Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 5-16

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We are having BBQ catered in for a going away lunch for a long time employee today.....and a huge CAKE:)....ain't Devine intervention wonderful (pig out post weigh in):D...God looks out for fools, drunks and..... CHIMPS:D
I saw the end of a segment on the news a few nights ago that talked about a new treatment/procedure for meniscus tears that they are starting to use on football players. It supposedly gets them back into the game with much less recovery time. They showed some little plastic/rubber thing-a-ma-bob. I'll keep looking for it!
Cindy says:

Superbob, you've done really well this week! I'm so glad for your good doctor's report. I had a fall on my knee last October with a lot of pain in it after that. I could walk in limited amounts for several months. I couldn't take a walk for exercise. That was hard on my and my dog. I finally went to physical therapy in January; they did Iontophoresis treatments and exercise, which helped. The treatments particularly helped the pain. After about eight weeks my therapist taped my knee cap, pulling it very slightly to the inside; after that is when I really saw improvement in my knee pain level. I probably have some minor meniscus tearing, but now my knee feels so much better compared to three months ago. I feel that it is slowly healing on its own. We're able to walk again for exercise and I can already tell that losing 11 pounds has helped lessen the pain further. It might be downright amazing once I lose a significant number of pounds. My therapist told me that one pounds of weight is equal to three pounds of pressure on your knees.

I hope this encouraging coming from someone who has been through something similar. You probably have better days ahead.


Cindy: This is tremendously encouraging, thank you so much for posting it. Sounds like your knee difficulties were similar to what I have encountered. I just made my first appointment to start the physical therapy next week, so I am looking forward to that. Doctor told me about a knee brace-type thing I could buy at the drug store, but think I will wait to see the PT before deciding on that.

Thanks again for the encouraging words. I will report on how it's going. The Throw Down is a wonderful tie-in because I have no doubt that if I lose the weight I need to lose, it will help my poor battle-scarred knees greatly.:)
Only lost 1 kilo this week probably cause I can no longer work my physical job and have been sitting at home.

Thats a little over 2lb lost
so now Im down to 87kg (191.8lb) so at least its still on the down.
My aim is for 80kg (176lb) before surgery which is not til 31st July so I may just make it :)
Only lost 1 kilo this week probably cause I can no longer work my physical job and have been sitting at home.

Thats a little over 2lb lost
so now Im down to 87kg (191.8lb) so at least its still on the down.
My aim is for 80kg (176lb) before surgery which is not til 31st July so I may just make it :)

Slow and steady wins the race! A loss is a loss - so good job!
Only lost 1 kilo this week probably cause I can no longer work my physical job and have been sitting at home.

Thats a little over 2lb lost
so now Im down to 87kg (191.8lb) so at least its still on the down.
My aim is for 80kg (176lb) before surgery which is not til 31st July so I may just make it :)

A loss is loss is a loss:D.....Great job:)
Cindy: This is tremendously encouraging, thank you so much for posting it. Sounds like your knee difficulties were similar to what I have encountered. I just made my first appointment to start the physical therapy next week, so I am looking forward to that. Doctor told me about a knee brace-type thing I could buy at the drug store, but think I will wait to see the PT before deciding on that.

Thanks again for the encouraging words. I will report on how it's going. The Throw Down is a wonderful tie-in because I have no doubt that if I lose the weight I need to lose, it will help my poor battle-scarred knees greatly.:)

My PT told me that there was a knee brace he could recommend that would likely have the same effect on my knee as taping it does. We just kept using the tape for about six to eight weeks; I've not felt the need for that since. Actually I bought a brace from Wal-mart two months before I went to the PT, but my knee was too sore to wear it. I found out later from my PT that my knee was still swollen inside, but I couldn't tell it.

My PT was wonderful. He never wanted me to push my knee to the point of pain while exercising or while performing a routine activity. If I did push it, I paid. There were times, as I was slowly improving, that I went either up or down a staircase with no major pain at the time; three hours later...ouch ouch.

I found that in the first few months when sitting on the couch, it helped much to elevate my leg.

By the way, I had bruising that went from my knee past my ankle. That took two months to disappear.

I'm so glad my experience has helped you too.

My PT told me that there was a knee brace he could recommend that would likely have the same effect on my knee as taping it does. We just kept using the tape for about six to eight weeks; I've not felt the need for that since. Actually I bought a brace from Wal-mart two months before I went to the PT, but my knee was too sore to wear it. I found out later from my PT that my knee was still swollen inside, but I couldn't tell it.

My PT was wonderful. He never wanted me to push my knee to the point of pain while exercising or while performing a routine activity. If I did push it, I paid. There were times, as I was slowly improving, that I went either up or down a staircase with no major pain at the time; three hours later...ouch ouch.

I found that in the first few months when sitting on the couch, it helped much to elevate my leg.

By the way, I had bruising that went from my knee past my ankle. That took two months to disappear.

I'm so glad my experience has helped you too.


Your experience is a great help, Cindy. I also am a big believer in physical therapy. PT enabled me to walk several years ago when spinal stenosis was immobilizing me. (Starting to lose weight helped then, too.) I'll post on how this PT goes. I am optimistic.
Tell me how this thing works...

Tell me how this thing works...

I've seen the headings for these threads before, but never really looked at them. I recently started up with Weight Watchers again, and I weigh in there on Mondays. Does that work? I don't think I want to post my actual weight...that's pretty scary, but I started out with a little over a hundred pounds to lose, and was down 16.2 lbs as of last Monday...after 6 weeks on the program.

