Cone/Cervical biposy next week

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2002
Flushing, Queens, NY
Hello to all my old and new friends, I know I've been MIA for awhile and hope all my heart buddies are doing well and still clicking and thumping whichever the case may be. Well, I thought I'd post about my upcoming surgery and ask for any advice or words from the wise. On Wed. Aug 4th, I'll be having an outpatient cone biopsy because of some abnormal pap smears, I had a low grade pap in May and the pap on June 6th showed high grade abnormal cells, So I start my Lovenox tomorrow and and they will also be doing a biopsy of my uterus to see if these cells have spread. My cardio and GYN oncologist have been in very close contact since preparing for this, So, I feel confident about that and of course very anixous to get this over with. I promise to keep you all updated and wonder if anyone has had any with experience this. Hope all is well, God Bless!
Obviously I don't have any experience with it, but dang it Nicole, your too young for this sort of stuff. What am I going to do with you? Are you sure you and I aren't from the same litter? I'll sure keep you close in thought and prayer and hope for the best outcome possible. :)
Best of luck to you, Nicole. I had some simliar experiences when I was 24. I'll be anxious to hear how you do.
Hi Nicole

Glad to hear from you, but not glad you have to have the procedure. I'm sure it will be a walk in the park after all you've been through. Please let us know how you do.....we've missed you here, girlfriend!!!

Best wishes for a successful outcome. Sorry to hear you are having to go through this. I have always felt that we valvers should have the priviledge to opt out of any other medical junk, given that we've already had our fair share.
Amen, Karlynn. Amen. I just gave myself the first lovenox injection and Boy, Did I forget how much those things hurt. :( I have so much respect for insulin users and other people who have to do this everyday. Thankfully, It's only a week of this. Kinda stinks to, That now my tummy will be all bruised up for the rest of the summer. No more beach for me. I'll just have sunbathe with the dog out in the backyard. Thank you all for the well wishes and I'll be keeping you all posted.
Hey Young'un - you can't know how many times I have nearly PM-ed you but figured you'd pop up when you were ready. And now you are ready! It is so good to hear from you.

I am sorry you are having even more stuff to go through. You have had enough, already! My prayers are with you, Child. Please let us know. Love Ann
Me Too

Me Too

2 Weeks ago I went in for a biopsy on my cervix and uterus. I to a bad pap. I go in on monday to get my results. My doctor has pretty much told me I am looking at a hysterectomy. The rest will be disussed on monday. I am kinda confused. When I had my biopsy I did not have to get any injections. I am on coumidan 10mg a day. That also could be why when it was over it looked like the doctor had slaughtered someone. I have never seen so much blood in one place. What is the shot for? To stop bleeding? I guess we can go thru this together I will let you know what my doctor says and you let me know what yours says. Good luck.
Hi April, I'm sorry to hear someone else is going through this. I started the Lovenox, which is just another form of anticoagulants through injection in replace of a Heparin drip. My sister had the same thing happen to her, She started to hemmorage (sp?) in the doctors office the day after the procedure and had to go in t emergency surgery to be stitched up. Did I mention this was 3 and a half weeks after her wedding. From what I understand, If this has spread to my uterus I could be looking at a hysterectomy also. Which is scary, giving I'm only 21. Had the second injection tonight, Ouch! Well, I'll be updating. Take care and goodnight all.


I am so sorry and I do hope this is not the case. I do pray they test was wrong. You are so young. I am 33 I have 2 children and I feel if this is cancer and a hysterectomy is what the out come is that will be fine as long as that is what takes care of the problem. Although I am just a few days shy of being 6 wks post op so another major surgery is not something I am looking forward to. Good luck and Good night. Oh how was your sisters outcome? Was she on coumidian also?

Good luck with the cone biopsy. I just had a Leep procedure and they used twighlight anesthesia in the OR for that. I had to take antis of course. I had had a pelvic floor repair shceuled when they called to say the colpo showed I needed a leep. So I had the repair done in early April, the Leep done seven weeks later, then I thought I was ready to finally get a break when I got appendicitis June 21. So hopefully things will turn out well for you and that will be it. Take care!
good luck!

good luck!


I am 50 and had several cone biopsies as a young woman. They always came out fine. I hope yours does too. After I got married, I had yet another bad pap and this time my OB/GYN told us that after having had so many, I might have difficulty (might) conceiving so if we were planning to have children now might be a good time to do that instead of another cone. He also said that vaginal deliveries tend to wipe out the problem for good. We were in our late 20's so it was a fine enough idea. Never did we think we'd get pregnant the first month!! But we did. Eventually, I had 3 perfect pregnancies and 3 perfect children and I've never (knock on wood) had any bad cells since. We were very suspicious that the OB/GYN really just wanted more business!! but the outcome for us was wonderful. I hope this goes well for you.

I hope all goes well for you. Its alot to take. Just be strong cos your age is a strong factor in all this.
Best of Luck. You are in my prayers
I remember that feeling...I was checked out for that, but my colposcopy was ok. The only thing I have is scar tissue in the abdominal wall(two c-sections), which was caused by a blood clot that eventually moved and now it hurts. I wanted to have the LAVH because I can't have anymore children, and I HATE my monthly visitor! ANy women ever have those HEAVY flows since coumadin? Good luck Nicole. SOrry about the lovenox.
Thank you all for the well wishes. As for children, I will not be having any. Every doctor I've ever seen since I'm 13 has said you will never have children with your heart. And after surgery with dual replacements, the chance of me having children became slimmer and slimmer. But because I've been told for so long, it really is not a problem for me. They told me at pre-surgery testing, "you know the cone biopsy makes it harder to carry a baby, blah, blah". I kinda just laughed it off.
My sister was given the same speech about children before the cone and will start trying in Oct. to have children. My sister has no other health problems and was not and has never been on Coumadin when she started to bleed out in the doctors office. My mom always says thank God that wasn't me cause she knows the probabibility of me getting to a hospital on time, would have been hard. Because of what happened with my sister, We've learned the risks and at least can be that much more cautious. Well, That's my time for now, Will check in again soon. Thanks again for all the prayers and positive thoughts.
It's so funny, after I had my first kid, I was told not to have anymore, because they didn't know why I had the sydenham's chorea. Kevin got snipped, and we thought, "great, we're safe." NOT! I got pregnant a year and a half later. I was scared to death, because I didn't know WHAT was going to happen with the second pregnancy. Then my heart problem showed up when I was 5 months pregnant. You'll be fine, and TAKE IT EASY after this!
joy said:
ANy women ever have those HEAVY flows since coumadin? /QUOTE]

Hey Joy!
I was going to ask that question tonight on Chat. What a shock this has been. I'm on Plavix and aspirin and the increased bleeding is a real problem. I am chronically anemic, and I am afraid of how low my hemoglobin will go after a few more months of this.