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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2009
New York
I'm going to be having my catherization the day before my surgery. Is that usual? Also, the last time I had a catherization was 40 years ago and I vaguely remember being awake for it. Do they still do it the same way? Are you awake for the procedure?
It's been 10 years since mine, but I had my catherization the day before my surgery. I remember most of it.. I think they drug you up pretty good though. Yes, I remember them telling me they were going to speed up my heart and I remember when they insert the dye it was really warm. I'm curious to know if they still do it the same though. Best of luck with yours!
Thanks for the info.

When I had it 40 years ago, I was only 9 but I seem to remember the doctor telling me not to move my arm or leg. Of course I remember wanting to as soon as he said that :)
I had mine two weeks prior to my surgery but either is very common.
It varies by doctor how sedated patient is. I requested lots of meds. The less I remembered, the happier I was going to be. I was semi awake and had absolutely no problem. For most of us, these caths really are very much easier than we anticipate.
I had no pain or soreness either during or after, not so much as a bruise or black and blue. My cardio closed the wound with the angio-seal that self-dissolves.
When I was much younger, I remember ones on tables that tilted from side to side, and were much more uncomfortable than one I had six years ago. I think that Benadryl was the primary thing they gave me to make me drowsy. But I did decide to scratch my nose at one point and had them all jumping. Whoops. Don't move.

When you were a kid, you probably had an incision. Now they can do it all through two small holes. This last time, I had to lay with a weight on my leg until late in the evening, and ended up having to spend the night at the hospital.

BTW, I have a question also: After the last one, and maybe the last two, I suddenly got very cold and chilled and very shakey. Has anyone else had that happen?
I had mine two days before surgery, if I'm remembering correctly. Wasn't bad at all. Remember the cardio shooting extra dye in at the end for a better look, and feeling warm all over. Afterwards, had to lie still for a good while.
The Cardiologists in our local Cath Lab (which is EXCELLENT) can do a 'basic cath' in about 20 minutes. Your surgeon will probably request a Right Heart Cath in addition to the typical Left Heart Cath, to evaluate your Lung Function. This may add a little time. Of course you will be in the Lab for a longer time to get prepped and then in a recovery area where they will attend to the closing (there are several differen methods used by different Docs/Hospitals).

Many are a bit 'freaked out' before their first one,
but come away with a feeling of "is that all there is".
Piece of Cake, and it's interesting to watch the catheter moving around inside your coronary arteries on the monitor. The 'event rate' for experienced Cardiologists is about 1 in 1000.

The Doc's at my lab use Benedril for 'discomfort' (most feel NONE) and Versed for "Conscious Sedation" which can take you anywhere from "That's cool, can I watch" to "I don't want to see or remember anything" based on dose.

'AL Capshaw'
Yvonne ~~ my cath was 10 years ago and a couple of days before my surgery. Most I remember about it was my cardio playing a CD by Loreena McKennitt and what a beautiful voice she has.

The actual cath doesn't take very long at all...minutes. I've got an 8 track tape of mine. Bet you could get a CD of yours if you asked.

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