coumadin and menstral bleeding

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hi everyone , i was wondering if anyone expeirened
heavier menstral bleeding whil eon this drug .
I noticted thyis only after a year of being on coumadin .
I am not in perri - menopuase and have no other female
problems so it must be this crazy coumadin .
Any input from anyone would be greatly apprecaited .
PS I Agree when one travels the INR goes off either
from to many drinks or routine change .
THanks i am glad i found this forum Dara
TRicuspid valve replacement feb9 th 2002
Dr VAlentin Fuster ( My Angel ) :)
my gyn history.......

my gyn history.......

didn't include heavy bleeding (except for miscarriage while on coumadin). I was put on coumadin when I was 26 years old. Although I didn't have problems with heavy bleeding I did have problems with ovulation. It seems I was producing ovarian cysts each month during ovulation. My pain worsened over the years and what started out as just a few hours of bent in two pain slowly increased to 12 plus hours of bent over pain. Needless to say, I had a hysterectomy about 8 years ago. Actually, meses is just a shedding of the lining. Not so sure if clotting as we coumadin patients know it, is actually involved here. Have you called your gyn physician?
I experienced much heavier and longer periods until I had a hysterectomy almost 2 years after my surgery. Now all is well! Doctors don't know exactly why, but apparently there is a connection. Hematologist I consulted said surgery was the only good answer.
menstral bleeding

menstral bleeding

hi everyone ,thanks for reply sorry to hear uhad to havea hysterectomy wow instant menopause not a good thing .
I Only seem to bleed heavier first 2 days but it did start
when i was placed on this crazy coumadin .
HAve a great summer Dara
TRicuspid valve replacement feb92001 Stjudes
Dr Valentin Fuster ( my angel):)
DR Randall GRiepp ( Surgeon)
Hi Leo,

Unfortunately, have been battling the same issues.
As Lisa mentioned, her hysterectomy was a 'good thing'.

We are leaning towards the same solution. Agree, would rather have it taken care of and deal with menopause, then go through what I do constantly. Fibroids are a key player in my situation also.
PS. Gisele, did you have your hysterectomy pre or post VR? Thnx.
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Hey ladies...

I had a hysterectomy in 1995 due to cervical cancer. Five years prior to heart surgery.

Last year my gynecologist ordered a blood test to see if I had done the ?menopause thing? yet... I didn?t quiz her a lot about it. Anyway, the blood test confirmed that I had NOT. :mad: Figures!

The surgeon told me that he left one ovary .... maybe that?s why? :confused: I donno. I did have hot flashes for a while after the surgery. But it was worth it!

I highly recommend it. The benefits are too numerous to mention. :eek: :)

That is what I will be facing in the future. I also experiene heavy bleeding, but that is because of not being able to clot. I call what comes out the Clumbs. It is hard to deal with, just had surgery nine months ago today. I will be seeing someone in the next few months and hope to have a non-surgical hystericamy at 37. Never realy hoped for children anyway.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
I didn't have instant menopause because I still have ovaries. Unless cancer or cysts are an issue, they usually try to leave them.

Now, what is a non-surgical hysterectomy? I had LAVH, which stands for Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy, so they didn't remove through abdomen. However, it was still surgery and left a few more scars on my belly where the cameras went in. Is that what you are talking about?
My bleeding increased greatly with the 1st period after my surgery and on coumadin. Ugh.
After over a year I found a great gyn woman, she put me on Prometrium 200mg days 1 thru 12 of each month. My periods are never as heavy anymore, I would say now are normal, and last about 3 less days than before. This was the solution for me, as I didn't want more surgery and a hysterectemy or ablation just sounded too drastic for me.
My cardiologist was okay with this drug.
Hope this helps,
Gina, sorry I took so long to respond...

Gina, sorry I took so long to respond...

My surgery was post valve replacement. I never had a problem with my period at all. It normally lasted 3 days with only one day of heavy bleeding. (not all that heavy at that). I made up for it in the ovulation department though. Pain was so severe when ovulating due to cysts forming each month that I was in bed. Hysterectomy was the solution for me. I think I had my hysterectomy 8 or 10 years after my valve was replaced.

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