Dad's difficult post-op course

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Jack's daughter

Hello everybody,
I'm pretty shaken as I post this note. My dad is going to hit the 72 hour post-op mark and he still isn't awake. He has had some seizures, so neurologists are seeing him. It's a matter of determining if the seizures are coming from a metabolic or stress cause, or if a piece of the aneurysmal area broke off and caused a stroke during surgery. I feel pretty desperate--encouraging him and praying alot in between visits. Does anybody have or has heard of any situation like this? It's so hard waiting and wondering. Thanks-Julie

Although this is not common, it does happen. Just keep talking to your father, make sure the staff knows you are there to make sure he gets good care and insist the doctors keep you updated. Do not let them brush you off.

I will be praying for your dad and your family.
I'm so sorry to hear this and will keep you and your Dad in my prayers- I know he feels your presence and it has to help.
Julie - I liked what Gina (geebee) wrote, particularly where she encouraged you to be there as much as you can and keep talking to your dad. Over and over again, people in various states of that form of sleep frequently recall various conversations when they awaken... Your loving and encouraging words, holding his hand, etc., may do more good for him than you know. You and your dad have my warmest best wishes that all goes well.

Although this is not common, it does happen. Just keep talking to your father, make sure the staff knows you are there to make sure he gets good care and insist the doctors keep you updated. Do not let them brush you off.


If the Doctors and Staff sense that the Family is giving up, so will they.

If the Doctors and Staff KNOW that the Family is supporting their patient, KNOW that he is a fighter, and KNOW that the family is Watching Them, they will be more motivated to do all they can to help this patient pull through.

Remember our member Nancy's words:

"Never Give In and Never Give Up!"

'AL Capshaw'
sorry your dad is having a rough time. sending good vibes your way. trish
will be praying for your Dad and hope he wakes up soon with no ill effects.

And keeping you in my thoughts also.

I'm so sorry you're going through this. I was awake several hours after surgery however before I was fully awake I could hear my family. So I echo what others have said keep talking to him and keep fighting.

You and your Dad are in my thoughts and prayers. Remember to get some rest too.
Father's update

Father's update

Hey everybody,
Thanks for support and input. My father continues as last post. The neurologist met with us and said his pupils are reacting as they should with consticting and tracking. They are encouraged by this, yet concerned that he is not responding to commands or painful stimuli. However today he definitely demonstrated a cough/gag reflex which wasn't there yesterday. Also last night when I talked with him his mouth was moving. We'll wait and see when neuro people come around for their opinion with these new changes. On Friday am when we got the call that he was having these seizures I called the rest of my siblings down. I can't tell you what it meant to me to see my four brothers and sister join my mom, sister, and I. We have been there as much as they will let us day and late into the night. We are encouraging him by his bedside and praying in the chapel in between. In times like this it is wonderful to have a large family for support. My dad was a wonderful role model of family love and support and we are giving that back to him now. Thanks for the support and keep the prayers coming. Julie
It's such a long drawn out can't let yourself become completely immersed in these sitautions as well. let yourself get out and get your mind off of it if its even for a few minutes. The road to recovery in this kind of procedure has a lot of bumps in it so be prepared and strong at the same time.

Julie...take the small victories as them come and keep leaning on those you love for support. Sounds like you and your family are rallying around your father and I am certain not only is he aware of this, its giving him strength to keep battling.
Julie, glad that you are seeing signs of hope. Sending prayers and best wishes to your dad and the family.
So happy to hear this. Please keep in mind that your dad can hear you so you do not want to have any conversations within his hearing range that are negative. Let him know who is there and tell him he is doing great.

Still praying for you all.

Sending lots of prayers to you and your family and your dear Father. The little signs of improvement seem encouraging, his coughing reflex, mouth moving and pupils. Stay strong and lean on each other and hopefully your father is just taking his own sweet time to recover.

All the best, Betsy
Keep it up, your Dad will benefit from hearing you all around him. I spent 4-5 days in a coma and have some memories of visitors when I was comatose. I recovered and have no ill effects.

Lots of prayers are being said for your Dad.
Your Dad remains in my prayers. Sometimes the recovery is tiny baby steps. I'm also praying for strength for your family. Make sure you all, especially your Mom, are getting adequate rest and food.

Does your Dad have any favorite books or movies - just some thoughts on what you can do to keep stimulating him.
My heart just breaks for you and your family as you face this hurdle. I know your dad is in excellent hands with the staff at Cleveland Clinic. My prayer is that your next post brings more encouraging baby step news.
Dad's difficult post-op course continues

Dad's difficult post-op course continues

Well it is now the 5th post-op day and my dad has had a few reflexeive responses, but he has still not woken. It is heartbreaking to see him like this. He will get his pacer wires out tomorrow so they can do the MRI. I pray that he has a chance at rehab or that our good Lord takes him into his loving, compassionate arms. This last 6 days have been a process, but I can be greatful for many things and hopeful for my dad. Any input about someone who has been in a coma or had a stroke would be helpful. Also your prayers are most appreciated. Julie