Came home yesterday.

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2007
Near Phila. PA
And not a day too soon, I can usually sleep anywhere and anytime but this time for some reason the most consecutive sleep I got during my 10 day stay was probably about an hour. When I got home yesterday I think I layed down and passed out for about 4 hours straight.

Everthing went about as anticipated except for some dissapointment on my part as far a which valve I recieved. I ended up with a carbomedics carbo-seal 23mm mechanical valve but I really had my heart set on an On-x. Dr. Bavaria explained to my family post op that he would have used an on-x if he thought it would be the best fit but because of the extensive root reconstruction that was need he felt that the carbomedics deal was the best choice and it too is an excellent valve.

Feeling ok today, seems as though each day goes a little different and when it doesn't go well I seem to get a bit depressed. Hopefully as I put some distance on the operation things will be a little more consistant.

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts, prayers and well wishes.

welcome to this side of the mountain

welcome to this side of the mountain

I too have a carbomedics valve, got it "installed" just over 4 months ago. It will take a wee while befor eyou are feeling good all the time, but it's great when you do ! I, too had some ups and downs, moodiness etc., but with me a lot of it was sleep-related. I have always slept a lot, needed a lot of sleep, and yeah, I didn't get the good restorative kind in hospital, and when I cam home I had to sleep sitting up for a week or two, could NOT get real comfy, and all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball with my blankets and sleep for about a week! I couldn't even move about, rolling over was painful for a few weeks and would wake me up, but once you are over that, you will be on the home stretch.

Good luck, and hang in there, good times are a-coming!
It's good to hear from you and so happy you're home. Sounds like it went very well other than not getting the valve you wanted. I've not been there yet but from what I read a little depression is common. I'll be right behind you so keep us posted.
Hope you sleep well again tonight.
Are you sleeping in your bed?
Good Luck Earline
Welcome home.

Despite waking up with a different valve from what you wanted, the important thing is waking up. Sounds like your surgeon handled things based on what he found which is one of the things he gets paid for. ;) :D

You are on a recovery roller coaster and things will seem a little crazy for awhile. Just know that things will get better every day and soon your life will be back to normal.

Glad to hear you are home and sleeping. Rest is very crucial.
Welcome home. Sorry to hear of your disappointment, but I'm sure the Surgeon did what he thought was best. The main thing is that you are past the surgery and on the road to recovery. A bit a depression is quite normal post-op, after all you've been through quite a trauma both mentally and physically. It gets better with time. Best wishes for a smooth, and uneventful, recovery.
Nick who cares which valve you got. Your alive and have a new lease on life. I wished for On-X and surgeon wanted to use it too, but ended up with a St. Jude. Just fine by me. At least I know that I may never need to do it again. No guarantees, but it sure gives me piece of mind. The derpression thing......It's part of the package. Some people can deal with it others cannot. If you find you can't, ask for some help. We've all been through it all before.
netmiff said:
I too have a carbomedics valve, got it "installed" just over 4 months ago. It will take a wee while befor eyou are feeling good all the time, but it's great when you do ! I, too had some ups and downs, moodiness etc.,

Yep, I got a carbomedics valve too almost 10 months ago (has it been that long already). I just have to agree with what netmiff has said, just give yourself time. Try to relax, sleep, eat and walk. Be good to yourself.
THere's no place like home...there's no place like home. Glad you are there . It sure looks like things are going your way. Best wishes for a quick and easy recovery.
I'm glad you're home.
I got almost no sleep in the hospital, and I think lack of sleep is one of the worst issues that goes along with this surgery.
I think you nailed it when you wrote, " . . . each day goes a little different and when it doesn't go well I seem to get a bit depressed."
I believe that we are so convinced that we will feel so much better, immediately, that we aren't prepared for the bumps in the road to recovery and the acknowledgment that it does take a fairly substantial amount of time to recover fully.
I think you will feel better as each week passes, until the day arrives that as you reflect upon your experience, it is hard to recall how tough it was.
nickm3 said:
I ended up with a carbomedics carbo-seal 23mm mechanical valve but I really had my heart set on an On-x. Dr. Bavaria explained to my family post op that he would have used an on-x if he thought it would be the best fit but because of the extensive root reconstruction that was need he felt that the carbomedics deal was the best choice and it too is an excellent valve.

Welcome home Nick. The carbomedics is a good valve, my surgeon discussed this one with me first, he thought because I am small the On X would be too big, he was surprised the 23mm OnX fit. He promised to have both available in the OR. I was prepared for either valve when I woke up. I did not need the extent of root work you had, I'm glad it all worked out for you! :) Rest easy and keep looking ahead.
Isn't it wonderful to be home again!!
I had problems sleeping for the first several weeks. Taken about 1 to 1.5 hours before bed, Vicodan or Tylenol Extra Strength PM worked wonders.

Do exactly as your doctors say (sleep, eat, breathe, rest, etc.) and you should have a boring recovery... barring any speed bumps on the road to recovery.
Welcome home Nick!

Being in the waiting room I have sent hours thinking about all the details involved in the surgery working myself into a frenzy and you know what....if I wake up I have about decided I could care less if they put a sump pump from Lowes in my chest.Everyone seems to have a favorite which is natural but if the puppy works why sweat it.

I am proud to hear another success story.Those of you climbing the mountain:cool: make it easier on those of us hanging around base camp wondering when we have to make the climb. Each of you are heroes in my book.
If you don't mind keep us posted on details about your recovery.

God Bless



Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a continued SUCCESSFUL recovery :).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"I'm doing better than I thought I would" ... Wallflowers ... 'When You're On Top'
Thanks everyone it is good to know that the emotions I'm feeling aren't unique to me.

Nothing like "home sweet home".

Glad you're home and safe and sound. If you had so little sleep for days like that it would probably take some time to recover anyway. Throw in OHS and no wonder! You may not be able to measure how you feel better day by day. But you will probably be able to measure how much better you feel week by week. Take care and post again.
Glad everything went well with surgery, hope you begin to start feeling better soon.