bridge collapse

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Lynlw Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2005
I just saw on MSNBC there is a big bridge collapse in Minn.over the Miss river.I think alot of people will need prayers, it looks bad
So far they are reporting 3 dead but, since about 50 cars fell into the river, I expect that will increase.

Makes you want to stay home.
It is an utter catastrophe. We live in the twin cities suburb and use the bridge often. It came on the news about 5 minutes after it happened and has felt rather surreal. As others have said we never thought it could happen here. I doubt we will sleep much tonight. All my family members are accounted for. We must say a special prayer for the recovery mission.
Kathleen said:
It is an utter catastrophe. We live in the twin cities suburb and use the bridge often. It came on the news about 5 minutes after it happened and has felt rather surreal. As others have said we never thought it could happen here. I doubt we will sleep much tonight. All my family members are accounted for. We must say a special prayer for the recovery mission.

I'm glad your family is fine.I pray for the others.Thank God that bus was relatively safe.Lyn
It is an unbelievable tragedy. And the people trapped under the bridge, how horrible.
Kathleen said:
All my family members are accounted for.

Excellent news, Kathleen!

If I "blame" the internet and groups and message boards for anything ... it is for feeling "instantly connected" to just about any major incident such as this ... and wondering if people you know both personally and from online groups/boards are OK....

I first heard about the collapse on Chicago's WGN radio ... during a break in the baseball game [incidentally, Cubs won ... and are tied for 1st place with the Brewers]. I flipped the radio over to Chicago's WBBM radio ... and they were simulcasting from MN's WCCO radio. I immediately thought of our family there ... one of Dad's brothers and most of his family (including 8 kids and a bunch of grandchildren) are in the area. Luckily, nobody was in the wreckage, though one of them had driven over that section of I-35W just 20 minutes before the collapse.

I then thought of a number of people I know from various message boards who live in the MN area. Hope all of them are doing well.... Thoughts/prayers coming to all those affected by this.

From VR ... I thought immediately of Jean (wcat). I called her cell phone that I have (not even sure if it is still valid) and got a "this phone number is temporarily unavailable". I panicked a bit, but then the reporter on the radio told folks to NOT use their phones because of all that was going, not all that worried. Just hope she posts sometime soon.....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"We can take anything that comes our way" ... BJ Thomas ... 'As Long As We Got Each Other'
Thanks for your concern Cort!

Thanks for your concern Cort!

We're all fine here. I'm not aware of anyone that I know having been involved in the tradgedy on the bridge. I personally don't drive anywhere near the twin cities...I'm just a chicken when it comes to that kind of traffic. Ray doesn't generally go anywhere near there either, but he called and told me about it on his way home from work.

I turned on the tv and just said, "Wow". I don't think that you have my current cell phone number Cort, I have a new one since the Golden reunion.

So far, there are only 7 people confirmed dead, but they have given up the search for the night. They are saying that at least 50 cars fell into the river, there have been about 60 people brought to various hospitals in the area.

The hospital that I had my surgery at had declared a "code orange" and was calling in all personnel that could get there. My heart goes out to the families and loved ones of the victims, and am praying that they don't find a lot more dead tomorrow morning when the "recovery" phase begins.

As I type this, the local stations are continuing "live coverage" more than 6 hours since the collapse.
Shirley dug out the map last night and we looked to see where the bridge collapse was, since we drove right past that bridge Monday afternoon on the way to the airport. I'm glad to hear that no one we know was involved in the catastrophe.
We are fine too!

We are fine too!

My whole family has been calling, since this is bridge highly traveled and we had a chance of being on it. Caleb will be admitted on Friday for surgery at the hospital near by and this will create some tricky driving with all of the traffic going different routes. Let's just say we will need a lot of patients for the next few years, as traffic will hit a new level of congestion.

Eric (my husband) works for MN/DOT in bridge design. This has hit him very hard; it is his job to design bridges to keep people safe. Not that he had anything to do with is bridge or it design. His office is completely shocked over this.
I heard this morning that they have actually lowered the number of confirmed dead from 7 to 4. That seems strange, but it's a good thing I guess.

