Do most people have a 1 yr check up/echo??

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Well-known member
May 28, 2002
Princeton, Minnesota
I'm almost to the 11 month mark, since my mitral valve repair, and the only check ups I've had were at 1 month with the surgeon, and 3 months with a cardiologist. At that time the card told me, "See ya in a year". I think he meant a year from then, which would be 15 mos. from my surgery, does that make any sense? I see a lot of posts mentioning a person's one year check-up.

I haven't had an echo since I left the hospital, all they've done is listened to my heart and asked a couple of questions. Lately I've been really tired, now and then I feel pressure in my chest, but usually just pass it off as sternum pain. I guess I'd feel better if I had an echo to make sure everything's still working right.

I remember before my surgery, the surgeon said there was a small chance that with a repair, the valve could eventually go back to the way it was, and need to be replaced. Even though, after the repair, he said it should "last me a lifetime", it still makes me wonder.

What do you guys think, should I call my PCP and ask him to schedule an echo for me? (I'm pretty sure he would). I think that's the only way it will be covered by my ins. Thanks
After my avr my cardiologist wanted to see me yearly and do an echo every 2 yrs.
Now, after my 2nd avr, my doc wants to see me yearly and wants me to see my general doctor yearly ( 6 mos later) as well.
My 1 year followup with my Cardiologist is scheduled for next month with an echo scheduled to be performed before I see him.

Since you are having some symptoms, it would be wise to check them out. Either your PCP or Cardio can schedule an echo.

FWIW, I've noticed that when I start feeling short of breath or chest 'pressure or discomfort' I seem to improve after taking a low dose of diuretic (generic equivalent of Lasix) with my PCP's approval. I hope my Cardio can tell me why this helps !


*Scratches head as reviews schedule for his May 1 cardiologist checkup*

I haven't had an echo since the Thursday after surgery on Jan 6, 2003.... But, I'm scheduled to have an echo (among other tests) at my checkup with my cardiologist on May 1...thus, I'll have an echo within 4-months post opposed to waiting a year......hmmmm..... IIRC, after this upcoming appointment, I won't need to see my cardiologist for a year or more....guess we'll see....

Cort S, pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 29/swm
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Some Cardiologists like to do them at 6 months and 1 year, then there are those like mine that will only do one at 1 year. I guess it just depends on your Cardiologist.
I'm also on a schedule for annual checkups with an echo every two years.
I had some left ventricular hypertrophy, but my cardiologist said it was less than the range of error of the echo, which was part of the reason to only do it every second year.

Hi Everyone!
I think everyone's doctor and situation is different. I had an echo while in the hospital right after my surgery. I also had one at about 1 month post op. My cardio told me that there really would be no reason for me to have an echo every year but he told me that if it made me feel better I could. I told him that I wanted to have one once a year and he said that was fine. I just saw my doctor for a 6 month post op and everything was fine. He said see ya in a year. I guess my next echo will be about 18 months from now.

Take Care!
Post-op visits

Post-op visits

I, too, think every Cardiologist is different. I saw mine 3 weeks after surgery, 6 months ..with echo before..2 weeks ago for first year checkup ( (3 weeks late) No echo and when he went out door. said see you in 6 months....I do believe it is left up to us to call a month before any due visit ( such as 6 mos., year, ect) to get into see them around due date.:mad: :mad: If you leave it up to them You will be late..:p Bonnie
Our post- op experience has been this:

Two days after hospital release an office visit and echo.

Two weeks after hospital release an o/v.

1 month after release an o/v and ekg.

3 months after release an o/v

6 months after release an o/v and echo.

9 months after release an ekg scheduled but not given because our cardio heard no problems and said ekg wasn't necessary.

1 year after release...scheduled in June an echo and o/v.

All were normally scheduled no emergencies. Don't know what any other cardio does, but this was our schedule.

I definitely think it varies with the person, difficulties, etc.

I also had a MVrepair and I was intriqued with your surgeon saying it should "last a lifetime". My surgeon said he could probably gurantee "10 - 15 years with a repair". He said usually repaired values have a tendency to "sag and droop" and that the need to replace the valve eventually is not uncommon.

With the symptoms you've mentioned. I would have them checked out if possible...... if just for your peace of mind, it would definitely be worth it:)

Take care!

Oh, God, more things to sag and droop!!!

Oh, God, more things to sag and droop!!!

