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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Hey Dave - guess you are packing the old bag for your trek up the mountain later this week. Just want you to know that you have a bunch of us going alongside of you. You are one among three this week - Donna and Bunkenmeyer tomorrow. They will pave the way for you. You have my prayers - and many others. I wish you the very best. Hope someone can come in to let us know how things go? GODSPEED

Just wanted to add my wishes for a successful operation. The hard part, the waiting, is just about over and you will soon be in re-hab and getting better each and every day.

Hi Dave-

Your special day is coming up soon. Then it's just a matter of healing and gaining your strength back. You'll be fine.

So Bon Voyage and smooth sailing. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Talk to you later.

Dave you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you a speedy recovery. Please have someone keep us posted on how your doing. Relax and do what they tell you. before you know it it will be over and you will be able to go on with your "healthy life". Good luck Peggy (Pegne)
Everyone has said it all.

But, let me add my words of encouragement. All will be fine, the surgery is a life saving event. The surgical team is well prepared and very serious as well as highly skilled. You are in great hands and they will be giving you the finest treatment you could find anywhere.

This group at vr.com sends powerful energy for you from "the force" to all its members begining the climb up this mountain. They got me over the top and down the other side with great humor and love.

My very best thoughts go out to you and yours for this coming tense time.

Please remind your family to take good care of each other. The stress is probably worse on family and those close to us, they don't have the skilled docs and nurses taking care of them 24/7 and they feel helpless besides.
Good Luck and know that we'll be pulling for you out here!

Bill said it all, so I won't go on. :)
The waiting is finally coming to end. Everything will go just fine and you will be on your way back to a very healthy life before you know it. I want to wish you the very best for your upcoming surgery. I'll be sending out my thoughts and prayers to you. Please keep us informed on how you are doing.

Take Care!


Has anyone heard anything from Dave? Just cureous as to how he's doing???:(