Cookers Weigh In---Throw Down 8-27-07

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I had a nice Weight Watchers meal at Applebees -- steak portabellos, with broccoli, and herb potatoes, small portions. Very nice. 330 calories. So I topped it off with the WW dessert, raspberry sauce drizzled over very small bit of chocolate cake, 230 calories. So 560 calories --- and now I'm hungry -- where's that celery? :eek:
Excellent, Bob!! Here's your hug! (((( BOB ))))

Now guys. How about this for football season. Why don't you give up....................half-time. Get off your butts and go for a long walk while the dudes sit in their Armani suits and talk about the game. Get a walkman or iPod (do they have radio in them?) and listen to comments as you are walking!!! Then, if you do indulge in a beer and some baked chips, you will have compensated for it all with the walk or other exercise.

Really. I keep hearing mostly about food. What are people doing to get themselves moving?

I'm horrible. I get content puttering around the house and stay home. thank heavens I have friends who nag me to walk and do curves. It isn't much, but it is something. What are you all doing?

Good ideas and thanks for the hug, Marguerite! Actually, I often watch the games on a TV down in my basement where my exercise bike is, and ride the bike while watching some of the action. Did that some tonight while watching part of a Redskins preseason game, then did some writing. Now I am going to try celery with a very little peanut butter as my bedtime snack. Hope I don't wake up at 3 a.m. looking for my wife's hidden caches of candy! :D
Marguerite53 said:
Excellent, Bob!! Here's your hug! (((( BOB ))))

Now guys. How about this for football season. Why don't you give up....................half-time. Get off your butts and go for a long walk while the dudes sit in their Armani suits and talk about the game. Get a walkman or iPod (do they have radio in them?) and listen to comments as you are walking!!! Then, if you do indulge in a beer and some baked chips, you will have compensated for it all with the walk or other exercise.

Really. I keep hearing mostly about food. What are people doing to get themselves moving?


Well.... I walked to the frig twice last night:eek: No, no....Marguerite is right. One of the keys to healthy changes in lifestyle is exercise. I don't kid myself that I will turn into a tri-athlete but I can get up and move. On a good week I will walk 3 to 4 days, on a bad week ZERO, which is unacceptable.

Could this be the start of "Marguerite's Exercise-----Throw Down"????
Ok!!!! Which one of you sent the KrispyCream lady to my office!!!!:mad: She showed up at 2:30 with 2 dozen HOT glazed!!!! I ate three before my reception could come over the counter and pin me to the floor.;) It was like I was possessed!!!

Was this an attempt at sabotage???:cool: Are there evil forces lurking???:eek: Did someone get paid to send ?FREE? donuts in the ?middle? of the day???:p

Very suspicious??????????..:cool: :cool: :cool:
Used to get those Krispy Kremes hot right off the conveyor belt in Richmond, VA. Just melt in the mouth; one bite, one doughnut. Yep, just can't stop eating them. One after another, one after another....

Hope you enjoyed that delivery, Cooker! :D :p ;) Happy weighing! :)
They should be called KrispyCrack donuts!

I think I gained weight back just reading about them.

This last exchange brought the consultant (referee) in.

Possible FOUL on Bob if we get a confession that he sent the Krispy Kremes.

Then a High-5 to Bob for originality.

You all can pay me when we hit Orlando.
I Love Celery!

I Love Celery!

... Meanwhile, while Cooker is scarfing Krispy Kremes, I am learning to love celery. Honest! At the midnight snack last night (normally my downfall), I took out the nice fresh celery stalks and spread a very thin coat of Skippy's creamy peanut butter. Got to take care not to go crazy with the peanut butter of course. But just a very light dab gave the celery some taste and the celery was filling.

So thanks to Marguerite for this good idea.
No Bob! Say it ain't so!!!!!

However, I'm guessing that KrispieKreme's delivered as a form of sabotage have 1/4 of the calories, no fat and low in carbs.

However, if you consider KrispieKremes children's food, then regardless of the circumstances, there would be no calories when eaten by an adult.;)
Mary said:

This last exchange brought the consultant (referee) in.

