Cooker's Throwdown Friday ... 10-24-14

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Greetings! I hope this finds everyone well and making headway on their plans.... I have not been on the scales since last week and am taking a mulligan this week. I'm sure my weight is crazy bad right now and I just am not going to worry about it this week. I'm trying to get back on track so maybe next week I will be able to post some small advances in the quest for weight loss!!

Looking forward to hearing about your week!!!

RTNYD15 Starting Weight: 230.75
Last Week: 233.50

Today's Weight: 231.50
Superbob;n848966 said:
wow, today is Wednesday, right (madly shuffling through clutter on desk to find calendar)….Superbob will weigh in on Friday. :Scared:

LOL ...yes this is EARLY!!! Golf early in the morning then busy as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest the rest of the day so I thought I would get this started early.
Okay, I will use yesterday's weight since I don't have time amid several family "emergencies" to do the usual Friday routine this morning.

Anyway, the good news is I now have my first loss of the Race to New Year's Day -- I am down 1.1 pounds. Maybe I'll weigh over weekend and see if there is a little more progress.

Even better news is that I am down 5.5 pounds since that awful morning not too long ago that I saw an increase so alarming I actually used my patient portal to email my doctor about it. She basically told me to get a grip -- good advice. Anyway, I am being much more careful about my eating now -- sorry, no vanilla slices for now, Neil.
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Glad to read that your weight is down, Superbob. Mine's not, but I've been on a course of steroids since Monday and the scales have risen incrementally with each daily dose. I'm bummed, but I don't have much choice in whether I take them or not. If my tonsils don't shrink in the course of a week, I will have to undergo a tonsillectomy,and that's a surgery I want to avoid. I hope everyone else has a good week.
Duffey;n849047 said:
Glad to read that your weight is down, Superbob. Mine's not, but I've been on a course of steroids since Monday and the scales have risen incrementally with each daily dose. I'm bummed, but I don't have much choice in whether I take them or not. If my tonsils don't shrink in the course of a week, I will have to undergo a tonsillectomy,and that's a surgery I want to avoid. I hope everyone else has a good week.

Oh goodness, I've never had my tonsils out either, Duffey, and I sure hope you can avoid that surgery, too. There have been times I was afraid I would have to have it. Hope the course of steroids works -- understandable that it temporarily affects weight.
Yowsa Duffey. I sure hope those steroids work this week. Nobody seems to like taking them, but if they spare you surgery that's a good tradeoff. I'll be thinking about you.

Awesome Superbob! Nice loss!! You're right too. Thin and healthy weight people are careful and particular about what they eat, especially anybody over about 40. You are smart to accept that so you can have the benefits of a healthy weight.

I'm good, 131 today vs. 133 on Labor Day. Last week's alarming weight gain must have been about 2 lbs fat and 6 lbs water from eating so much carbs, sugar and salt. I do think my strong efforts this week were responsible for 1-2 lbs of the loss. I feel a lot better about my efforts this week. Maybe when I go to the doctor in January, my cholesterol won't be borderline any more. We'll see!!

Stay motivated everyone. It's worth it!
Getting your tonsils out as an adult is tough (from what I hear), sure hope you can avoid it Duff...

Superbob, way to go...

Dornole, good job...

TheChimp is limping back into the race......
very quiet here this week! How can a Man of Steel have a jacked-up back? I've known I've had spinal stenosis for 10 years, but lately the pain has shifted from center to left side. I am going to check out a chiropractor, whom my DIL and DW rave about. (Maybe they just like his looks, I dunno -- shouldn't I be entitled to a female chiro resembling Carrie Underwood (maybe singing to me all the while)? :Face-Smirk:
Hello everyone! I've been without a computer for almost a couple weeks. Just got another one after the sudden death of the old one. Anyway, I'm sorry to hear of the health issues Duffey and SB are dealing with. I do hope that you can avoid the tonsil surgery Duffey! SB, I'd recommend giving the chiro a try. There are a lot of lady chiropractors these days.

I see that I'm not alone in weight struggles. I don't know my weight but that's okay for now. I'm getting ready to start walking regularly and eat a diet that is grain free. Actually I won't be suffering. I am making a carrot cake for Friday night when Cindy's card buddies will come over to play cards with her and our neighbor's birthday will be then (yes, he's a goblin). So, that cake will be sort of a birthday cake. Our grandson Jackson will be 12 on Halloween also, another goblin, but a very very good goblin.

I am still improving my Spanish skills, poco a poco (little by little). I am also giving up one of my part-time jobs to focus on getting healthier, which will include eating well, exercise (walking at first) and better rest and stress management. I know Cooker that stress sometimes is an issue for you, it is hard to avoid involving work.

