Diaphragmatic Paralysis

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2008
My cardio suspects that I may have diaphragmatic paralysis from the open heart surgery, and I am going for a Sniff test next week to confirm it.

Five months post-op, I find that I am short of breath, (did not have that before the surgery) and have a dry cough that comes and goes.

I had first supected that these problems stemmed from the amiodarone, (which has been changed to Multaq), that I had been taking for a couple of bouts of a-fib.

According to what I have read, diaphragmatic paralysis can be a side effect of the open heart surgery, where the phrenic nerve has been damaged.

Have any of you had experience with this disorder, and what did you do to relieve it? I have been reading about something called plication, but am still not too clear as to what is involved.
Mine is partially paralyzed and there is nothing that can be done for it. Not to my knowledge anyway. Yes it sucks. I can't bend over or reach too high. Anything that constricts or otherwise requires stretching the diaphragm just doesn't work. It's embarrassing too.

Sorry about your situation. My wife, Laura, has had diaphragmatic paralysis since birth on one side, but she's fully adapted and has near-normal aerobic capacity, though one of her lungs doesn't quite inflate properly. I'll pray that you get better, or at least that you can adapt to the change.

I pulled out the breathing gizmo that they gave me at the hospital after my operation. It is in the desk with the computer, and I stop and use it a few times a day.

I also was told by a respiratory therapist that I know to do diaphramatic breathing. (In through your nose, and out longer through pursed lips.) That will have to do in the meantime, until I get my test results. The cardio said that he would send me to a pulmonary specialist, but I figure that it is better to get a head start by myself.
I likely wouldn't survive plaction, so that's probably why they've never offered. All I know is, it's embarrassing, it stinks and I'm now down to 46% of normal lung function.
I have left hemi paralysis of the diaphragm and had plication surgery to reinflate the lung and move some of the organs back into place when they moved up into the deflated lung space. It was 13 years ago. Paralysis will always be there with little lung function. We did the surgery to help with the pneumonia I had for over a year. A pulmomologist will help you to decide if there are any positives to be gained by surgery. My issue came from damage to the phrenic nerve after a pericardectomy. I hope you get some good news from the sniff test. It is pretty easy you just sniff and they note if your nostrils move. We waited over a year after the damage to see if the phrenic nerve would regenerate which they can do if you are fortunate. Make sure you give yourself enough time to see if it can right itself. It is a tough surgery to plicate the diaphragm.
Kathleen- Just came back from the Sniff test. It was quick and easy. The doctor at the radiology place was surprised that my cardio had even wanted a sniff test, since I had already had an X-Ray and a C-t scan.

According to him, what I have a not a big deal. He even remarked that he has know people who lived their entire lives with what I have.

Since my valve replacement, I have gained some weight, and it sits right around my waistline. I am wondering if simply losing weight will improve the situation.

My problem is also complicated by the lung problems brought on by the Amiodarone. I am off it now. The doctor says that it will take 3-6 months for the effects of the drug to subside.

I am pleased that the doc at radiology did not think that my case was very serious. I am gratified about your remark about the phrenic nerve possibly regenerating. Here's hopin'! :)
Do give yourself what most of us don't do--give yourself time, it is on your side. Nerves can regenerate very slowly. You also can live a very normal life.
Happy to hear they were positive in their diagnosis.
Here's hoping....

Here's hoping....

I had phrenic nerve paralysis right after my MVR. Likely a side effect of the right thorocotomy approach that I requested.

Mine regenerated by itself in (geez I barely remember) maybe like 6 months or so? I know it had self-resolved before the 1 year checkup.

I guess mine was damaged/irritated and not severed. I saw a lung dr. and did the test where you sit in that phone booth like thing that is air sealed and they check your lungs but after all the tests the answer was wait and see.

On my own I started deep breathing exercises and was able to actually perceive the nerve function returning ever so slowly. I was very, very religious (obsessive?) about those exercises. I have no idea if it would have resolved on its own anyway but I figure they didn't hurt.

I also took amioderone and we didn't get along well, me and that drug. Left my thyroid gland disfunctional for life. Yet another reason to be run down. If the a fib doesn't get ya the lack of T3/T4 will. Don't remember lung problems from amioderone but with phrenic nerve not working right and the a fib and the thyroid who knows which of the evils causes you to feel crummy.

I'll be hoping your phrenic nerve regenerates on its own.


Rheumatic fever 1971 age 12
MVR 1/9/07
Cardioversion 3/15/08
I'm another member who ended up with lung issues after OHS...had a pneumothorax and some other issues elevated hemi-diaphragm and actelectasis (sp?) are the ones I can remember...much of my initial issues with these things has settled down to a level where I now barely notice the difference...might take a year or so to be feeling pretty much back to normal...at 6 months out you are still healing so dont feel too ripped off or as if you are being patronised when they tell you to give it time...I know I did at first feel like that but now I understand.