CoaguChek® XS system

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kpearse Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 13, 2009
Colonia,NJ USA
Hello, I have a meter!! It's the CoaguChek® XS system. This was the only company my insurance would take. It took me 4 months to find one they covered. The nurse came to my house to show me how it works. Funny, she was a nurse from the clinic I went to. She moved to another department, but said they really look down at people who home test. I really don't care. I've been doing this for a few years now and I think I can handle it. If I have any problems I know I can come here. You guys are great! To say I'm happy is an understatement. Now I can test from home and not worry about " getting there". I'll be around, I lurk a lot. Have a great weekend!!! :)
I just got a coaguchek three weeks ago. I had been going to a coumadin clinic that's in the same building as my cardiac rehab. They use the same machine. The nurse who did the testing was really interested in how I was able to get a meter. Clearly, it's a revenue source..........
I have a Coaguchek XS. Love it. Did a lab comparison last week. They had exactly the same reading. Always .2 or less difference. Have had it for about 2 yrs. Being able to test myself gives me a sense of control and freedom to live a "normal" life. I purchased it myself so don't have to check in with anyone--only when I go to the lab. Hope you like yours as much as I do mine.
Thanks to whoever posted the url. I love the meter. It's easy to use and I have the feeling i'm in a little control of my inr. Not having to go to the clinic is nice to! :)
My first test was 1.9. No big deal because I did eat a lot of "greens" the night before. My Doctor put me on a new range. It's now 2.0 - 3.0. If I was at the clinic they would have me come back in a week, another 30 bucks. I just continued on my dose, no problem! I would like to stay more toward the high end of the range, just feel more comfortable with that. I'm a very happy guy now!