Doctor's Visit Results

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I saw Dr. Gutierrez yesterday for a follow-up visit after my Valvuloplasty. Dr. Ferraro does them, but he mostly stays in the cath lab. and relies on the other cardiologists at Medicor to do the follow-up visits. I got some answers, but not all the answers i want. I did find out that while he opened up my bicuspid valve somewhat, i had critical aortic stenosis and now it is very severe aortic stenosis, so i still have a big problem. Then, as i said earlier, they found i have severe pulmonary hypertension on top of it and there is no treatment since it is due to the bicuspid aortic valve problem. What i don't understand is why i feel worse, not better, after the Valvuloplasty. I've had more trouble breathing and i had one episode of feeling like someone stomped on my chest and then i heard buzzing and almost fainted. Then i've had more episodes of chest pain and there were two times that i had major headaches and was slurring my words when i tried to talk. I never get headaches. Also, my blood pressure has always been very low...ususally 80 over 58, and sometimes lower. Now, all of a sudden, my blood pressure is high for the first time in my life, and i'm on Bumex, Spirolactone and Metropolol (new medicine for me). My blood pressure the last couple weeks has been too it was 140 over 89. I told Dr. Gutierrez about all that is happening to me and he just said maybe blood clots were shooting off the valve, but he's not going to do anything about it. He just told me that nothing more can be done for me unless something they are doing in France with the percutaneous aortic valve becomes available at Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Ferraro had talked with Dr. Svensson at Cleveland Clinic, but i asked him and his nurse what Dr. Svensson actually said, and nobody is telling me anything. Just that he won't talk to him again until April. I know from talking to The Partner Study nurses that nothing is going to chance in The Partner Study anytime in 2009 as they are booked up with people until then, and then the FDA may change The Partner Study, but they have no idea how. Veronica Peck, the main nurse, said even if i should be able to get the percutaneous aortic valve, with all the problems i have i will be a very high risk patient. Also, they originally did it on people with bicuspid aortic valves and they all died due to improper seating of the valve, and she said i would be one of the first ones they would try it on again and it will be very dangerous. I still would have to go down for tests ahead of time. Only people with very large arteries can have this done (usually men and not women) since the cage that carries the valve is large, and women don't usually have large enough arteries. If you were me, would you call Dr. Svensson (or his nurse) and ask just what he is telling my doctors that the nurses in the study have no idea about????? I don't want to be given false promises. It was hard having Dr. Gutierrez tell me that there is nothing more to be done for me other than keep my potassium level balanced. When i told him i was swelling more and having more trouble with my breathing and blood pressure, he just said i would have these problems and would have to live with them as it was normal as i also have congestive heart failure. He is going to do an echo in another 4 months to make sure the valve is staying open, but he said because of all the problems i had with the Valvuloplasty that they can't do another one if it closes up again.

Sorry to go on so much, but i am frustrated with them not being able to do anything more for me and their telling me to keep hoping for something from France to open up at Cleveland Clinic soon when the nurses in the study tell me otherwise.

Thank you for letting me vent. It helps since most of my friends asked how i was doing and when i told them the truth they haven't called or e-mailed me. People don't know what to say, i guess, so that's why they are not calling anymore.

I am wondering if your severe PH is causing many of these problems. If I were you, I would compose a letter describing in great detail all of your problems, as clinically and succinctly as you can.

Make a time line of your major health issues and when they occurred.

Make a list of your medications and dosages.

Then select one or more of these physicians who specialize in PH and send your information to them either through snail mail or email. I emailed the specialist I got for Joe, and was able to get an appt within the week, so they will respond. The specialist that Joe had, has gone into research now.

I would ask them if, in their opinion, there is any viable treatment for your PH. I think the idea is not to actually set up an appt. right away, but that would be good too, but to inquire about your situation.

One of the best doctors is in California, Dr. Channick, I know that is out for you, but send him something anyway.

Explain to these doctors what has transpired and what was said to you re: further treatment for PH.
I don't know anything to tell you, Dawn Marie, but Nancy's advice sounds like an avenue you should explore.
Just a sympathetic note...and my very best wishes, Dawn Marie...your problems make my simple AS seem trivial. I hope all works out for you.


Dawn i figure Jim says it right but forgot the hug

So here is a big ((((HUG)))) for you and glad to

see you are posting we all care,i 2nd Nancys advise above

or 3rd think mary 2nded it already so i 3rd it (lol)

zipper2 (DEB)
Dawn Marie,

I wonder if there are any foundations out there that help people like you with extensive health issues, when the only treatment is overseas. I wish there could be some type of ambulance jet that could take you to France for treatment rather than wait for the U.S. to catch's very disheartening when doctors tell you that they can't do anything more for you. I'm sure it is for them too.

Nancy's advice is right on target. You need a PH specialist to step in and help where he/she can. My neighbor had PH, he had the best doctors at BAMC, his pulmonologist did all he could for him, but the pulmonologist told him and his family that PH is not curable. He was placed on interferon, part of a study, it helped him at first but after 2 years, they determined he was no longer benefiting from the treatments so they stopped them. He had chronic health problems in addition to PH but he fought hard until he passed away this past August.

