Diarrohea, Glucosamine and omega 3

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Bad Mad

Well-known member
May 17, 2007
Belfast - North Of Ireland
I'm just new to the whole warafrin thing (6 weeks post op) and hope to learn lots from all of you who have tons of experience.

The thing is: For this past 2 days I have had a Diarrohea Bug as soon as I get up in the morning and early afternoon. Then it seems to settle. :eek:
I know it's a pretty "crap" situation :D

I got my INR checked this morn but won't get the result until tomorrow morn.
What sort of effect is this likely to have on my INR?
The Doc I spoke to by phone said it will lower it because the warafrin is being flushed out of my system. I argued that perhaps it will make it go higher because the Vit. K is also being flushed out. All he could say was: I never thought of that!!

The other thing that struck me was that, I've just started taking Glucosamine sulphate and Omega 3 again.
So off he headed to look up some british medical website that told him both of these things can interact with, and enhance the effects of Warafrin!!

Can anyone verify this, or does anyone take these substances?

He told me based on what he was reading, I should stop taking them both.

It will be interesting to see what my INR is tomorrow. :eek:
You're doing ok

You're doing ok

Bad Mad,

You are right about the Vit K. Usually with diarrhea (sp) your INR will rise. The vit K is being flushed out of your intestines but the warfarin is still being absorbed by the liver. Don't panic...wait and see.

Most importantly...you really should get your results the same day. They don't mean much the next day because you will have already taken another dose of warfarin. Ask your Doc if there's any way you can get same day results...they don't make diabetics wait...why us?

As far as him wanting you to stop taking Omega 3 & Glucosamine..there's no reason! Take them, but watch your INR and have the doc adjust your dose accordingly. The fish oil is soooo good for you and your heart, especially if you're like me and can't abide eating fish...eeeewww.
Hey BM......I know people who have gotten intestinal upsets from taking Glucosamine. You may need to figure out if you have a bug or its the Gluc that is irritating your bowels since your system is probably still a bit sensitive from the OHS. Make sure to drink enough water.

Oh that really annoys me that a GP Doctor would't have known that!

Usually you do get them the same day as long as you have your bloods taken before 12.30 as that it the time of the 1st collection that goes to the labs. Anytime after and you have to wait to the following morning.

I do really like fish but would doubt I get enough of it in my diet.
Hopefuly I should be hometesting soon, so until then I may cut out any additional supplements for piece of mind. :)
I take Glucosamine and have no INR issues. It is also not listed on here http://warfarinfo.com/interactions list.htm. Omega 3 can lower your INR - but as Kristy said - if you are taking it for beneficial reasons - you'll just need to adjust your warfarin dose accordingly.

Getting an INR test back the next day is not a good thing. You should always get it back on the same day. A few of our members here do have to wait because of rural locations - but if you aren't rural, you should find a place to get it the same day. Or better yet - look into home testing!
Hey Bina

That's interesting. I suppose it will be hard to find out what caused it though?
I think I will stop taking the glucosamine for now, as the most important thing is probably to eradicate any potential cause of the bug???

Karlynn: My fault really about not getting the result until tomorrow. I should have been up earlier. I will definitely be hometesting soon, which I am looking forward to.

I think the best thing will be to discontinue both until I start hometesting. That way I will be in more control of the dosage that I take, taking into consideration my diet (both solids and liquid ;) ). I really doubt that any GP would take much notice of other substances that may be interfering with INR.
I found in the early stages post surgery i was slightly more strict about my diet etc...i wanted to test my INR frequently to make sure it was stable and consistent before i got clever.

I home tested from quite early on, bought my machine myself rather than argue with a reluctant insurance company.

Once i'd been consistently 2.6-2.9 for a few months i felt i could start adjusting things and relaxing a bit.

Now 1+ years on it's a none issue, i just do what i want and test weekly/fortnightly.

I'd keep it consistent until you know what you react like to warfarin and can home test for those oops moments.

INR 2.2 :) Range is 2.0 - 2.5

Have to say I'm relieved. The last 2/3 times (in a 2/3 week period) it had been 1.9, so when I got the bug I was worried it could be anything!!

Karylnn: Didn't take any glucosamine last night. Spoke to he anti-coagulation manager today who will be delivering the training for home-testing. She said no problem with Omega 3 /Glucosamine as long as you take everyday - like you said.

Heading out tonight for a few beers (1st proper night since surgery) with a couple of friends. Would you INR be more likely to be effected the first couple of times you take more than 2 or 3 drinks? I have been taking a glass of wine or 2 in the house but I expect to maybe have a few more tonight (within reason of course ;) )

Would it be a good idea to get tested again in a week's time?
The surgery where I have been getting tested said: next test in 4 weeks (at which stage I should be home-tesing anyway).
Just spoke to my doc there who said to try and get tesed in 2 days if havin a few drinks tonite....tho advised against it until im hometesting...

Couldn't believe that he said he had been taught that alcohol lowers your INR :eek: He said that the body breaks down the warafrin quicker therefore needing more of it!!

Is this possible after an initial rise?
I told him that I thought too much alcohol will shoot it up....don't think he really knew :(
Your INR is just fine and don't worry at all if you go over the 2.5 it is usually easier to manage when it is in the higher end of range. If you do go out and "have a few" tonight, it may be wise to test again in 3 days. You will learn what happens (or doesn't happen) to your INR.
I'm also having severe bouts of diarrhea. meeting my surgeon tomorrow for post-op visit and going to relay the message.I'll tell you what he says.
ShezaGirlie said:
Never has affected mine...of course that was in a Belfast pub....now these Texas pubs..:eek: :D:eek:


Maybe they water the beer down in Belfast!! :mad: Will have to look into it, soon!!
witzkeyman said:
I'm also having severe bouts of diarrhea. meeting my surgeon tomorrow for post-op visit and going to relay the message.I'll tell you what he says.

My bouts stopped the following day after I stopped the glocosamine/omega 3.
Wheter it was anything to do with it, I dunno.

On the alcohol front, I went out that thursday night and ended up having quite a good few more tiger/coors light (8-10 bottles) than I intended - more for experimental purposes of course :D Having said that I did drink about 2-3 litres of water before retiring that night.

INR was 2.4 two days later and 2.4 four days later. Perfect. That said, I am well aware that too many beers isn't good practice nor is it guaranteed to have no effect on my INR another time.

Heading tomorrow for the Home-testing training.
I asked the on-call doctor in the hospital before being released after my surgery about alcohol consumption. He told me there should be no problem with having 4 drinks, but then he joked and said 'But if you're having more than that, wear a helmet so you don't fall and hit your head!'

check this out:
donnag131 said:
I asked the on-call doctor in the hospital before being released after my surgery about alcohol consumption. He told me there should be no problem with having 4 drinks, but then he joked and said 'But if you're having more than that, wear a helmet so you don't fall and hit your head!'

check this out:

What is it around here :confused: That's a few times I've read people talking about the possibility of falling and hitting their head when drunk :eek:

Never hear of drinking yourself sober?? :p
But seriously, any half sensible adult who drinks to the point of falling over is binge drinking to the exteme and probably could drink Canada Dry :D
Sorry I meant should ;)