Can I have a Pony Mom?

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2006
OK... just when you think they have come up with every toy imaginable ... I was in Target today with my kids when the little one started yelling HORSEY and going freak-o-nutzoid! There ahead of us (in the toy section, of course!) is a life sized miniature pony that has some kind of motion & touch sensors & computer chip in it so you pet it & comb its har and it moves like a horse and makes horse noises, you feed it carrots, brush its hair etc... and it is standing there in its little fenced in corral with a big fat $250 price tag hanging off of it and my 2 yr old & 4 yr old saying pleeeease pleeease pleeease can we get one?!?

Sooooo ... have any of you other moms/dads or grandmoms/granddads out there seen this yet??!!??!!?!?!

Aside from the fact that it is really expensive and takes up a lot of space, it is pretty cool!
It is certainly a different world than when we were kids!! I can't get over picking up my kids from school, and seeing all the kids talking on the phone:eek:
ya, $2500 plus poo!

piper, you are right that times sure have changed. i know what you mean about the cell phones at school ... i see the same thing when i pick ben & andrew from the elementary school!!!!!
Lynlw said:
I heard Auntie geeBee was getting it for them
First on my list for spending the lottery winnings (if they ever get here).;) :D ;)
My little one spotted a stuffed horsey floor pillow today. The 40 bucks doesn't seem so bad now!
Yep we saw it in Target today too..
even my 10yo dd wanted it:)
I must admit it s rather entertaining:rolleyes: but I would NOT pay that much for any toy!