Cough with little blood

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Well-known member
May 2, 2008
Franklin, Ohio
I know you are all tired of me and my stupid questions, but before I go running to the doctor again I need to see what you all think....I have had a bad cold for about 2 weeks and cannot seem to get rid of the cough. This morning I started coughing really bad again and finally managed to get some mucus out (it has sounded like it was breaking for a week but have not been able to get anything out) and it had blood in it, bright red. Since it was not alot of mucus, there was not a lot of blood either but since I tend to get pneumonia alot (usually once a year or more) even with the vaccine, I am a little concerned. I have never had blood in it before. Should I just watch it or call my PCP? Thanks all.....

AVR - Tricuspid Repair 5/2008
Dayton Heart Hospital, Dr. John Miller
You should call the doctor. It could be the strain of coughing, but could also be many other things. When in doubt, check it out.
Bright red, call the doctor and don't be stupid like me and wait to do it either. It could be nothing more then overstraining when coughing, but as Nancy said, it could be other things as well. Better to be safe then sorry.
As we say here in the vr forum, "When in doubt call the dr",so please do!! Any type of coughing up blood in not good. I found out that the hard way and you don't want to just wait or let it go. Keep us posted .

Have you called or seen a doctor yet? (Can't tell if you've already been once from your post.)

FYI: A friend spent 11 days in the hospital with what began as a "cold." When she went to the ER on Jan. 3, she had pneumonia -- both lobes of each lung. Spent 10 of the 11 days in ICU. She's not over it all yet; she's battling pleurisy this week and the doctor says it's from the pneumonia. We're talking a healthy 50-year-old who goes on 30- to 50-mile bike rides nearly every Saturday from late March through November.
She was going into kidney failure and sepsis when she got to the ER on Jan. 3-- 4 days after she initially saw her PCP. She just went downhill fast.

So -- I hope you've already made a call to your doctor today. It's hard to tell when we're turning the corner with an illness, but better be safe than sorry.
I called my PCP but she seems to think that maybe my sinus' are draining into my throat and since they are infected (she guesses), that is what is causing the blood. She wants me to wait another couple of days to see if it gets worse, so I guess I will wait. I have coughed up more crap since I posted this morning but it is not a ton of blood, but it is not spotty either. I will talk to my DH when he comes home and see what he thinks since he lives through my pneumonia bouts every year. LOL My throat is so sore from this stupid cough and I have been sucking on cough drops and throat soothers. I will keep you all updated after I talk to him. Thanks again for your advice.......

Hope everything is ok, i hate it when they tell you what they think it is, without seeing you and checking. Let us know how you get on. Tc
I called my PCP but she seems to think that maybe my sinus' are draining into my throat and since they are infected (she guesses), that is what is causing the blood. She wants me to wait another couple of days to see if it gets worse, so I guess I will wait. I have coughed up more crap since I posted this morning but it is not a ton of blood, but it is not spotty either. I will talk to my DH when he comes home and see what he thinks since he lives through my pneumonia bouts every year. LOL My throat is so sore from this stupid cough and I have been sucking on cough drops and throat soothers. I will keep you all updated after I talk to him. Thanks again for your advice.......


It may well be, but if you suddenly cough up a teaspoonful of nothing but blood, head to the ER.
Now its the sinus's

Now its the sinus's

OK - so maybe the doctor was right and it is my sinus's...problem is when I blow my nose, and lately that has been ALOT, it is nothing but solid blood. I am supposed to see my PCP tomorrow because of an injury on my shin Saturday that they think is a bone bruise (really bad and painful, let me tell you!). Should I just try to get in with her today since there is so much blood coming from my nose? By the way, my INR was 2.3 when I took my test on Sunday. I need to retest Friday to see if it went up since I took an additional 2.5 mg on Sunday night since my target range is 2.5 - 3.5. I would rather be higher than lower. And, I still have that stupid cough! YUCK...... Thanks again all...

Called my PCP and I have a feeling that warafin scares her. She requested hat I go to ER instead of seeing her for this problem. I really do not want to go to the ER for something that seems to me she could handle. I think I probably need an antibiotic to clear this crap up. I am supposed to see her tomorrow for the bone bruise, but I may call my orthopedic surgeon and let him take a look at it since he has done my knee surgery 3 times in the last 4 years! And it is on that leg! Just wanted to update everyone! Thanks again......diana
My PCP, I think is scared of the coumadin thing because she wanted me to go to ER. I did not go since the ER is not for non-life threatening things. Since this is not bad enough to be life-threatening, I am just going to wait until I see her in the morning (already had a scheduled appt for my leg) and hope she gives me an antibiotic. I have a feeling that I have a sinus infection and it is going to require a little help to get rid of it! I did finally find an orthopedic doctor that is not afraid to see me so I see him tomorrow at 11:40am to get my leg checked. It is starting to affect my knee and hip. He was not concerned about my coumadin use or my artificial valve and said that he actually has patients that are on coumadin so he knows what needs to be done prior to any surgery, etc. I will start a new thread tomorrow after I get back from both doctors. Thanks a ton for your caring! :)
You should call your doc ASAP! i DID SOMETHING SIMILAR WITH A VIRAL BRONCHITIS a few years ago. I broke a small blood vessel in my lung and had to have a have the vessel cauterized.
