Calendar Pup

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2005
Louisville, Kentucky
The school that Cindy and her guide dog Perry graduated from puts out a calendar each year. The models are guide dogs in harness or puppies in training. We are considering entering a photo of Perry to be considered for one of the "photos of the month". They will only accept one entry.

I am asking the advise of the vr photographers, since there are several of you, as to which of our favorites would look best as part of a calendar. So, I'll post six pictures, and see what you think. After we're finished with the responses, I'll remove the pics. I appreciate the opinions of those with a better eye than me.

I think probably #5 but #2 is a close runner-up. I pick it because he looks so so friendly but yet businesslike! What a great dog. I'm so glad Cindy got this one.
I like 5 too because he looks so friendly, but I also like 6 because it shows all of him. A beautiful dog!
I like 5 because it tells a story of a lovely dog inviting his loved one to travel out of the gate into the world. He is excited to be a part of the adventure.

I also like 3 because he looks so peaceful and relaxed as if he just finished the adventure.
Thanks everyone for your responses. No, Karlynn, you aren't making it easier ;) . Actually, I really do like 5, 4, & 3. 6 Shows off his overall beauty, I think. For a calendar, I'm kind of leaning toward 5 or 6, with 4 very close. Wish us luck! We have to submit the picture to Guide Dogs for the Blind by Friday.

p.s. certainly captured the essence of our boy with your eloquent words.

I, too, like #5 -- but I interpreted it as Perry. . . "on his way to work."

Having seen Perry in California as he was completing his training (remember -- my wife and I were vacationing in San Rafael and saw him with his trainer, working on his city street composure), and now seeing his pictures, it is obvious that he has grown to be a wonderful fellow. He looks happy, confident and just "right" in his world.

Best of luck to you all!
epstns said:

I, too, like #5 -- but I interpreted it as Perry. . . "on his way to work."

Having seen Perry in California as he was completing his training (remember -- my wife and I were vacationing in San Rafael and saw him with his trainer, working on his city street composure), and now seeing his pictures, it is obvious that he has grown to be a wonderful fellow. He looks happy, confident and just "right" in his world.

Best of luck to you all!

Cindy says to tell you that she "remembered Steve right away!" and "that she appreciates your observations about her gorgeous boy."

Actually, the setting for that pose was in the entrance of a courtyard belonging to one of the many historical buildings in Frankfort, the Vest-Lindsey House. I remembered the brick side walks and courtyard with wrought iron gates and fence. Cindy particularly liked that setting also.
Ross said:
Now here I come to mess it all up. Number 1 would be my choice for a Calendar shot.

Ross, when I started reading your post, Cindy said "it must be #1!". She's got your number ;) .

That was initially my favorite, but the more I looked at it, the grin I saw became more of a yawn than a "smile". This one was taken at the Frankfort Women's Club building; maybe that's why he was yawning (just a joke, ladies). I still like it though.

I am so not a photographer. I took all of these pictures, along with a bunch of rejects in about 30 minutes; these are the best I've taken in such a short time. The subject helps, I guess. We had fun doing it.
To all of you who said Perry is a beautiful dog, we obviously agree. Also, he's so used to hearing that, we're convinced he knows when people are saying that about him.

To Betty (bvdr), I'm glad she got this one too.

This has been fun; thanks for participating everyone. Now I'm really thinking hard about the "one" that I can submit.