CP's Surgery is next week

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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2007
Middle Ga.
Hi VR Family,

Well I spent the morning with my cardio. and he agrees with the two surgeons and my PCP that I need surgery. He ran another echo and told me it looks like one of the cords on the mitral valve is broken or torn.:( He told me he would be surprised if the valve could be repaired. I asked that they proceed as fast as possible with the surgery. The waiting is terrible!

I am schedule to report to the hospital Monday Feb.4th at 6am for a heart cath.I then will spend two days getting a load of heparin and on Wednesday, Feb 6th my surgeon will conduct OHS to fix/replace the mitral valve, a maze and a procedure to reduce the size of the atrium.

I thought I was sold on a Medtronic?s tissue valve but there is now conversation about a mechanical valve. My surgeon leans toward the tissue valve because he says long term effects of coumadin is as risky as another valve job in 10-15 years. My cardio feels differently. He thinks I might end up on coumadin anyway since the maze may not fix the A/F.

I am confused, uncertain and scared:confused: . I am having a conference call tomorrow with my surgeon and one of his colleagues (another surgeon who is a friend of mine) to discuss the matter.

My ears are open to any advice or comments. This whole event is pretty depressing as I feel fine. (At this point I typed several sentences which amounted to a bunch of whining! I deleted them.I need to get a positive attitude).

Thanks for being there. It looks like I will be climbing the big hairy mountain next week:eek: . Sure wish I could twitch my nose and beam over the mountain.To my family and friends I look very brave. Inside I am a scared little puppy.

God Bless You all!
CP....the waiting is the hardest part.....fear is normal.... I had no symptoms and I thought several times while they were prepping me " what the hell am I doing here". It was all good. On 2-21 I will celebrate my second anniversary and I have never felt better........Godspeed.
I added you to the calendar, CP and I'm glad it will be sooner, rather than later. Cooker is right- you will be back here before you know it, telling us that alll went fine and you are looking forward to a new healthy life. Godspeed!


Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a SUCCESSFUL surgery :).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
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"It was worth all the while" ... Green Day ... 'Time Of Your Life'
Wishing you the best, CP. Must not help that your surgeon and cardio disagree about tissue versus mechanical. Would it help at this stage to do a search on here and read past threads about the pros and cons of each? Both my cardio and my surgeon presented the options and left choice of valve totally up to me. It is a tough choice, but after you have studied all you can, make your decision and be confident in it.
I understand how you feel as I was feeling fine, too. However, while feeling fine on the outside, the diagnosis said I wasn't so fine on the inside. My situation was also that the cordea on my mitral valve were torn. However I was lucky as Dr. David was able to repair it. It's a big mountain, but the journey wasn't as bad as I thought. Best wishes for a successful surgery and smooth recovery.
Hi guys & gals,

I just talked with my surgeon. He says that the odds to repair the valve after another reveiw of the echo is about 10% so I need to choose a Plan B. His recommendation is the ON-X mechanical. They have decided to take me off warfin tonight. I will have my heart cath Monday and surgery sometime Thursday. Given that I have had no A/Fs since the sotalol was prescribed the doctors do not feel there is a need for the heprin.

The surgeon told me that he had thought there was such a strong chance he could repair the valve prior to reveiwing the new echo that he had not given as much thought to a Plan B as we now must consider. This puts the surgeon, cardio and my buddy the surgeon all making the same recommendation.:)

Those of you with an ON-X. How do you like it?


Thanks for being there!
I've had my On-X for two years now and I never even think about it. Life is 100% back to normal other than popping an extra pill a day.

The best part is I don't have that nagging voice in the back of my head telling me that I am going to have to go through another surgery down the road to replace it. Some people handle that knowledge well and can put it out of their mind. I could not. I would dwell on it every single day.

I am still aware that I MIGHT have to have it replaced but it isn't a foregone conclusion so I can live with that. :)

Good luck and God bless!

Hi Randy & Robyn!

Thanks. It is reasuring to hear from someone that has the valve and is doing well. I am disapointed that the valve will probably not be fixed but I would rather the procedure be done once and right vs a repair that does not take.
I will join you on the other side of the mountain soon.

Also Hi to Aussiemember,Cooker,Phyllis,Knightfan,RobHol & Wayne!

I appreciate your comments and prayers.Events like this make you realize your are mortal and that is real scary.:eek: But meeting folks on this forum that have "been there and done that" make the journey easier.:)

God Bless
I completed my pre-surgery paper work today, gave blood, received an x-ray and was handed instructions about what needs to be done prior to surgery. Looks like this is the real thing. Heart cath Monday and I pray they find nothing that adds to the surgery that is scheduled first thing Thursday.
I hope to chill Tuesday and Wed. to get ready for the big day Thursday.

