Chronic pvc's anyone?

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2002
Does anyone besides me have chronic occasional pvc's? or pre -mature ventricular contractions . I have them and I really hate it because it happens sometimes when I am trying to talk and it intefers with my speech !Like I need another thing to do that these days I don't care why it is there I just do not like it. My doc says it is just a by product os 2 heart surgeries .

I do, I do! I have PAC and PVC's, sometimes in bigeminy (every other beat is a PVC) and basically was told the same thing, I have some other occasional slightly more concerning palpitations (the other day I had my first run of tachy beats in a really long time, was like 30-45 seconds long) I've been told multiple times that they cant really do anything about them, and they arent dangerous they tried to ablate them when I was in for my ablation but they werent able to reproduce the crazy beats. . . really frustrating, I know, and I get the whole "they stop me in my tracks" thing, same happens to me. . .
wish I could give you better insight, maybe a second opinion/seeing an electrophysiologist?
I had about 30,000 a day. I just got that number yesterday. I knew I was having a lit but Holy Crap!!! Yeah Thebes overtaken my life but I'm slowly learning how to accept them.
I'm surprised that Doctors are saying that nothing can be done to control PAC's / PVC's.

I would look for a second opinion. You may want to consult with an ElectroPhysiologist (Cardiologist who specializes in the Electrical Functions of the Heart).

Note that many of our members report good control of those issues with Beta Blockers.
Ablation is another option for more stubborn cases.

'AL Capshaw'
Does anyone besides me have chronic occasional pvc's? or pre -mature ventricular contractions . I have them and I really hate it because it happens sometimes when I am trying to talk and it intefers with my speech !Like I need another thing to do that these days I don't care why it is there I just do not like it. My doc says it is just a by product os 2 heart surgeries...
Even though I've read and been told that they're not supposed to be dangerous, PVCs are annoying!

I wasn't bothered with them much for the first five years post-op, until two years ago, and then I had a sudden onset of a lot of them. I wore a 24-hr. holter monitor then and was having over 10,000 a day. I was exhausted from them. At that time, they were at least partly caused by my bp medication and a subsequent mineral imbalance, and I think a bit of dehydration also.

Recently I wore another 24-hr. holter monitor and was having over 15,000 a day. But they don't seem to bother me as much as the fewer ones I had two years ago; they aren't as strong. The doc tried me on a beta-blocker again, which was just intolerable to me.

So currently I'm wearing a temporary heart surveillance system, which is supposed to give the cardio more information about what I'm having, when, and why. I should wear it more often; it seems to have scared the majority of my PVCs away :rolleyes2: