Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 2-1

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gadgetman said:
Dang it all, this hyar thread done gone t'hell in a FOOD BASKET already this hyar week an' it ain't even Saturday. :rolleyes: :p

Watch out yo' LOOSERS! SuperBillyBob done tried t'brin' th' competishun down t'his level, ah reckon. On second thunk wif his LOSS so far, thet might not be a bad place t'be. Wonner eff'n he LOANS out th' "personal trainer". Is yo' a PIMP?? Like th' Choomp--ah mean Chimp, ah need somebody t'"watch" mah "seatbelt" too :eek: :eek: :eek: :p

Bubba :)
Bina's Translation Services:
Darn it all, this hear thread has gone to hell in a Food Basket already this here week and it isn't even Saturday.:rolleyes:
Watch out you Losers! SuperBillyBob has tried to bring the competition down to his level, I believe. On second thought with his Loss so far, that might not be a bad place to be. Wonder if he loans out the "personal Trainer". Are you a Pimp?
Like the Choomp, I mean Chimp, I need somebody to watch my "seatbelt" too.:eek: :p
I'm finding it not surprising, but somewhat disturbing that Bina is able to translate Gadget-speak.:rolleyes:
Dang, Bina, how DID you learn to speak Redneck so fluently living up thar in the nawrthern regions? :p I mean I live here in about the redneckiest place on earth, southernwesturn Virginny, and I can't translate Bubba-speak nearly as good as you. :p

In answer to Bubba's question, nope I don't hire out my PT. She has degrees in physical therapy and exercise physiology, and 'bout saved my life when I couldn't walk more than a block without excruciating pain because of spinal stenosis in the year before my heart surgery (had stenosis coming and going, it seemed then). :p Aqua therapy and gym therapy and losing weight (yep, I lost 20 BEFORE I got into the Throw-Down) did the trick and now I can walk miles pain-free. So I still have her advice about exercising to rely on as I try to get into really good shape (well, as good as a 66-year-old can get -- there is something to Peyton Manning's Priceless Pep Talk -- bummed about those abs? Want rock-hard abs? Well unless you are younger than 23 or a professional football player, you're probably not going to get them. Just buy bigger shirts.) :D :D :D

Anyway, I bet y'all thought Michele was an imaginary personal trainer, or it was just SUPERBOB's sly way of turning this into a sex thread, right? :D ;)
Karlynn said:
Superbob - your thoughtfulness and generosity is inspiring ---- and you're probably going to burn in hell for it!:D :D ;)

Okay, Karlynn, SUPERBOB has received his comeuppance. Tonight, his wife baked a huge pan of fudge brownies because her friend from out of town is coming by tomorrow. The aroma fills the house. SUPERBOB could not help himself, so he took one little slice, then another, then....okay he didn't eat the whole pan, or his wife would have killed him :eek: , nor did he jump nekkid into the pan :eek: -- but he ate enough to see that these are indeed addictive, and he shoud never have teased you about them. So I have sinned -- also in tempting The Chimp with Krispy Kremes and others with their various culinary weaknesses. Do you think SUPERBOB can ever be forgiven? :eek: :eek: Meanwhile, I guess SUPERBOB will have to stay up the rest of the night working off the cals in those darn brownies. :eek:
SURPRISE.....I'm the "friend from out of town"! Or at least I am now!;)

Brownies = kryptonite!

You are forgiven. Go now and sin no more.:p :p :p
RobHol said:
Okay, Karlynn, SUPERBOB has received his comeuppance. Tonight, his wife baked a huge pan of fudge brownies because her friend from out of town is coming by tomorrow. The aroma fills the house. SUPERBOB could not help himself, so he took one little slice, then another, then....okay he didn't eat the whole pan, or his wife would have killed him :eek: , nor did he jump nekkid into the pan :eek: -- but he ate enough to see that these are indeed addictive, and he shoud never have teased you about them. So I have sinned -- also in tempting The Chimp with Krispy Kremes and others with their various culinary weaknesses. Do you think SUPERBOB can ever be forgiven? :eek: :eek: Meanwhile, I guess SUPERBOB will have to stay up the rest of the night working off the cals in those darn brownies. :eek:

As co-founder of CWI-FTD SuperBob is exempt from judgment. He answers only to the Chimp and even then the assumed offense would need to be grievous and would bring only a tap on the wrist.:p That?s right, I know you are going to ask, he is even out of reach of the long arm of the Ref.

