coumadin & progesterone

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HI everyone , does anyone know if
progesterone interacts badly with the big C ( coumadin)
thanks, Dara
Tricuspid valve replacement
Dr fuster ( my angel )
Mt Sinai hospital
Dr griepp ( surgeon ) :D
I don't know of anything.

Estrogen is a problem with clots in the legs but not progesterone.
Hi Dara,

I've been taking Activilla (Combination hormone pill) and thyroid medicine along with taking Coumadin and a aspirin everyday. So far it hasn't been a problem for the last two years. My Coumadin dose is usually about 7.5mg a day unless I fluctuate due to a cold etc. I've been told from people on our forum that I must be a fast metabolizer, so I don't know if that has an bearing on why it hasn't been an issue for me or not. I would ask your cardio and GP or gynecologist.

Others here may have input that are either taking hormones or don't and why. It also could be a case by case scenario. Any other help out there?
Hi Dara--I have been on hormone replacement for over 10 years, many on the now evil Prempro, but now Activella for the last few months. I have been on about 6 mgs Coumadin for over 4 years. I have not had any problems--at least not yet or that I know of. My INR does not fluctuate much and other than calcium and an occasional Tylenol I take nothing else. Other than a little wine, I am, otherwise, pretty pristine in what I eat/drink as far as the coumadin regimen do's and don'ts. Hope this helps--Susan:cool:
My gyn prescribed Prometrium 200mg, taken days 1-12 every month to give me less heavy periods and also shorter ones. It works and my cardiologist was ok with this drug.
I found it didn't affect my inr.
coumadin & progesterone

Hi everyone,thanks fo rall your replies .
I have learned so much from this site .
YOu all are very kind :p .God bless hank for
an awesome site
dara ( fron new york city)