I even started blogging to record my weightloss journey. I put other everyday stuff on there too...because otherwise it would be rather boring. (If you want to check it out, there is a link to it under my signature).
Welcome aboard Jeannie...
I love your little heart-ticker there...16 pounds is fabulous...I am in awe of your success so far. We usually weigh-in on Fridays but some of us do our own thing and we all support each-other.

PS...I like your Blog..I like the way you write from the heart...
I've seen the headings for these threads before, but never really looked at them. I recently started up with Weight Watchers again, and I weigh in there on Mondays. Does that work? I don't think I want to post my actual weight...that's pretty scary, but I started out with a little over a hundred pounds to lose, and was down 16.2 lbs as of last Monday...after 6 weeks on the program.

I even started blogging to record my weightloss journey. I put other everyday stuff on there too...because otherwise it would be rather boring. (If you want to check it out, there is a link to it under my signature).

Hi Jeannie!!...
Welcome to the ThrowDown...As Ton said, we just report in, good or bad and have fun doing very glad to have another "loser" join in.......The only rule is there are no rules:D.....well maybe just one.....I, um we, never will allow hurtful or mean spirited posts/comments in this thread......Not that we have had that and I'm not saying "you" would but I want you to know there is no worry among us about that sort of thing:)....If it happened I'm sure our resident SuperHero and the Ref would annihilate the offender before I had a chance to push the zap button....:D:D......I have never detected the slightest hint of embarrassment or shame in any ThrowDown post......We have common goals, we are moving toward our goals and having a hoot doing it:D.....We are looking forward to what you bring to the "table":D;)
I've seen the headings for these threads before, but never really looked at them. I recently started up with Weight Watchers again, and I weigh in there on Mondays. Does that work? I don't think I want to post my actual weight...that's pretty scary, but I started out with a little over a hundred pounds to lose, and was down 16.2 lbs as of last Monday...after 6 weeks on the program.

I even started blogging to record my weightloss journey. I put other everyday stuff on there too...because otherwise it would be rather boring. (If you want to check it out, there is a link to it under my signature).


Welcome! You can post whatever you want about your progress. I have a long journey, too -- have lost 20 so far, but I have my sights set on another 20, and then another 20. Doing it in stages. Only once in a while have I put my starting weight on here, and there's no requirement to do so. We all just basically support each other and do so in a light-hearted way. I hit a bump when my knee blew out and everyone's given me great encouragement to work through that

Looks like you are making great progress. We would love to have your participation to help inspire us.

I've seen the headings for these threads before, but never really looked at them. I recently started up with Weight Watchers again, and I weigh in there on Mondays. Does that work? I don't think I want to post my actual weight...that's pretty scary, but I started out with a little over a hundred pounds to lose, and was down 16.2 lbs as of last Monday...after 6 weeks on the program.

I even started blogging to record my weightloss journey. I put other everyday stuff on there too...because otherwise it would be rather boring. (If you want to check it out, there is a link to it under my signature).


My wife and I weigh-in at WW on Tuesdays. We post that weight loss here on Fridays. So, you can do it however you'd like. We do it that way because it's easier to keep track of. I just copy off our little log book they give us.

Welcome to the Throwdown! Cool blog by the way.

Wise & Cindy
It's a WW brand scale and it measures to .1 lb. I bought it at Kohl's last year (about $50-60) when I found my old scales were off by 3.5 lbs. But it isn't quite as accurate as the WW official scales. There can still be a bit of a difference between mine and the ones at the WW mtgs, but they're not usually off by more than half a lb...

I recently bought a WW scale too. I bought it because the digital scale that I had, a health-o-meter started weighing very erractically. I could get on and off of it 5 times in a row, and it would give me 5 different weights. I'm a little disappointed in the WW one too though, it isn't always consistent either, but usually seems to weigh a little more than the official WW scales. So now, I have two digital scales...(you know, so I can get a second opinion :rolleyes:), in one bathroom, and an old fashioned analog scale in the other bathroom. The old fashioned one weighs about 5 lbs less than the digital ones...but at least it is always consistent.

As far as weighing in, I will probably update my chart on WW, my blog and my weightloss tickers on Monday nights or Tuesday mornings. I have a ticker here under my signature. You can get one from You can either make yours the way mine is, that just shows the weight loss...or you can actually put your starting weight, current weight and goal weight on it.

Have a great week everyone!
OK, here's a newbe question.

I entered the hospital at 180.
Post op with no beer or cola and hating the taste of food 165
I am now back up to 170.

So, here's the Q.

Have I lost 10 lbs or have I gained 5?
OK, here's a newbe question.

I entered the hospital at 180.
Post op with no beer or cola and hating the taste of food 165
I am now back up to 170.

So, here's the Q.

Have I lost 10 lbs or have I gained 5?

Just my non-expert opinion --- if you lost your appetite, now have regained it, and are back to 170, I would call that most likely a healthy adjustment to getting back to normal eating. Wouldn't consider it a "gain" in the sense of over-indulging.

So overall you have a loss of 10 since the surgery. Many of us found to our surprise we did not lose weight as a result of surgery -- the reason being, fluid retention.

Of course I don't know all the particulars of your situation. But given that you are just a little more than two months out of surgery, I would concentrate on healthy eating and walking for exercise rather than strictly on weight loss right now. Of course, you should keep track of your daily weight at this stage, so that if there is unusual gain, you can be checked for fluid retention.