I am proud how well all the VR guys and gals have done over the past couple of weeks that have had to climb the mountain. I pray that God will continue to bless them and their families.I also hope he will keep those of us that will make the journey next week in mind.This journey sure is scary and at times very depressing.Sometimes it seems hard to keep a positive attitude.

Thanks for being there,
Hoping all goes well for you; take care and post again when you can!
Dr. Pettersson

Dr. Pettersson

My son is having a aortic valve repair next Tuesday by Dr. Pettersson. What is ON x 25mm? How was the surgery? How long was it? How large was the incision? Perhaps you can give me your phone number for me to call you?

oandy & Robyn]I've had my On-X for two years now and I never even think about it. Life is 100% back to normal other than popping an extra pill a day.

The best part is I don't have that nagging voice in the back of my head telling me that I am going to have to go through another surgery down the road to replace it. Some people handle that knowledge well and can put it out of their mind. I could not. I would dwell on it every single day.

I am still aware that I MIGHT have to have it replaced but it isn't a foregone conclusion so I can live with that. :)

Good luck and God bless!

lleonard said:
My son is having a aortic valve repair next Tuesday by Dr. Pettersson. What is ON x 25mm? How was the surgery? How long was it? How large was the incision? Perhaps you can give me your phone number for me to call you?

The On-X is a type of mechanical valve and 25mm is the size of it. I have a 21mm sized porcine tissue (pig) valve and my scar is eight inches long. Some scars are longer and some are shorter. The surgeries can run 6-8 hours or so, maybe less and sometimes more, depending on what all needs done.

You may benefit from reading some of the personal experiences from the "stories" section of this site.

Also, perhaps you can start a brand new thread in the Pre-Surgery forum of this site and start asking your more specific questions there.

Hoping all goes well for you 17 year old son. Which valve is he going to have replaced--whoops, I mean repaired? Could be the aortic or the mitral or the pulmonary?
My son is having a aortic valve repair next Tuesday by Dr. Pettersson. What is ON x 25mm? How was the surgery? How long was it? How large was the incision? Perhaps you can give me your phone number for me to call you?

I am 3 weeks post op for total ascending aortic aneurysm and valve repair. My scar is about 6 inches long, which is really quite small considering all the work I had done. If your son is getting an ON-x valve then that would not be considered a "repair" but rather a "replacement." As susan mentioned, that is a type of mechanical valve and 25 mm is the size of the valve. My surgery lasted about 7 hours but as I mentioned I also had an aneurysm in addition to the aortic valve repair to deal with. The surgery wasn't as bad as I anticipated, nor was it a "walk in the park" but I now have my life back and don't have to worry about the ticking time bomb in my chest. Dr. Petersson is a highly acclaimed heart surgeon and Cleveland Clinic is rated the #1 heart surgery center in the US so your son will be in good hands. As Susan mentioned, you may want to start a new thread under "Pre-Surgery"....you will get a lot more responses. I can send you my phone number via a personal message if you want to call me with any questions. TAke care and you have found a wonderful place to get support and answers to all your questions. Keep asking....we're here for you!
Hi Guys & Gals!

Surgery is now less than 24 hours away(Feb 7th). I am preparing for the event by watching the terrible weather that is roaring through the south and doing my taxes. The hospital is supposed to call this afternoon to let me know when the surgery will be done.My wife and daughter will be posting as possible to let you know how I am doing.

One way or another I plan to climb over the mountain. Some of you guys seemed to have found an escalator to go up and over the mountain on barely getting your hair out of place during the journey. Others had rope burns, bruses, busted knees and knuckles. They more or less struggled to reached the top and then once at the peak rolled down the other side of the mountain while suffering more cuts and abrasions.Regardless of how you got to the other side thanks for all your posts. You took time to let those of us on the this side know that there is hope. You are my Hero!

To those that have offered best wishes and prayers..Thank You. I have returned the favor with prayers for each and every VR member. I have always been a strong believer in God and his son Jesus and know that prayers are important. We don't always get what we pray for but I am sure he is listening.

I also have come to realize that the caregivers are due a great big THANK YOU. I could easily be the poster child for male PMS on steroids. My family has been a big help through this journey and I am sure they will play an even more important part after tomorrow.

My PCP called yesterday to let me know that there was nothing for me to worry about. He said he had over 100 patients with new valves and that one even had three installed in the early 90's (the first in this area) and he is doing fine. It was nice to have him call.

Frankly I am tired of being in the waiting room aka base camp staring at the mountain. Enough is enough.I have taken my laxative and am ready.

It has been a pleasurer to read your post and get to know each of you.I especially like the way Ross tries to herd this bunch of cats:D. I look forward to personally reporting in next week.

God Bless you all!:)
CP - What an exceptionally nice post! You sound like you're right on top of this thing! What a great attitude. Looking forward to hearing that things have gone very well for you. Take care.