Cold and Flu home Remedies

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2008
I am getting over a pretty intense flu and thought I could share with you
all what helps...sometimes.

If you aren't sick yet ,but are having the VERY first prodromal signs you
can take: -3 chopped garlic cloves
-A hand full of fresh chopped ginger
- Cayenne (a tsp)
-Pour about 8 ounces of boiling water over, and let steep
for 8 minutes.
-You can drink some and gargle with the rest,letting it coat
the back of your throat.
*This can actually stop a brewing virus,one that hasn't traveled
and is still in your throat in small numbers.It can prevent if the
timing is perfect.

So after you have the cold/flu and feeling terrible,and talking like a frog,
there is a remedy I always use. Sometimes I take it instead of OTC meds
but, if its real intense,I use cold meds too(even though some of these can
be dangerous according to the meds we are on and whether we have HTN.
or are diabetic,etc).
This remedy everyone knows(hot lemon and honey). I start with this,
using fresh squeezed lemon,not 'Realemon'.
I add to this: *green tea
*peppermint herb
*ginger-fresh chopped(or dried)use large amount
*catnip-especially if fever
I usually use loose leaf teas but in the bag is ok too. I then
pour boiling water over all herbs/teas and let steep for 10-
-12 minutes. I use a large teapot-don't use aluminum.
After steeping ,stir well ,leave bags in and pour cup;I then
add *2-3 tbsp of lemon juice
*2tbsp of honey
*2tbsp of bourbon,whiskey,brandy(optional:D)

Each herb helps a specific symptom. The green tea is for the antioxidants
and helping the immune system. The ginger is most important since it kills
bacteria and virus,has an anti-cough effect and soothe the throat,and
thins and helps to expel mucus, Catnip relaxes and helps with fever; chamomile is calming and sedating; peppermint contains menthol and helps sinuses and chest congestion. And of course the alcohol(in small amounts)
will calm and warm the body,helping you to rest.

Even though all of the ingredients listed here are safe and commonly used,
you should know that:
-chamomile- those who are allergic to ragweed, yarrow,
or plants from Compositae(daisy) family, have
hayfever,or asthma may also be allergic to this.
-green tea-has caffeine which can cause tachycardia and
phenols which can irritate the stomach if you are prone
to ulcers,colic,etc.
-alcohol-only if your meds and health allow.
-honey-not diabetic-friendly

I still have a little residual flu , but it's much better today and didn't
last as long as it is with others who have this same bug.
So just in case it does work I decided to share my flu potion with you:)
Wishing everyone well-Dina
One important thing I did not add for those of you who are taking warfarin,
is that ginger, chamomile ,and sometimes green tea can increase risk of
bleeding. Though I drank all of these things in mod-large quantities when
I was on coumadin and had no fact I was remaining below my
target. But since we each are different , I feel it should be mentioned, even
if I feel the risk is minimal.
Have a good day-Dina:)
Dina ,thank-you for the flu potions,i too am getting slowly

over a double flu and sure has been crummy feeling so yuk.

I like all of these and the one before the sore throat hits.

Burbon and Brandy;) sure to help if i could just find some here;)

Thanks for the tips:)

zipper2 (DEB)
Dina, Thanks for these helpful suggestions! I have begun battling a cough and laryngitis that I picked up from my grands, in spite of my trying to avoid their uncovered coughs. All of my tried and true home remedies were supposed to not be used once I was on coumadin or warfarin. I couldn't believe it until I found this website...and then it all came back to me only to be used in moderation (as if I wasn't doing that with herbal things before). I have been wondering about using things like green tea and ginger, Vit. C, etc., since I was told they were huge NO-NO's once on coumadin. As I suspected, after ingesting the info at this website, I can probably use them, but more carefully than I was before. And I was told I couldn't use them at all, under any circumstance, whatsoever.
I was planning on going on a new thread to find out what to do for a nagging cough that could potentially get worse, and thanks to your suggestions, I can, once again, resume my life in a supportive way by using the things I know work for me in these kinds of circumstances. I can't imagine not being able to use the healing properties in ginger, garlic, honey and green tea. My mom used to dose us with lemon and honey in hot water with a small bit of brandy or whiskey; I have to wonder how much she gave herself to get through out nights of coughing...
WE JUSt had something awful. no cold symptoms, no fever or very little if any, all stomach and intestinal. a particularly nasty thing. dr said to avoid milk and all dairy, sweets, 'sticky' foods like meats and pastas and to eat clear soups, vegs and fruits. she said the 'bug' HATES garlic but how ya gonna put garlic on an apple or banana and like it!!!

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