Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 12-7

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Ugh! I don't wanna weigh tomorrow morning (but will, provided I remember to do it). :( I went to play Bunco with coworkers tonight... There was Mexican food and CHIPS AND SALSA! :eek: 'Nuff said. :cool:
I'm even this week at 204, not up, but not down either. Considering the way I ate when I went away last weekend, it's good just not to gain. The weather has been so cold that I haven't been out to run the whole week either. I hate running in the cold. Maybe today it'll warm up enough.
ChimpBoy is pleased!!! Drum roll please!!!!:D :D :D

Starting weight........233
Last Week...................209
This week....................205
Weekly Change............-4
Total Loss......................28

I worked VERY hard this week. Ate right and walked:D Hopefully I won't look at this as a license to go nuts tonight at the party. Maybe my goal of 199 by Christmas is obtainable??:D :) :D

Just as I thought... Up two pounds this week. That's what I get for not eating at home all week. Can't control the sodium content, and can't STOP EATING! :eek: Tonight I'm going to try and get back on track. I'll go for a walk and eat sensibly. Too bad we have plans to go out with friends on Saturday AND Sunday!! SUPERBOB, I need your powers! ;)
Way to go, Cooker!
That's a tremendous accomplishment!

It's great that you were able to maintain this week.
Good Job!:)

Don't beat yourself up!
I bet that your gain is fluid related, so you will get it off soon.:)

And I am not going to beat myself up either!;)
I gained three pounds, and I have no clue as to how that happened!:eek:
Oh well, tomorrow's another day.:p
Cindy had a very good week. She is down -2.5 lbs. this week!

My change is -0-......I am getting in such a funk.....I would say I need my mommy, but she doesn't cook things that induce weight loss.

Congrats to the losers!
Congratulate Cindy for me! That is a real achievement. I'm down a little but not a whole pound so I'll just say I'm the same.

Congrats to Sumo and Cooker too! Collectively I think we are at least holding our own this Christmas season.
I am surprised..same as last week..169 lbs..No walking this week..Very cold/windy..but warmer today..:) I would love to just see a drop of 1 lb more before xmas..:D Bonnie
SUPERBOB was bad yesterday :eek: -- tried to divert you all with talk of the wondrous properties of scones. :) But you all are weighing in anyway....

So dutifully SUPERBOB stepped on the scales.

Result: No change from a week ago. Zero. Nada. Zilch. :eek:

Overall result: Loss of 19 pounds since that wake-up call when stepping on the doctor's scales last July 30.

I need to lose at least 1 more pound before Christmas to make it an even 20.

Then I need to make a plan to lose another 20 before we elect a new President. :)

Congratulations to all of you who are doing so well. And Niki and Wise, that includes you. Quit beating yourselves up. SUPERBOB declares this Throw Down to be a marathon, not a sprint! :p
Yeah Cindy!!! And for those with no change - good going - an accomplishment this time of year.

Here's my story:
This week I:
Made and ate Paula Deen's mac 'n cheese
Made my Mom's Sour Cream Cinnamon Twists for the holidays and ate some.
Had 3 100 calorie packs of brownies - not a lot of cals - but not good carbs!!!
My darling Glenny surprised me at rehearsal last night with a Strawberry Shortcake birthday cake.

Last week 151 - up 1 pound
This week 150 - lost the pound - HOW DID THAT HAPPEN???????

I almost didn't weigh in because I thought for sure I'd be up 2 or 3 pounds.
Karlynn, that's really awesome! You had a really good week. Got to eat some goodies and still lost weight! What a pleasant surprise. Keep up the good work.

BTW, is Paul's mac & cheese really really good?

Karlynn said:
Yeah Cindy!!! And for those with no change - good going - an accomplishment this time of year.

Here's my story:
This week I:
Made and ate Paula Deen's mac 'n cheese
Made my Mom's Sour Cream Cinnamon Twists for the holidays and ate some.
Had 3 100 calorie packs of brownies - not a lot of cals - but not good carbs!!!
My darling Glenny surprised me at rehearsal last night with a Strawberry Shortcake birthday cake.

Last week 151 - up 1 pound
This week 150 - lost the pound - HOW DID THAT HAPPEN???????

I almost didn't weigh in because I thought for sure I'd be up 2 or 3 pounds.


All that eating, even a Paula Deen recipe, and she LOST a pound?! Should dear sweet Karlynn be tested for possible use of a banned substance? :p :p :p

jk -- you done good, girl! :)
Hate prune juice - LOVE prunes - but don't eat them due to their HIGH calories - so test away Cape Boy!:D

Actually, seeing how that devil-woman Bonnie was trying to sabotage us this week, it's amazing we all aren't up 5 pounds!!!!

Paula's mac 'n cheese is YUMMY!

I used sharp cheddar.

4 cups cooked elbow macaroni, drained
2 cups grated Cheddar
3 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup sour cream
4 tablespoons butter, cut into pieces
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Once you have the macaroni cooked and drained, place in a large bowl and while still hot and add the cheddar. In a separate bowl, combine the remaining ingredients and add to the macaroni mixture. Pour macaroni mixture into a casserole dish and bake for 30 to 45 minutes. Top with additional cheese if desired.
Thanks for the recipe Karlynn. It really isn't that bad, that is if you have a reasonable serving. Sounds good!

We have a sunday school Christmas get-together Sunday evening. This would be a great dish to go along with the chicken being provided.
Karlynn said:
Hate prune juice - LOVE prunes - but don't eat them due to their HIGH calories - so test away Cape Boy!:D

Hate prune juice? Now that's not American :p Also, my night time snack is mixed dried fruit with nuts....high in calories and carbs but the good carbs:D And great fiber source....ya can't ban dried fruit:p :p :p
Super fabulously amazing loss, Cooker! Way to go! I'll bet you'll be below 198 by Christmas and still be below 200 to ring in the new year! How cool is that???

Cindy, you are amazing too! You must have been awfully good. Any tips for us?

Seems like everyone else maintained, some in the face of irresistible temptation. All-in-all a great week!

I'm down a pound from last week's 156 to 155 and down 24 pounds from my starting weight of 179.

Good luck this week folks!
Hello! I have no time to read this wonderful supportive thread this week. I am working on a must have it finished by Christmas eve thing and it's not getting finished so I'm starting to get a little frantic. You won't see me much.

But I have all of you in mind each day as I make my decisions. I'm happy to say that I lost what few pounds I added over Thanksgiving. I'm 1/2 pound from breaking through to the 170's and I'm really excited to get there!!

It's hard to keep up the exercise routine through all the hub-bub....hope you all are doing better than me.

I'll maybe not "see" you til next week!!!

Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! Stop that darn clock!! :p :D :p

PJmomrunner said:
Super fabulously amazing loss, Cooker! Way to go! I'll bet you'll be below 198 by Christmas and still be below 200 to ring in the new year! How cool is that???

Cindy, you are amazing too! You must have been awfully good. Any tips for us?

Seems like everyone else maintained, some in the face of irresistible temptation. All-in-all a great week!

I'm down a pound from last week's 156 to 155 and down 24 pounds from my starting weight of 179.

Good luck this week folks!

Cindy says:

Tips? Me? Well, all I can say is that drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily is very important. Portion control is the other important must; eat until you're just comfortable but not full full. Watch the fat, major on the vegetables and fruits while getting two servings each of starch and protein. Also get in at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. This is what I did for the last week.

P.J., after losing 24 pounds, I think you have some tips of your own. :)