Cooker's Throwdown Friday II...8-21-09

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Hello fellow ThrowDowners!! ... I hope all have had a good week (not talking weight loss), just hope you had a great week ... I have managed to drop two of the four I reported last week ... I had a huge stress bomb dropped on me yesterday (not health related), although I do one of two things when stressed ... binge or just lose my appetite, so next week I will most likely show a super gain or super loss ... damn yoyo:mad: .... This too shall pass.....

We have new members ... make them welcome or I will steal in by night and drop off pounds....:D

Starting weight..........233
Last Weigh in ............194
This week.....................192
Total Loss ....................41
I'm one of the new members:). Thanks for the warm welcome, Cooker!
David is going in for AVR tomorrow. I am not a stress eater (more of a boredom eater) so I'm not sure how I will do this week as the beginning of the week will likely be stressful followed, hopefully, by boredom!

Here are my numbers:

Starting Weight....137.6 (33.8 body fat - yes, I have one of those scales;))
Goal Weight....120

I have been down this road before (as I'm sure most of us have). Five years ago I lost almost 30 pounds on Weight Watchers. It took me about a year and a half during which time I yo-yo'd from week to week because I was never really strict. I ended up getting down to 112 which was much too thin for me and I didn't stay there very long. I did manage to maintain 120 for about a year and then it started creeping back up again. I think the key this time for a quicker weight loss and maintaining it will be exercise, which I did not do much of the first time.

Glad to be part of the throwdown!
Nadine :)
I'm one of the new members:). Thanks for the warm welcome, Cooker!
David is going in for AVR tomorrow. I am not a stress eater (more of a boredom eater) so I'm not sure how I will do this week as the beginning of the week will likely be stressful followed, hopefully, by boredom!

Here are my numbers:

Starting Weight....137.6 (33.8 body fat - yes, I have one of those scales;))
Goal Weight....120

I have been down this road before (as I'm sure most of us have). Five years ago I lost almost 30 pounds on Weight Watchers. It took me about a year and a half during which time I yo-yo'd from week to week because I was never really strict. I ended up getting down to 112 which was much too thin for me and I didn't stay there very long. I did manage to maintain 120 for about a year and then it started creeping back up again. I think the key this time for a quicker weight loss and maintaining it will be exercise, which I did not do much of the first time.

Glad to be part of the throwdown!
Nadine :)

Again welcome .... If I can lose 2 pounds a week I'm happy but as you know some times it is 2 down and three up:rolleyes:

David, as you, will be in my prayers... I'm sure he will do just fine ... you too:)
Glad you joined us, Nadine.:)
I stepped on the scales this morning, and I think I will wait until tomorrow to weigh again and post.:rolleyes::p
Thanks Cooker. I reported in today because the way I eat today I may be back over 200 by tomorrow.
I'd consider myself a newbie too and thanks for the welcome!. I've been an angel all week - really!! I know I"ve lost but tomorrow morning will be the moment of truth and I'll throw down first chance I get when the boss isn't looking at work!

Nadine, hope you are managing to get a good night's sleep tonight. I admire you for trying to do this with all the stress you must be under - even though that isn't your 'trigger', my hat is still off to you! I'd be stuffing my face as an emotional eater. Our stories are similar on Weight Watchers, but I never reached goal. It is a good program, but progress was so slow. I lost 70 lbs then and have gained about 50 back over 10 years. Swore I wouldn't but I did. My prayers are with you and David .

john79t - Woo hoo! I hope to reach that milestone too in a few weeks. You've clearly worked hard and it has paid off. Are you the 'teacher's' pet? Don't reward yourself with food now - go get a massage or something, maybe a pedicure don't you know it's all the rage for guys now.

Good job this week Chimp Man and thanks for keeping us honest. BTW, I loved the rasta chimp...:)

More tomorrow as the pounds melt away in my sleep.... I can dream can't I?
Pancake House (not IHOP)

Pancake House (not IHOP)

Mary and Rhena...Thanks for the welcomes!

John...Congrats on breaking 200!

We have postponed David's surgery until Monday because we have more questions for the surgeon now that we have found out that he also needs to have part of his ascending aorta replaced. We're meeting with him sometime today.

Right now we're getting ready to head out for breakfast with two of our daughters to an AMAZING pancake house in Ridgewood, NJ that was actually featured on a Food Network show. They must have about 100 types of pancakes and all kinds of omelets, french toast, waffles, etc., etc. The menu is about 7 pages long. And the pancakes are humongous - they hang of the edges of the plates. David took our older daughter there for breakfast yesterday because she is heading off to college next week and he wanted to spend some time with just her. Well, our 14 year old twins were jealous so we are going back today. There is NO WAY to be good at the restaurant. At least it is the beginning of the week so I can make up for it before I have to weigh in again:eek:!

Mary and Rhena...Thanks for the welcomes!

John...Congrats on breaking 200!

We have postponed David's surgery until Monday because we have more questions for the surgeon now that we have found out that he also needs to have part of his ascending aorta replaced. We're meeting with him sometime today.

Right now we're getting ready to head out for breakfast with two of our daughters to an AMAZING pancake house in Ridgewood, NJ that was actually featured on a Food Network show. They must have about 100 types of pancakes and all kinds of omelets, french toast, waffles, etc., etc. The menu is about 7 pages long. And the pancakes are humongous - they hang of the edges of the plates. David took our older daughter there for breakfast yesterday because she is heading off to college next week and he wanted to spend some time with just her. Well, our 14 year old twins were jealous so we are going back today. There is NO WAY to be good at the restaurant. At least it is the beginning of the week so I can make up for it before I have to weigh in again:eek:!