Just wanted to say hi and everyone take care.
Wise;n849205 said:
I'm getting ready to start walking regularly and eat a diet that is grain free. Actually I won't be suffering. I am making a carrot cake for Friday night when Cindy's card buddies will come over to play cards with her and our neighbor's birthday will be then (yes, he's a goblin). So, that cake will be sort of a birthday cake. Our grandson Jackson will be 12 on Halloween also, another goblin, but a very very good goblin.
Substitute ground almonds for the flour in the carrot cake recipe and it will be grain free ! And more nutritious too, plus lovely and moist ! (I've been grain free for eight years - not for weight reasons but becuase I eat very low carb for diabetes and am probably coeliac).
Paleogirl;n849206 said:
Substitute ground almonds for the flour in the carrot cake recipe and it will be grain free ! And more nutritious too, plus lovely and moist ! (I've been grain free for eight years - not for weight reasons but becuase I eat very low carb for diabetes and am probably coeliac).
Thanks for the advice. We do like almond flour, but this recipe, which is grain-free, uses coconut flour. Of course, there's more to it. I'm using a recipe by the Food Lovers "Make It Paleo" cookbook. It's a very interesting recipe and sounds divine. If you are interested in the recipe, I don't mind to share it.
I'd like the recipe, Wise. I've been trying to do less grains but I'm also anxious to do some fall baking. I know my tonsils have decreased in size, but with one day left of antibiotics, I don't know if they've shrunk enough. I see the ENT Monday, so I won't have to wait too long for an answer.
Wise;n849212 said:
Thanks for the advice. We do like almond flour, but this recipe, which is grain-free, uses coconut flour. Of course, there's more to it. I'm using a recipe by the Food Lovers "Make It Paleo" cookbook. It's a very interesting recipe and sounds divine. If you are interested in the recipe, I don't mind to share it.
I'd love to see the recipe as, by coincidence, I have just bought a pack of coconut flour !
I will post the recipe either later tonight or in the morning. Off to Frankfort to visit with Cindy's son Galen at Casa Fiesta where we first me Cooker face-to-face.
Duffey and Paleogirl, here you go.

Carrot Cake:


5 large carrots, peeled and shredded
1 cup pure maple syrup
3/4 cup coconut flour, sifted
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
Date mixture recipe (recipe follows, plus 4 additional
dates for a total of 10 medjool dates)
10 eggs (yes, 10)
1 tbsp pure vanilla extract
1 cup melted virgin coconut oil
Cream cheese frosting (recipe follows)
Chopped raw walnuts for garnish (I will use pecans instead)


1. In a food processor, using the grating blade, shred carrots.
2. Place carrots in a large ziplock bag. Pour maple syrup over carrots and let marinate in the fridge for an hour.
3. Preheat oven to 325 F.
4. In a small mixing bowl, add sifted coconut flour, cinnamon, salt, and baking soda.
5. Make date mixture with 10 medjool dates.
6. In a large mixing bowl or kitchen mixer, blend eggs, vanilla, melted coconut oil, and date mixture.
7. Add dry ingredients to wet and blend.
8. Remove carrots from the fridge, and drain the excess maple syrup from the carrots using a colander.
9. Stir grated carrots into cake batter.
10. Grease two 9-inch cake pans with coconut oil. Pour batter into pans. (For easy removal, line pans with parchment paper)
11. Bake for 35 minutes. Test center with a tooth pick - if the tooth pick comes out clean, the the cakes are done.
12. Remove cakes from oven and cool.
13. Frost cakes with cream cheese frosting, garnish with walnuts, and serve.

Date mixture:


6 medjool dates, pitted (10 dates for this recipe)
4 tbsp water
1 tbsp pure maple syrup


1. Place pitted dates in a microwave-safe bowl, and pour 3 tablespoons of water over the dates.
2. Heat in microwave for 30 seconds and mash with a fork.
3. Add one more tablespoon water, microwave for another 30 seconds, and mash again.
4. Add 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup, and continue to mash and stir until mixture is an even consistency.

Cream Cheese Frosting:


16 oz. full-fat cream cheese
1/2 cup pure maple syrup
t tbsp vamilla extract
2 tbsp ginger, grated


1. Bring cream cheese to room temperature.
2. Blend cream cheese, maple syrup, vanilla, and ginger with a hand mixer or kitchen mixer.
3. Use right away, or refrigerate.
You're welcome Duffey and Paleogirl. As it turns out, I'm not making the cake today. Some of our friends have bought thirty Halloween decorated cupcakes for the card/birthday gathering. I think I might make some GF cookies for me instead. Next week, no matter what, I am making that carrot cake. I have drooled over the picture in the book long enough.
Hey Duffey and Paleogirl. I made the carrot cake. I was concerned that being grain free it would be a bit different than traditional carrot cake. Boy was I wrong. It rivals the best I've ever had, even if I did make. It is not overly sweet, but that wasn't an issue either. Paleogirl, you mentioned not using the medjool dates. I'm not sure how it will turn out without them. They provide substance to the cake (not being a true baker, I don't know how else to say it). You probably have a better idea what to do if omitting the dates. Anyway, we loved it. Our neighbors loved it too. I should have made it for Thanksgiving, but Cindy's mother always makes carrot cake for special occasions and I don't think a competitor would be welcome (mine was better, hehe).