Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 5-23

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Hey, I'm a couple days late. Been busy with family things. I was up a fraction on Friday morning this week but since I was down for my WW mtg I'll call it a wash.
Forgive me Chimp and Superbob, for I have sinned.

I committed gluttony at my BIL's lakehouse yesterday.
I over-indulged the previous night at our friends' campfire get together.

Thus far today I have worked out on my total trainer, drank 32 oz of water and will work out on my Wii Fit later today.

I don't know why, but my body does not let me have any slips because the scales jump back up every time.

My husband wants to go for a ride to our favorite little dive that is by a little lake and has the best greasy burger and fries you can imagine. I'm trying to think of a better alternative.
The ThrowDown seems to be plagued with physical injuries and ailments?..This disturbing to the CEO:(?..Not only is his concern for the physical but also the emotional health of his company of losers??Physical distress can quickly impact emotional health?.One of the best ways to guard against emotional depression brought on by physical ailments is to make a gratitude survey?..dwell on the things you have to be grateful for, the people in your life that love you, the smile of a child??..and if that does not do the trick get a big ass bowl of banana pudding:D and a plate of brownies:D and drown your self pity;) with empty calories:D:D

A gratitude survey...Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I'm grateful that I haven't lost any golf balls this year.
I'm sure I will when the doc says I can go golfing again but
in the meantime:):):)
My husband wants to go for a ride to our favorite little dive that is by a little lake and has the best greasy burger and fries you can imagine. I'm trying to think of a better alternative.

Karlynn! Superbob says go with your hubby and enjoy! This is a holiday weekend, and special places are, well, special. I am sure The Chimp will give you a mulligan if you need one. :p:)
Karlynn! Superbob says go with your hubby and enjoy! This is a holiday weekend, and special places are, well, special. I am sure The Chimp will give you a mulligan if you need one. :p:)

Mulligans all around....I'm buying:D....It's a holiday... The Chimp and DW will be working.... I'm sure there will be a hot dog or hamburger involved sometimes today or tomarrow....and don't forget the prune danish:p
Mulligans all around....I'm buying:D....It's a holiday... The Chimp and DW will be working.... I'm sure there will be a hot dog or hamburger involved sometimes today or tomarrow....and don't forget the prune danish:p

I'll take the holiday pack of mulligans, thanks. I just might be in training for the Nathan's famous hot dog eating contest on the Fourth of July. :p:p
I'll take them thar pack 'o mulligans. Just got back from our favorite biker bar on the Fox River. We went with a good friend and had giante rueben sandwiches (and Diet Coke for me!).

It was a lovely day.
We have considered buying one of those Wii-fit games...they look like great fun.

Karlynn I am in the same boat as body does not forgive me easily and every ounce over my daily allowance shows on the scales and on my thighs!

I'll have 2 mulligans for each day of the weekend!
Hi Guys

Well, Ww Says I'm Up A Pound......of Course With The Weekend In Full Swing And Three Bbq's/cookouts To Go's Going To Be A Long, Hot Summer In The South.

But......i Reported In!!!! Ugh.

Hi Guys

Well, Ww Says I'm Up A Pound......of Course With The Weekend In Full Swing And Three Bbq's/cookouts To Go's Going To Be A Long, Hot Summer In The South.

But......i Reported In!!!! Ugh.


And your Mulligan is in the mail......:D.....THREE!!!!!....I'm green with envy:cool::D:D
Ok the Chimp is on a roll??I hopped on the scales this morning and I was down from where I was on Friday?That?s a first!!:D:D....I have my annual physical with my PCP Friday morning so I will be trying to shed all I can prior to seeing him??So I am selling my 6 mulligans to the highest bidder.:cool:

Where did you find those mullignans?

I've heard from a reliable source that they were obtained on the Black Market!:eek::eek:
Superbob pulled out the big bag of holiday potato chips late last night -- But after eating a few handsful, he was disgusted with the chips and put them away. Now that is breaking news if Superbob is sick of potato chips, which has been the bane of his existence since his tadpole years. He thinks he has turned a corner. Therefore, he is returning his Mulligan to The Chimp (though taking notice that Karlynn got 6 and he only got only one :p -- nevertheless, he is turning his in. The Man of Steel requires no Mulligan. :)
Superbob pulled out the big bag of holiday potato chips late last night -- But after eating a few handsful, he was disgusted with the chips and put them away. Now that is breaking news if Superbob is sick of potato chips, which has been the bane of his existence since his tadpole years. He thinks he has turned a corner. Therefore, he is returning his Mulligan to The Chimp (though taking notice that Karlynn got 6 and he only got only one :p -- nevertheless, he is turning his in. The Man of Steel requires no Mulligan. :)

Good for you SuperBob:D?.it truly takes a man of steel to lay down the chip bag!!!....Take heart!!...The ThrowDown R&D lab is very close to announcing the release of prune chips?It is expected that demand will far out weigh supply the first few months?..I will pm you with advance notice of their release to market.
Superbob is SUPER so he only needs one mulligan. However, since I have been trying to lose just 15 mere pound since the beginning of this TD and have just rotated around my beginning weight the entire time - lose 4, gain 4 back, gain an additional 4 (because even though I'm exercising daily, my body apparently is pretty ticked off at healthy eating and has vowed to gain 2 pounds for every pound of bad food I eat), lose the added 4, lose an additional 2, gain 3, lose 2, gain 4 again,.... mulligans are but an enticement to not chuck it all in.

If I were not eating wisely, I think I'd be gaining a pound a day. But all eating wisely has gotten me is stalled around the weight I started this at, lo those many months ago.

Can you tell I'm bleepin' frustrated????? I can't have one bad day or I'm up 5 pounds! I was sincerely hoping my cardio would tell my my thyroid test was low. But no such luck, or she forgot to mention it.

I'm really ticked that 2 days of bad, but not horrible, eating has ballooned me back past my starting point. I think if I were to write down everything I've been eating and how I've been exercising and showed it to a doctor he/she would say "Okay - you have to be lying, because there's no way you shouldn't be dropping the weight."

I'm not stepping on the scale for at least a week. I'm going to try for 2. If it hasn't budged, I'm seriously thinking of calling my PCP.

Thanks for the rant!!!!