Possible FOUL on Bob if we get a confession that he sent the Krispy Kremes.

Then a High-5 to Bob for originality.

You all can pay me when we hit Orlando.

LOL! I have signed no admission of guilt, even to lesser charges. :D :p
Well, I've been sitting here paying bills and somehow 3 little hershey dark chocolate and almond candies made it onto the desk and into my mouth ........ I swear stress = chocolate for me!! I hate paying bills!!

So about this Throw Down, Cooker. With all the comments about Throwing Down the delivery lady :)D Bina, good one) and then an exercise Throw Down....I just can't keep up.

I think this weekly thread is working just fine the way it is!! We don't need anymore competitions!!

Bob, I'm so glad you are enjoying the celery. You know, Jif does make a low fat peanut butter and I swear you cannot taste the difference. Probably not really that low fat! I, too, am surprised how much I've come to enjoy that cool crunch. Now if I can just get you to peruse the organic food dairy case, you might try tofu cream cheese. That could be used for dipping too. "tofutti" makes great products. Frozen yoghurts, cream cheese, ice cream sandwiches. I don't do tofu hot dogs (I'm a Hebrew National fan, myself) or tofu turkey (yechh) but some of those products are totally acceptable.

I'm back up 2 pounds due to salty foods and hot weather.....all water.....tempting to take some water pills, but I shall not.

Good luck to everyone over the long weekend!

I was tempted to move the weigh in to Tuesday but the I decided, HECK NO!!! That way we have a week to get over the holiday!!!! I will post next weeks weigh in thread late Sunday evening. So get those pounds off and then you can go hog wild on Labor Day!!!!

Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable weekend.
Bina said:
Cooker, next time skip the donuts and jump the KrispyCreme lady instead:D
Just think of all the calories you will burn instead of put on.....

:D I dunno. If the choice came down to hot Krispy Kremes or a hot babe delivering the Krispy Kremes, even Cooker might choose the hot Krispy Kremes. :p Totally delectable, huh Cooker? Glad you enjoyed the delivery. I'm only sorry the receptionist tackled you when you had had "only" three. :D :D :D

And Marguerite . . . tofu, I don't know....give me time to adjust to the celery first. :D
Marguerite53 said:
You know, Jif does make a low fat peanut butter and I swear you cannot taste the difference. Probably not really that low fat! Marguerite

They cut out 4 grams of fat in a serving, which amounts to a 25% reduction. It definitely still has the flavor. I'm used to it, so now I prefer Jif low fat...the texture is a tad bitter firmer, but still creamy. Hey that's 4 grams of fat I don't have to factor in.

Most other low fat things taste like they're not worth the sacrifice, and as Cooker pointed out they're higher in sugar to boot. But, Breyer's light chocolate...yummy...I've already mentioned this I know, but it's one thing that keeps me going knowing I've got this delicious treat to look forward to (when I work it into my points...which is as long as I have some in the freezer it is factored in :D ).
I was SOOO bad yesterday. I'm STILL full from last night's dinner. I now understand how bulemia can be appealing (don't worry, I'm not that dumb). I felt ill after all the food I ate. Stinkin' chips and salsa are my enemy. I can pass up a plate of donuts, cookies, or other sweets without a problem. It's the chips and salsa that I can never say no to, even when I'm completely full! :eek:

And as for getting myself moving, I haven't done quite as well this week as last week. I got myself a membership to the local rec center where there is a full gym, indoor walking track, and lap pool (and other stuff, but those are the reasons I signed up). I went three days last week and walked and/or rode the bike. This past Tuesday was the only day I made it this week (school started back up, so I didn't have as much time), but managed to ride the bike for 30 minutes! :D I'm hoping to go at least 3 times a week (didn't make it this week, unfortunately). It's been an unusual week for me, though. We closed on our first home yesterday morning so I guess the next few weeks my exercise will consist of packing/moving boxes and painting our new walls! ;)

I told my husband that last night was special to celebrate the new house, but not to let me ever eat like that again! He was very helpful and moved the chips away from me when I couldn't stop eating them. Just wish he'd done it sooner. :p