Done and done. No need talkin:cool: :D :cool:
I know this is wimpy, but I didn't weigh this week. I chickened out. No excuses really, although I had a rough week; didn't feel well with bad headaches. So, I didn't concentrate very well on dieting. Now I can get back to it. Forgive my sin this week. :eek:

Wise said:
I know this is wimpy, but I didn't weigh this week. I chickened out. No excuses really, although I had a rough week; didn't feel well with bad headaches. So, I didn't concentrate very well on dieting. Now I can get back to it. Forgive my sin this week. :eek:


Another sinner! This is turning into a confessional. :p It is okay, Wise, you are forgiven. In the words of Karlynn, Go and sin no more. :)

As for The Chimp's forgiveness, SUPERBOB truly appreciates it. :p But should we be taunting The Ref? She's been pretty quiet lately. She may come storming in here and kick our oversized behinds (okay, I'll speak only for myself -- MY oversized behind. :p
weigh in

weigh in

Hi cooker
I've been bad and since the holidays got back into eating sweets and carbs so no weight loss and no excuses!
I'm going to get back to working at major improvement in my diet and knock off the nonsense of giving in to the bad eating habits.
Thanx for being here to give me incentive to try harder.
VikiVix said:
Hi cooker
I've been bad and since the holidays got back into eating sweets and carbs so no weight loss and no excuses!
I'm going to get back to working at major improvement in my diet and knock off the nonsense of giving in to the bad eating habits.
Thanx for being here to give me incentive to try harder.

Viki....we have all been where you are.....Any day is a great day to restart:)
Wise said:
I know this is wimpy, but I didn't weigh this week. I chickened out. No excuses really, although I had a rough week; didn't feel well with bad headaches. So, I didn't concentrate very well on dieting. Now I can get back to it. Forgive my sin this week. :eek:


No forgiveness needed?..Always eat when you are not well (if you can)??your body need the fuel to heal itself .
Okay, I need some advice. I want to get my hubby to start working on losing some weight too, but I don't want to offend him.

He knows he needs to lose a few pounds, but he hasn't done anything to help him (or me) lose that weight. When he's not at work (which I admit is very active as a floor nurse) he is at home sitting on his computer or playing video games. Right now he's not in the house, but he IS out at a hobby shop sitting on his rear playing games. This morning I noticed (but did not mention) that he's starting to get a bit of a "dunlap" (you know, when your belly "donlap" over your belt. ;) ). I don't want to say "hey, you're looking a bit doughy. Think you ought to do something about that?" But I also don't want to just sit back and watch him continue the way he is. We're only 31 and the habits we form today will be with us the rest of our lives (in theory)!

Also, I think it will be WAY easier for me to stay motivated to eat right and exercise if he is doing it too. Right now I regulate my exercising to when he's not home. A while back I would go out for a walk and ask him if he wanted to come, but he only did once (when we first moved into our new house and he wanted to make sure that where I was walking was "safe"). I would love to start working out together.

So how would you go about bringing your spouse or SO into the Throw Down? Or just into the healthy eating/exercising circle?

Thanks in advance for your advice!
Gnusgal said:
Okay, I need some advice. I want to get my hubby to start working on losing some weight too, but I don't want to offend him.

He knows he needs to lose a few pounds, but he hasn't done anything to help him (or me) lose that weight. When he's not at work (which I admit is very active as a floor nurse) he is at home sitting on his computer or playing video games. Right now he's not in the house, but he IS out at a hobby shop sitting on his rear playing games. This morning I noticed (but did not mention) that he's starting to get a bit of a "dunlap" (you know, when your belly "donlap" over your belt. ;) ). I don't want to say "hey, you're looking a bit doughy. Think you ought to do something about that?" But I also don't want to just sit back and watch him continue the way he is. We're only 31 and the habits we form today will be with us the rest of our lives (in theory)!

Also, I think it will be WAY easier for me to stay motivated to eat right and exercise if he is doing it too. Right now I regulate my exercising to when he's not home. A while back I would go out for a walk and ask him if he wanted to come, but he only did once (when we first moved into our new house and he wanted to make sure that where I was walking was "safe"). I would love to start working out together.

So how would you go about bringing your spouse or SO into the Throw Down? Or just into the healthy eating/exercising circle?

Thanks in advance for your advice!

This is a tough one?.I will try and be delicate:D ?.Does he suck in his stomach when a woman walks by?......sure he does:rolleyes: ?we all do:eek: ?.tell him ?hey lose a few ponds and you won?t have to suck in that gut when a hottie walks by:D ?.Ask him (as a health care professional) what ill effects being over weight actually have on a person?.this might get him thinking about himself and his weight?.And if that does not work try the ?Gut to Willie Length Ratio? close on him:D ?.it is a scientific fact that the less belly the better the sex??Since I have lost nearly 30 lbs I have become a god:D :p :D
Niki, do not listen to the chimp:D he failed science class!!!:p
I suggest you put on a real nice exercise outfit and tell hubby that you are nervous walking/jogging by yourself....and that some guy has been staring at you, and you need a big, strong man to walk with you and keep you safe. Offer him a "post walk" veggie snack with his video game.
cooker said:
This is a tough one?.I will try and be delicate:D
You?!? Delicate?!? Never happen... ;)
?.Does he suck in his stomach when a woman walks by?......sure he does:rolleyes: ?we all do:eek: ?.tell him ?hey lose a few ponds and you won?t have to suck in that gut when a hottie walks by:D
Actually, I've never witnessed him doing that... Doesn't mean he hasn't. Just that I've never seen him do it.
?.Ask him (as a health care professional) what ill effects being over weight actually have on a person?.this might get him thinking about himself and his weight
He has been having back problems and is going to the doc on Wednesday to get it looked at. Perhaps the doc will recommend loosing a bit of the belly to help out???
?.And if that does not work try the ?Gut to Willie Length Ratio? close on him:D ?.it is a scientific fact that the less belly the better the sex??Since I have lost nearly 30 lbs I have become a god :p :D
Hmmm... I'm not going to comment on that one! ;) :D
Gnusgal said:
You?!? Delicate?!? Never happen... ;)

Actually, I've never witnessed him doing that... Doesn't mean he hasn't. Just that I've never seen him do it.

He has been having back problems and is going to the doc on Wednesday to get it looked at. Perhaps the doc will recommend loosing a bit of the belly to help out???

Hmmm... I'm not going to comment on that one! ;) :D


If the doc finds he has back problems, see if the doc will refer him to physcal therapy. I was having back problems (spinal stenosis) a few years ago, and got referred to PT and got into excellent PT program with a lot of good exercise (aqua, weights, aerobic) that helped me get started in the right direction.
Bina said:
Niki, do not listen to the chimp:D he failed science class!!!:p
I suggest you put on a real nice exercise outfit and tell hubby that you are nervous walking/jogging by yourself....and that some guy has been staring at you, and you need a big, strong man to walk with you and keep you safe. Offer him a "post walk" veggie snack with his video game.

Or put on a hot to trot exercise out fit?..hit the door running and say ?if ya can catch me you can have me:D :cool: :D
RobHol said:

If the doc finds he has back problems, see if the doc will refer him to physcal therapy. I was having back problems (spinal stenosis) a few years ago, and got referred to PT and got into excellent PT program with a lot of good exercise (aqua, weights, aerobic) that helped me get started in the right direction.
He definitely has back problems. The question is what is causing them. For years he had a pain that would shoot down his leg if he sat for too long (like on car rides). Now he says his back is hurting almost constantly and it frequently radiates down his leg. He's going to a neurosurgeon, but hopefully it won't actually require surgery! :eek: I do hope the doc will at least advise him to get some exercise, if nothing else. Perhaps it is his back that has been keeping him from exercising. I hadn't made the connection until now (don't know why). But I think that, if done right, exercise should HELP his back. But it's still no excuse for the way he eats!

BTW- many years ago, when I was in college, I had a free membership to Gold's Gym through my apartment. They had a water aerobics class for people with special health needs. Most of the people in the class had some sort of back, knee, or hip surgery, but my roommate and I also took the class and loved it! I still think it's the best ever form of exercise for me. Unfortunately, I've been unable to find a class like since. Most "normal" water aerobics classes are way too intense for me.