You keep fighting and asking for what you need from your doctors. Take advantage of every avenue offered to you and know that we are all here for you to listen when you need to vent and comfort when you need a hug.
((((Hugs)))) Dawn-Marie, how utterly frustrating for you :( I think Nancy's suggestions are a great place to start.

In the meantime I am so sorry to hear you are feeling much worse now that before you surgery. That must be very difficult for you.

Keeping you in my thoughts and hoping you are able to find a way through all of this.

A x
Hi Dawn-Marie,

I'm sending continued long-distance support and think of you often. I grieve that there is nothing immediate for your doctors to offer but if you think it will help you, then you should ask the specialists who will have more factual answers to give you. Don't despair if you tire quickly or if some things seem to take more time to accomplish than is usual.

You are so strong that now it pains me that you feel that you are left without hope. I pray that you may find solace in acceptance and comfort in faith. We are here to listen to your vents and to help prop you when you feel like you will fall. Be easy dear lady.

Take Heart,
just a wacky thought: The new high blood pressure might be a result of the heart overcompensating because of the stenotic valve for so long. All the sudden the valve is wide open and the pressure can go in to your body instead of being blocked by the valve. Maybe your heart will acclimate eventually? Maybe you were supposed to have hypertension before but never had a hypertensive reading because of the bad valve. I don't know... just thinking outloud.

PS: I actually emailed a nurse that in turn emailed Dr. Svensson a couple inquiries I had for him. She was pretty good at relaying specific things he said.
Hi Dawn-Marie,

I feel so sorry for all you are going through. Nancy's advice is very wise. I send to you my prayers and hugs, hoping this will improve. Never give up on hope.

Warm hugs, :)

Just want you to know that I'm always here to offer you words of comfort & lend you a shoulder to cry on. But please, don't lose hope or your faith in God; like I've said to you many times my friend, only God has our appointed date & time & doctors are NOT God.

Follow Nancy's advise & see if you can get in touch with doctor(s) who specialize in PH & see what they might be able to do for you. You never know & what have you got to lose?

Don't give up; I know you're a fighter & you are by far the bravest person I've ever known & I'm so blessed to be your friend. I'll be in touch......
You are such a strong lady Dawn-Marie I marvel at your courage and determination. Somewhere, someday something good will come out of all this.
cyber ((((((((((HUGZ)))))))))) and real prayers...
Hi everyone ~ Thank you so much for caring and for your prayers and hugs. Nancy ~ Thank you so much for all the information. I'm going to call my caseworker on Monday (she's off until then) and see if it will be possible for me to go out of town to a PH specialist. If not, maybe the doctor would be willing to advise my doctor as to how to take care of it, if there is a way to. I just hope my doctor will be open to suggestions from another doctor, as i had a dr. in the past who flipped out at me for consulting another dr., but he wasn't helping me at all back when i was in my mid-40's and was having major trouble with my kidneys. He kept saying it was my heart (which it wasn't then), or that i had ovarian cancer (he forgot i don't have ovaries), and i was hours away from dying by the time i got to a good doctor in Buffalo who helped me.

Duffman ~ I've been thinking along the same lines as you. I've also wondered if it could be the Metropolol (a new medicine for me and it says right in the side effects that it can worsen CHF if you have it, which i do, and to make sure your doctor knows you have CHF before he gives it to you. He does, but he says i need it because my heart is pumping very hard because of the severe aortic stenosis and the pulmonary hypertension and it's supposed to slow my heart rate down. It could also be because the dye they gave me for the Valvuloplasty is very hard on your kidneys and since i already have kidney problems it could have made them worse. I swelled really bad years ago because of my kidney problems and, while my kidneys work better now, they still don't work properly and the dye could have made them worse. They never did find out exactly what my kidney problems were...they did a needle biopsy and didn't get a big enough sample. They put me on a 6 month dose of Prednisone and gave me diuretics and it straightened me out. They thought i probably had a virus attack them, but they were just speculating. Also, i am going to call Barbara May (Dr. Svensson's nurse) on Monday and ask her if she will ask him the questions i want answers to. I've talked with her before. I feel since this is concerning me, i have the right to know what he is telling my doctors.

Thank you again everyone.....i'm not giving up or losing faith in God. Norma, i know doctors don't know it all and that they can't say when we'll die. They told me twice back when i had bone cancer and it kept coming back that i would be dead for sure in several months and it's been 23 years since it came back now. It's just that i had so hoped to feel better from the Valvuloplasty, not worse. It's disheartening sometimes, if you know what i mean.

I hope that all of you and your families have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

God bless you Dawn-Marie, you are such a brave person. I pray you will get the help you need.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Dawn-Marie- just want you to know that you always remain in my thoughts and prayers.
Dawn, I don’t have any good advice for you like so many of these great folks do but I just wanted you to know that you’re in my thoughts.

Take good care of you and keep us posted on how things go for you.