Chloe's 1st yearly checkup Tues!

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2004
Portsmouth UK

Its the first time Clo has had a whole year between appointments and I am sh*****g myself to be perfectly honest. Am scared something new will have occured - one of the leaks worsened, sub-aortic stenosis occuring which I now know if a possibility for her, change in rhythms meaning pacemaker can also happen with her condition quite often ... with these bloomin heart conditions you just never know.

On the rational side on my mind, I'm saying its ok, shes better than ever, great colour, has tons of energy, never gets breathless etc etc but theres always that doubt - have been feeling sick about it for weeks and its almost here now so I'm even worse. Jason thinks I'm loopy to be worried but he's always had a different take on these things to me anyway.

Ah well, back to cleaning to take my mind off it, sorry to ramble
Emma & Chloe,
Good Luck on Tuesday! I hope you get a wonderful check! Please let us know how it went!
Yes, Emma, as Ross

Yes, Emma, as Ross

says, "Ramble on."

However, try not to worry. I think from what you say about Chloe - she sounds as if she is doing great. I highly doubt there will be a single thing found on the echo to worry about. :)

Chloe will be in my thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to hear the good report.

Christina L
Emma, when you've had so much to deal with and you've heard so much bad news, it's only logical that you will go into an appointment with dread even when you look at beautiful Chloe and see her doing well. It's a kind of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, in my opinion.

I'm due for my 6 mo. check up and I've been procrastinating about making it and going in. I always do. I've been doing well and living a good life for over 14 years, but I still have a little of that PTSD when appointment time rolls around.

I imagine moms of heart patients probably will always have that sense of dread when appointments approach. I'm sure you look for every little nuance for signs that the news might not all be good. I think it's a way of protecting yourself from being blindsided by news you aren't expecting when you think everything is well.

I'm sure that Chloe will pass her first annual exam with flying colors.
Will be watching for your report on Tuesday. Know it will be stellar!

Hugs to you both!

I know you're anxious Emma.
It seems to go with the territory and doesn't matter that all indications are that Chloe's in good heart health.
So vent and worry if you must, but know we'll be here to read your good news once she sees the cardio on Tuesday. :)
You're the mommy - it's your job to worry.;) :D ;) We are sure the results of Chloe's visit will be fine and send good wishes and prayers your way. Looking forward to your update.
Mommy's never stop worrying- even when their children have children of their own and I am sure as a heart Mom, it is even worst. Looking forward to all good news on Tuesday- I'm sure she is every bit as good as she looks!
Well, the fears were unfounded thank-goodness!
Chloe had the normal echo, ecg, xray, etc and a 20 minute prod from a registrar who seemed to be measuring clo's heart with her fingers?? Not seen them do that before but hey ho, at least she has been well and truely checked out. Saw a reg first who gave us the outlines of it all then took us in to see consultant. He's really pleased with Chloe, said echo looked excellent, mitral and tricuspid leaks not changed and still only mild, no sign of anything changing on her ecg, RBBB shouldnt cause her any problems he thinks, and best of all (as far as I'm concerned as I'd got worried about this!) was there is no signs at all of any sub-aortic stenosis. He said she is quite far post surgery now and hopes most of the complications she may have got with her condition and anatomy are not an issue now. Her ventricles are now a really good size so enalapril is doing it's job there and heart function is excellent. He also commented how well she looked in herself and that reiterated, as he has before, about how she should lead a normal life and be as any other child would - obviously taking into account her warfarin and INR with contact sports.
He said to carry on as we are, she's doing really well and he'll see us in another year! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! You would not believe the relief I felt when he said that (well actually you probably would as you all feel it too after these things).

Thankyou for all the support!!! It really is appreciated!
Love Emma
Couldn't ask for a better report than that. I just experienced the same feeling myself when my cardiologist told me to come back in a year so I know exactly how you feel. ON TOP OF THE WORLD!

forgot to add, her left ventricle ejection fraction was 78% so 'YAY!!', the LV is doing its job finally too!!

I am so happy for Chloe and you, isn'tthat feeling of relief when you can feel the rock being lifted off your back, one of the best feeling? Lyn
WHEW! What a wonderful report; I imagine you're delirious. Give Chloe a big hug from all of us. This is great news.

So now we can quit holding our collective breath.
Wonderful news, Chloe deserves a special treat and so do you. So pleased that everything looks so super!:D
Such wonderful news

Such wonderful news

Emma - I am so relieved to hear the absolutely "pristine" doctors' report on Chloe. Now she can go about the business of being an active, delightful little girl. I do think an ice cream is in order! :)

Christina L