Driving and Shopping after AVR

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2008
After AVR, how long did it take you to begin driving again, and doing grocery shopping? (how much lifting is allowed?) In the first few weeks after surgery, what are the practical limits of what a person can do?
You can drive around 6 weeks after, depending on how your sternum feels. Lifting, well I'll defer that to your Doctor. You don't want to be lifting much of anything for at least 8 weeks. Even then, your going to be hurting, so I'd be in no hurry to think about that. Make use of the baggers at the store to help load the vehicle with groceries. Have someone carry them in for you when you get home. Item by item, you should be fine.
Thanks, Ross. I have always been such an independent cuss, that the thought of someone waiting on me (even my husband) gives me the willies.
You'll think otherwise when pain makes you realize you just can't do it. Learn right now, to accept any and all help until you can function on your own again. ;)

Just get things squared away. Pots and pans for cooking within easy reach, spices etc, same deal. Basically make everything you need easily accessible.
I drove at four weeks. My Primary Doc told me to go sit in the car and see how it feels. Look over my shoulder, back the car out of the driveway. If it felt good, go for it.
I finally shopped at five weeks, but the clothes soap is still in the car. To heavy to carry in the house. They told me not to lift anything heavier than a half gallon of milk for six weeks.
My doctor released me to drive at 5 weeks. I had no probably shopping from the beginning, but since I had to have someone to drive me, there was always someone to carry the heavy things. By the time I was released to drive, I was most of the way back to normal.
Saw my surgeon just shy of three weeks post surgery, and he gave me the go-ahead to drive. He said my sternum was in great shape, and said I was good to go, as soon as I was off the "hard stuff." Little Owl and I celebrated with Starbucks and a trip to a bookstore, but that much did me in. Next day I had a date with the coumadin clinic, and drove myself there, heart pillow under the seat belt, and had no trouble at all. Took a nap when I got home. I actually went grocery shopping a couple of days after I got home because there was nothing in the house to eat--so Owlspouse and spent about an hour in the store, and I was so knackered afterward that I slept for two hours. That seems to be the pattern: activity, nap, activity, nap, no more activity, bed time. But I'm not on the pain meds any more, and can work at the computer for several hours before crashing. I even pull little tiny weeds on the patio (the kind that get in the cracks between the bricks and require little effort to pull), when I go out to sit with the dogs.

I've lost that nifty list of when to do what that somebody posted a while back--anyone remember the URL? I don't even know what it was called, so searches haven't turned anything up--but it was really good--and very helpful. If anybody remembers where it was, could you re-post it?
My first OHS, my cardio didn't okay driving until about 7 weeks and I held off another week as I didn't feel up to it.

My second OHS, same cardio, same surgeon, same patient, I was cleared to drive at barely 3 weeks and did fine.

I was extremely careful about following the lifting restrictions. I grocery shopped with DH twice before I drove and he did all the work. The first time I went myself was at 3 1/2 weeks and I asked one of the kids that collect the carriages out of the parking lot to put my bags in my trunk. I had them packed very light but didn't want to lift anything remotely heavy. When I got home, my DH wasn't home so neighbor brought them in the house. I even remember taking things out of the bags and carrying some things in one or two items at a time. I'm hugely independent also and relied on others as little as possible. No problem.
I didn't drive till 7.5 weeks post-op. As for shopping, I went with the wife. Less than a week after coming home I went with her to both Costco and Target. Leonita is from the Philippines. I felt sorry for her when we would come home from Costco and I could help her little very little or any when bringing in anything from the car.

Don't rush yourself. OHS takes time to recover from.
The 'usual' recommendation is not to drive for 6 weeks but many Surgeons will relent to allow LIMITED Daytime Driving at 4 weeks, especially if you need to drive in for a checkup.

Most Surgeons also advise a very limited weight limit (5 or 10 lbs) for X weeks (I don't remember the exact schedule).

The Lifting / Pushing / Pulling Weight Limit is to protect the healing tissues in Sternum from being torn which could prolong or even prevent proper healing.

YES, it is frustrating waiting for your sternum to heal, BUT, that beats spending the Rest of your Life with a Misaligned or Never Healed Sternum!

'AL Capshaw'
My surgeon told us I could drive 4 weeks after surgery. My wife asked me at that time if I wanted to drive. I was not phyiscally or emotionally ready. I waited at least another two weeks or so.

Even if someone does drive after being allowed to so, they must still be very, very careful. I found my reaction time was off for a while. In addition, I found it difficult to turn my head when I need to quickly check the blind spots.

I don't drive, so that's not something I can comment on, but as far as lifting shopping, that took a good 8-10 weeks or so (not helped by the fact they've outlawed smaller plastic shopping bags and we now use larger bags which they insist on packing to the point where you can't lift them at the best of times!). I wasn't supposed to lift anything more than 2-5kg (5-10lb) for the first 8 weeks anyway and I don't think I would have been ready before then. After about 10 weeks things were a lot easier and now I don't have any real restrictions at all.