he wants to try a channel blocker and beta blocker at the same time and see him again in 3 months. He seems to be more worried about my mitral valve leaking (not better, but not worse than before my OHS) then my PVC's and PAC's. He is considered that I may start going into A-fib. What are the chances of this, honestly? He really did not give me any idea. He justs wants me to take these new meds and have another stress echo in 3 months instead of 6 months, as my cardiologists suggested. We shall see, I guess, if the new medication works. One of them is the atenol that I was on before and the other one is the channel blocker (starts with a "C"), can't remember the name and it is at the pharmacy right now getting filled. Any input from you guys would be greatly appreciated!!!
I am on my second calcium channel blocker for pac's. I'm now taking Verapamil. They have helped some, but have not made them go away completely. My biggest problem with them is they cause me to have bad headaches.

I told the EP doc today that if they had to deal with this crap all day, every day, they would know exactly what we are trying to live with. He just said that he knows what its like and I asked him, point blank, if he has PVC's and PAC's and he said well, no. Then I told him that he has NO IDEA what they feel like or what it is like to "live with them". I am not sure that I got through to him, since all he wanted to do was tell me that they are not going to "hurt my heart", like that makes a difference. How in the world am I supposed to tell the difference between a non life-threatening PVC or PAC and a life threatenting A-Fib? He never did tell me that!

Hopefully, these new medications will work, cuz I am sooooo tired of trying to live a normal life when I am not normal!!! Hoepfully, your medication will start working for you! I feel for you since mine wake me up pretty much every night!
Yuck - headaches! So far, I have not had any of those, but I really do not want to go there either since I tend toward migraines. One or two a year are enough for me. I hope that you get your issues under control so the headaches go away!
Diana, at least we can be "thankful" that we are already on Coumadin and have some protection in case of A-Fib.

Not sure what kind of protection that gives us...guess I better do some more research, huh? My hubby picked up my medication after he got off work today and I sat here reading the warning papers.....dang....I am a little concerned now since both of these medications are technically to lower blood pressure. I already have low blood pressure, I think it was 100/62 today when I saw the doctor. I guess I should be glad that I will be taking these medications at bedtime and not during the day. The last thing I need is to pass out because it gets too low.