Chat Area

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Creed3 Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 12, 2002
Hi Everyone!
I was just wondering about our chat area. I have checked it out in the past and can't seem to get to work. I also don't ever notice that anyone is ever there. Does it work or am I just a goof ball?:p :p :D :D

Take Care!


Yes Gail - You are a goof ball, but that has nothing to do with the chat room :D :D :D just kiddin

The chat room is neglected by yours truly.

It is on my list of things that I wold love to do with the site given the time.

Thanks for reminding me though. If nobody ever asked, it wouldn't even be on the list at all :rolleyes:
For those of you wondering, the chat room does work. Gail and I talked on it last night for awhile. Maybe we should set up a chat night? Just a thought.
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Great Idea..

Great Idea..

Sunday nights...would be good around 8 P>M> 5 on West coast..Gotta get Joy in on, Ross. Gail, Ann, Billy Bob, ....and oodles more.Nancy, Perry, Gina, Janie, Rain..
that chat area confuses me. I don't know how to use it! Boy I was happy when I saw the forums area though! I just needed a heart buddy a couple years ago, now I have over 600 of them! cool! Gotta love! See you guys tomorrow evening at 5PM PST.
Hey gang - I think the chat room would be great, but many of us probably need instructions on how to set it up and use it. Who could do that? (Ross? Hank?)

Then I agree, Sunday evening would be neat.
It's pretty simple really. The drawback is having to enter your own name. Once that's done everything else is easy, much like any instant messaging. I would urge you all to log into it and click on the help menu to see the list of commands that can be used. It's pretty neat actually. We'll have to try it out tomorrow and see what chaos and mayhem we can cause. :D

Heres a direct link in
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OK, Bonnie, get with the program. You say 8 p.m. but is that EST or CST. I am CST and Bill is CST - Gail is Virginia and Joy is way up yonder, maybe PST. Billy, on the other hand is in Ireland and he's 6 hours ahead of us in CST and 5 hrs ahead of EST and we don't even know what ST he is! Then there's Hank in AZ..............:D

I just went into chat room and it works fine - but nobody home, of course. I typed in a message (at the bottom of the page), hit enter and it came up in the message section. It had me as 'guest' at the top so we have to say who we are so you will know who you are talking to, as Ross said. It was easy. I do recall that in the past we had a chat room and it didn't work for everybody, tho. My first chat yrs ago was Rain. We all kept goin in and it was hit and miss if you found someone there. Occasionally we found a message left by the person who was there before us. Fun, fun
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Thanks for thinking of me Ann.......

I'm on good old GMT, but as it's winter, we are GMT, minus 1 hour.

I know that Atlanta is 5 hours behind us, so that probably means that you are 6 hours. I'll try to join in, but maybe you'd give me a wake-up call if I don't show up.
Billy, you are playing tricks with us again. I just saw a different avatar - and you had your coat and vest off and a haircut! Are you both the same person???
Confusing huh?

Confusing huh?

Must admit I now have two 'memberships' - see as Billy, I couldn't post for some time so I re-registered as BillyinIreland. Then for some strange reason, my 'Billy' membership came alive again and I was able to post. So I have two memberships and two avatars.

Shhhhhhhh.......please don't tell Ross anything about this, he still thinks I'm a Mexican Martian with a large flywheel growing outta my head.

And yes, you're right, no vest or coat in the new avatar, but no haircut either, just hid it behind my ears:D


I just went in there..and Billy is calling for us..I signed my name and typed Billy I'm coming..but what do I press after that???to get my message up there:confused: :confused: :confused: Bonnie


Ann and I just got through chatting for 10 minutes.:D Most of it was about you:p :p :p
Chat Room

Chat Room

O.K. Gang..I'm ready..Everyone put a post-um on your screen for 8 P.M. Sunday Nights. That's 8 for us Eastern time. 7 for central..Joy knows...BillyIs it 5 or 6 hrs. difference? Set your clock or we will talk about you:D :D Is that your tie or your tongue hanging down from your Pic:p Just discovered from chatting with Ann I'll never get a word in..Is she fast:p :p I'm a pecker so I'll probably be 5 minutes behind everyone else:D :D :D