"Bummer, bummerer, bummerest."

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I have developed pericarditis for the umpteenth time. I cannot even remember how many times I have had it. My problems with pericarditis stem from multiple surgeries so I will offer this as another consideration for you all when you make decisions about your future.

As I sit here waiting for my percocet to kick in, I realized I needed some cyber pampering, so I decided to vent to my VR.com friends.

Thanks for reading my whining. Pass the cheese, please.:rolleyes: :D ;) :D
Oh, Gina, so sorry to read this. Prayers and best wishes that this is a short episode and you are quickly relieved and back to normal. It is a bummer!
I feel for ya. Tis not a fun experience, just hope you don't go getting worse. Lets not start that chain of illness we had last year about this time. ;)

I am so sorry, that is terrible. Having something again and again is worse than a one shot deal because you can anticipate everything that will happen while it runs its course, and I don't mean in a good way.

So I hope the recovery is shorter and less painful than in the past. Let us know how you're progressing.
sue943 said:
Poor you. Hopefully nothing I will experience. What are the symptoms and treatment?
Symtoms start as what feels like a muscle pull and I always hope that is what is going on. However, it progresses to pain that is worse upon deep breathing or lying down. The pain for me is usually in the upper chest or shoulders (right now my pain is in my left shoulder). Sometimes I can hear a "heart rub" and sometimes not. I usually have a slight fever.

Treatment for me is a Medrol dosepack, percocet and rest.

I just wanted to say hi, and that I sympathise with you. I had pericarditis with tamponade three times following my heart surgery last December, and I know just how you feel.
Hope the doctors can help you sort it out quickly and that you start to feel better soon.

Gina, consider yourself pampered. I'm so sorry you have this yet again.

You are not allowed to "get exciting" with this. I leave for vacation tomorrow and I expect you to be very boring while I'm away.

Get well my friend.
Sorry you're going through this again. I'm passing you some Brie with strawberries and how about some Pinot Grigio...?
I am sorry you have this Pericarditis again Gina

I am sorry you have this Pericarditis again Gina

I hope you get to feeling alot better ASAP...I know how you are feeling as I haven't been feeling too well myself lately. Here's to us ALL feeling a lot better!!! BTW, what kind of cheese do you like with your whine? I love Gouda...LOL Hugs From Ole' Harrybaby:D :D :D
Bummer, bummerer, bummerest

Bummer, bummerer, bummerest

I say, "stinks, stinkier, and stinkiest!"
I hope it resolves quickly.
Thanks all. I actually got some sleep for a couple hours. Percocet is my friend right now.;) :D

Wise - love the Brie idea but can I have it with champagne? Oops - probably not with the percocet.:rolleyes: :eek: :D

This is the weekend for our local Greek festival and I will NOT miss it so we are going for a short time this afternoon. Luckily they have shuttle busses so walking will be a minimum. "Gyros, baklava, dolmades, mousaka, souvlakia, here I come." Good old comfort food - Greek style.:D
geebee said:
This is the weekend for our local Greek festival and I will NOT miss it so we are going for a short time this afternoon. Luckily they have shuttle busses so walking will be a minimum. "Gyros, baklava, dolmades, mousaka, souvlakia, here I come." Good old comfort food - Greek style.:D
I missed mine! Be sure to eat some for me. I love going to those.
Gina I hope this is the shortest bout you ever have, i remember when you had it last year, Does the weather seem to make it worse or is it more a matter of no rhyme or reason? HMMMM Baklava
Gina--I am very sorry to hear this. I hope you get better real son. I wish I could have Ellie stop by for a while. She is very comforting when Grandpa has an "owie". In fact, she calls my testing unit Grandpa's "owie" machine.

Here is a little picture to help take your mind off the "owie".
geebee said:
My problems with pericarditis stem from multiple surgeries so I will offer this as another consideration for you all when you make decisions about your future.

You're right, Gina. That is an excellent point for those who think they can breeze through several vr surgeries. Thankfully, yours is a complication that resolves itself with a little TLC. But I'm sure that doesn't make the pain any easier to handle. Lots of summer left so get well soon! Take it easy and enjoy that greek food.

Your post barely qualifies as a "whinefest". I think that you have a tremendous attitude in spite of your challenges.
I hope your outing to the Greek festival is fun. I am jealous of the good food that you will be having.
I am sending you warm thoughts for a quick recovery.