Down the other side of the mountain!

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Michelle, I'm so glad to hear that you've made it to this side of the mountain! I hope everything continues to go well and you are out of that hospital soon and enjoying that nice hotel you've booked to recover in. Update us when you can.

Welcome to this side of the mountain. For the first couple of weeks after surgery, it is probably best to just do what they told you to do. Breathing exercises are important, as is walking when you're able. Of course rest is important, too, but don't get too wrapped up in anything else -- it will all fall into place in its own time.

Glad you're over here now. . .
Sounds great Michelle!

When you are feeling better, I would like to hear about your experience with Dr Starnes and his staff. He is my second in line to having this done. I am looking at the Ross Procedure and he is one of the top docs in the country.

Get some rest and take your time. If I lived just a little bit closer, I would come and visit you :D
Congrats Michelle, This side of the mountain is a relief, don't take anything too seriously the trauma of surgery and the meds make things look alittle skewed. Relax and enjoy the healing.