The only thing is, they are saying there are still 20 people they expect that number to change throughout the day.
A catastrophe of this nature really gives one an eeire feeling when you use the bridge daily and you know your family members or neighbors were in the area. I have had the oddest pain in my heart and some odd rhythms since it happened and now know how the term "it touched my heart" came to be. The stories are exactly what one would expect from our wonderful state.
Being that I was locked out of my house yesterday, I didn't hear about this until I called my mom this morning and she told me. This is SUCH a tragedy. I am certainly lifting prayers for everyone involved. Did I hear right that the bridge had been deemed "structurally insufficient" (or something like that) in 2005, but nothing had been done to correct the problem? :eek:

This kind of confirms my thought that maybe I'll never leave my house again... Too bad I kinda have to work for a living.:rolleyes:
Gnusgal said:
Being that I was locked out of my house yesterday, I didn't hear about this until I called my mom this morning and she told me. This is SUCH a tragedy. I am certainly lifting prayers for everyone involved. Did I hear right that the bridge had been deemed "structurally insufficient" (or something like that) in 2005, but nothing had been done to correct the problem? :eek:

This kind of confirms my thought that maybe I'll never leave my house again... Too bad I kinda have to work for a living.:rolleyes:

Yes you heard right, But the part that makes you nervous is apparently,many bridges are rated like that, but many are worse.So how ever they decided if bridges are safe, that rating seems to be about average for bridges in the country.
I told Justin and you always make fun of me for being nervous on bridges.I try to stay in the middle lanes. Altho I'm not a big tunnel fan either, especially ones under water, so ...
Lynlw said:
Yes you heard right, But the part that makes you nervous is apparently,many bridges are rated like that, but many are worse.So how ever they decided if bridges are safe, that rating seems to be about average for bridges in the country.
I told Justin and you always make fun of me for being nervous on bridges.I try to stay in the middle lanes. Altho I'm not a big tunnel fan either, especially ones under water, so ...
Yikes! Not sure I want to venture out on the road now! :eek: Scary thoughts galore with this one. I just hope this will get people to take action and make sure something like this doesn't happen again!

Oh so good to see you post, my dear ;).

So far, none of the people I know in that area were on the bridge, though at least one of them knows one of the people that were and survived.


I just can't imagine.....

BTW ... have the local media outlets named those that are still listed as "missing"? I know we haven't heard any from the Chicago or national media, but I would think the local media would list the names ... just in case others know something.

And, it's interesting, too (well, to me, anyway) that they haven't made mention of "out of town" people. All of the reports keep talking as if only locals would be on that road. But, that is a major interstate, so it is possible that people are missing that are not known at this time....

Anyway ... like Lyn, I'm nervous on bridges and in tunnels. I sorta hate driving through the tunnels in and around Pittsburgh PA when we go through there. BUT ... ya'll know me well enough ... that ain't gonna stop me from traveling ;).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"Traveled down the road and back again" ... Andrew Gold ... 'Thank You For Being A Friend'
Since I live in a river town, bridges are a fact of life. However, I will take another route if I hear that traffic is stopped on a bridge. I still vividly recall the Silver bridge collapse on the Ohio in WV and that (and a touch of claustrophobia) keeps me out of such situations. I just don't trust bridges to hold the weight of bumper to bumper stopped traffic. There are a lot of bridges and overpasses around here that shake and tremble too much for my comfort.

My heart goes out to the folks in MN - such a sad story.
No, I don't believe they've posted a list of any of the missing people. A disaster like this is really hard, because you can never know at any given moment who exactly was on the bridge at any time. They are saying there are 20 - 30 people unaccounted for. I imagine those are all people that may have been in the area, and haven't been heard from since the incident. Somewhat like the twin towers tradgedy, only on a much smaller scale, of course.

The most compelling story I've heard is about the couple from Wisconsin, who's 2 yr old daughter had fallen down a staircase and earlier that day and was being air lifted to HCMC, and the couple was following her to the hospital when they were caught in the bridge collapse! Their vehicle plunged into the river, but luckily, they had just opened their windows b4 the collapse and so were miraculously able to escape and swim to safety.

The really strange part of the story was that the lady happened to find her daughter's teddybear/blanket thing floating in the water. She had been bringing it to the hospital to comfort her daughter. I think that was one of those little signs from God that He is totally in control, even when we can't understand the reasons that these things happen.