coronary bypass surgery

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2005
Baltimore, MD
Does any one here know of a website like ours for people having bypass surgery? My friend at work has a sister who is having triple bypass in Oregon tomorrow. I told her how wonderful our site is and she would like something like this for her sister.
Thanks in advance
No one can help?

No one can help?

I am disappointed. I thought at least one person out there would know of something to help this woman having surgery tomorrow.
Thanks anyway
I did google "CABG surgery forum" and got a lot of hits. So there are forums on the subject, it's just I didn't think any were really comparable to this. Sorry Joanne.
I had quad bypass in 3/2000 and afterwards I searched the net trying to find out about what in the world it was all about. I found one, joined, but nobody ever posted. It was most unsatisfactory. I also found Dr Rich's forum in and asked him a bunch of questions, which he nicely answered and helped me a great deal. I also found but didn't know anything about valve replacement, but I joined anyhow and found out a lot of stuff - and am still here.

In bypass, they go into the chest the same way as yours, just do different things once inside. They took 4 sections of saphenous vein from my rt leg to make the bypasses. Sewed me back up just like you. Stayed in the hospital six days, had to walk, breathe, same as you. Had all the same tubes, too. Recovery is also the same.

If I can help, just let me know, but she just ain't a'gonna find a site. I have looked and looked.

Sorry for being late; I just now found this.
I also am a bypass patient and have learned a great deal here at VR.

As described above, the mechanics of bypass OHS is the same as to opening the chest, the heart/lung machine, CICU following surgery, drain tubes, and recovery is so very alike.

Also, unfortunately, more than a few who have had bypass also become valve patients. Many bypass surgeries are the result of MI's. Heart Attacks can ultimately cause heart enlargement. Heart enlargement can often lead to valve problems.

Your friend cannot find a better place to visit and learn IMO
Please have her check out this site. You and she will be very happy she did IMO

So many of us here have had bypass that if she has specific questions, I feel reasonably confident someone would be able to help her.

Send our good wishes to her. Hope her surgery and recovery goes well. She's lucky to have you for her friend.
Hello Joanne,

I've had both Bypass Surgery and Valve Replacement Surgery. Opening and Closing is identical so our Pre-Surgery and Post-Surgery Forums on would be an excellent place for your friend's sister to visit to learn about what to expect before, during, and after surgery.

The Major Difference is that with Bypass surgery, a "donor vein" is usually harvested, most commonly the sapheous vein in one leg, but sometimes a vein from the arm. A mammary(sp?) artery may also be repositioned if one of the major left side arteries needs bypassing.

Technically, bypass surgery is much less invasive than valve surgery. Once you are opened up, bypassing 'merely' (I can see my Bypass Surgeon cringing at this comment) makes a small incision in the artery to be bypassed, inserts one end of the donor vein, and sews it up. Piece of Cake, right?

There is an e-mail forwarding group on Yahoo Groups called [email protected] It was founded by a heart nurse in Washington state if I remember correctly. I suspect that she is no longer an active moderator, but the group still exists.

For information, she may want to subscribe to the Heart Center Online Newsletter [email protected]

Hope this helps.

'AL Capshaw'
You could try a site called It's much smaller than but the people who frequent it are bypassers/stent patients. It's a small but a friendly place.


I didn't give her sister this site because I thought it was for valvers only. I know you can have valve + but she has no valve problems. She lives in Oregon and was in great physical shape. She climbs mountains in her spare time. She had her bypass yesterday, started to bleed and they had to take her back to the OR. One of the wires had punctured into the bone marrow and started her bleeding. Last I heard she was doing OK.
I will give her sister the sites you all suggested and also this website.
Thanks for all of your help.
Hi Joanne...
I read this thread the other day and couldnt help with a "group/site" for her...but I was hoping to hear that this lady had a successful surgery...

Thanks for the update...I pray all goes well for her now.

CABG leaves behind those chest scars we are all too familiar with here as well...I do hope she finds some people to share her experience with., its really good therapy...I myself got a surprise CABG after my valve surgery, there are quite a few of us here who have both.