First of all, welcome to the Throwdown.

That sounds like an awesome pancake house. Eat a pecan pancake for me, then have a chocolate chip pancake for dessert!

Best wishes to David regarding the appointment today and the upcoming surgery!

I weighed yesterday morning and am reporting that result because we ate Mexican food last night and didn't eat lite enough to weigh in today.

I lost 2 lbs. for the week and I am pleased with that.

Cindy is holding this week. We've had a good week food wise and expect both of us to post a loss next week.

Welcome Rhena. This is good, supportive, nutty group of Throwdowners!
OK..... are you ready for it.... drumroll please..... 2.8 lbs has left the building. I measure in .2 increments, because every little bit helps. Sounds like Nadine has one of those fancy scales too - but thank god I don't know my body fat ratio.

I'm going to throwndown really bigtime now for ya'll and it is hard for me - but here is the real skinny (ha I made a pun) - no secrets here I guess. I cringe to write it down....

Starting Weight 8-10-09: 224
Weight Last Friday: 219.6
Weight Today: 216.8
Weekly loss: 2.8
Total loss to date: 7.2

I am going to pat my ownself on the back as this has been a very emotional week for me and I made it through without stuffing my face. So I proved to myself I can do it with lots of determination!

Why was my week so emotional? First I had to cancel my trip to St. Lucia in Sept. that I had planned months ago and had been counting the days to. I am soooo disappointed. They didnt' recommend I go so far from home to a place with not so great medical facilities.

Next, I had an appt with cardio and got results from my heart cath that instead of an area of .87 cm2 for my AV as echo shows it is more lilke 1.02 to 1.2. Now one would think that is good news, but now puts me further back in the waiting room line. Also, my left ventricle is hyperdynamic - meaning it squeezes extra hard. One would think that is good news too, but actually not he says. When your AV is smaller - it makes things worse in there. And oh by the way since your stress echo showed some alarming things hapening on the ecg as you heart rate increased, - we want you to keep your BPM around 100. Now this was making my exercise routine difficult as I could just take one lap around the mall at my usual pace and be at 115 in a heartbeat (another pun!).

So yesterday they started me on metoprolol to slow my heart rate down (weird feelings on that stuff) but the one piece of honestly good news there is it did its job and I was able to do 4 laps around the mall (about 2 miles) at my usual pace and by the end I was just at 100 BPM - I was really, really short of breath but I did it. I may try going back to my Curves workout now too!

Bottom line right after cath - Surgeon came in and told me to lose 40 lbs to make the surgery much less risky and recovery easier. I took that to mean that if I did that then surgery was on. I will lose the 40 lbs and they better keep their end of the bargain. I want this over! We are month to month now... another echo mid sept.

Sorry for the long post - but there it is... I will stop my whining now, as I can't have any cheese with that. (I've said this before somehwere on this forum, but I kind of like it...) I am supposed to have a 10 second rule of feeling sorry for myself.... I've exceeded it! Actually looking on the bright side - I am one lucky person for lving in a country that has amazing medical magic going on. As myf riend in St. Lucia reminded me - someone with this problem there would probably not live long....

Yeah for 2.8 lbs!

Oh Rhena, it's hurricane season anyway. You don't want to go to the Carribean right now. I did Hurricane Gilbert on Jamaica in '88 or so. Blech.

I'm up 2 lbs from last week, 129.7, or about .7 over goal... I started my birthday eating early--actually commiserating with a burglary victim/co-worker and saying bye-bye to a former co-worker. That stuff always involves food.

Tomorrow night is Macaroni Grill (lobster ravioli) with friends and Monday is another local Italian joint with the work gang. Then I have to ditch the salt and carbs again. Sigh. Oh, wait, there's the Labor Day party coming up!
I stayed the same. Happily I'm sorta enthused about trying to lose some weight and exercise so that's a good start to this coming week.:)
I'm down a pound. I think my weight loss program could proceed very nicely if I lived on a Caribbean beach and could walk and snorkel daily. I'm about 7 lbs from a nice goal - but it's going to be tough.

Rhena - you just write here all you want - consider it journalling with an audience!! If it helps you to lose the 40 - we'll be here reading, encouraging and sympathizing.

At a total loss of 7.2 - you have already lost 18% of the 40! That's TERRIFIC!
I liked my Wed. weight better. But I'll take the 1 lb. loss for today. I didn't do anything special to lose the weight, my twins just wouldn't let me eat!
I'm down a pound. I think my weight loss program could proceed very nicely if I lived on a Caribbean beach and could walk and snorkel daily. I'm about 7 lbs from a nice goal - but it's going to be tough.

Rhena - you just write here all you want - consider it journalling with an audience!! If it helps you to lose the 40 - we'll be here reading, encouraging and sympathizing.

At a total loss of 7.2 - you have already lost 18% of the 40! That's TERRIFIC!

Hey Karlynn! Thanks for that boost! 18% when you look at it that way sounds better. I'll take it. I love to snorkel too - what a great way to exercise that would be. Sure beats walking the mall. It is so hot here you have to walk indoors or else melt. This weekend is going to be a challenge, as I have a friend visitng but I have a plan to stay on track and I"m going to execute it and she will help me too I know.

Good job to all you 'losers' and keep on keeping on to the rest of you and next week will be better.

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