As if we don't have enough problems with sagging and drooping, now our repaired valves do the same?:D :D :D

Actually, not so funny, methinks. Doc said he put in mechanical mitral valve because of my age (he tried to repair it); but repaired the tricuspid. So if the tricuspid sags and droops and needs replacement, then all of the messing with coumadin is silly and I could have had a porcine? Or do tricuspids tend to do better after repair than mitrals if the problem causing the damage is fixed? Anybody know?

I never had a discussions about such things pre-op because the surgeon was sure he'd be able to repair both.
I like info & confirmation that its okay for my heart to beat every kind of wierd.

I like info & confirmation that its okay for my heart to beat every kind of wierd.

My cardio still sees me every 4 months. At the 6 month post op appt. I asked him about an echo. He said that it was up to me... he didn?t seem to think it was terribly necessary. Well....... I wanted one. At the anniversary of my valve each year I ask him if we need an echo... lol I?m not sure how often he would do one without my prodding. Anyway.. he usually does a ?stress echo? he says for the same money out of my pocket he gets a whole lot more information. And when we do a ?stress echo? rather than just an ordinary one... he?s there. Which is cool. He explains a lot of stuff to me, which I like.
Hi Jean,

We did one every 6 months. I am still on that plan now that I have changed doctors. Anyway, you should make an appointment. Especially since you have not been feeling well.

I am sure everything is fine. Just the anxiety of thinking something "may be wrong" can give you a false set of symptoms. Been there. Hope that is normal. :confused: :D
Wishing you all the best. Hello to the family.

Keep us posted.
I think after my first surgery and the problems I had. They are doing one in May, it will only be 2 months after my 2nd surgery. My doctor told me they wanted to do one so they would have a base to work off of ffor the future. Than every year.
Thanks guys

Thanks guys

I think I'll call on Mon and set something up. I don't really like the cardiologist I saw last, all he did was tell me how I need to lose weight, well DAH!.... no kidding! I wish it were that easy! He told me to cut down to 1000 calories per day, and exercise for 1 hour 7 days a week, yeeaaaaahhh riiiiiiighhhhhttt! I know I need to exercise, but that just depressed me more than anything else, especially when they tell you that if you do that, you'll lose a whole 10 pounds a year! Yippee skippy! At that rate it will take me only 8 or 9 years to lose what I need to lose! There were 2 others I had seen before my surgery, but they've since left the group, so hopefully I can find someone there.

Right now, I'm just waiting for a phone call, and sadly I may need to make arrangements to fly to Phoenix for a funeral- very soon. (My sister has been taken to a Hospice House), but I will try to remember to call anyway, because I know it takes about a month to get an appt. especially if I want to see someone here in Princeton, they're only here on certain days.
Hi Jean

Hi Jean

If I were you..I would call and make an appointment with you PCP. Talk to him about your problems. Sounds like you are under a lot of stress..Sorry to hear about your sister. ..Tell him that you would feel better if you could have an echo..I, too, have gained 20 lbs..HARD to get off..:p :p :p Bonnie
Hi Jean--My aortic valve was replaced 4+ years ago, and I have cardio appts. twice a year with an echo once a year. I also have an internist visit twice a year--he was the one who discovered my problem and likes to keep tabs as well. If you don't feel well and are worried, I would find a cardio that you feel good about and get an interim echo soon. Susan

My cardio likes to do a checkup and an echo once a year since my AVR. However, it makes me feel more good to hear that others only have echoes every 2 years. The docs must feel pretty good about our prognosis.
Repair Duration

Repair Duration

Just for the record, my surgeon (Dr. Kshettry in Minneapolis) does about 400 valve surgeries per year and he said there is a about an 80-90% chance that this type of repair is good for a lifetime.
Hello Jean,

I just had my 1 year (post op) check up and echo. My cardio told me he wanted to go to 1 year intervals for further echo's.

Do you feel short of breath as well as being tired? That could be fluid retention. In any case, I would get it checked out. If you have confidence with your PCP, you may want to start there. He/she can order an echo or you could just go ahead and schedule your 'one year followup' with your cardiologist.

Regarding weight loss, it seems that the Atkins diet has been vindicated. My PCP recommended 'The Zone' (Barry Sears) as a more balanced approach. The Zone Diet emphases high protein (low fat) and Low Carbohydrates plus fruits and vegetables. Sounds like a sensible approach to me. I could never understand the classic food pyramid, after all, they use CARBS to FATTEN cows and hogs for market!

Hope you find the cause of your malaise.
