Blood in urine

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Hello all...I've been trying since yesterday to get on-line, but using my
daughters computer at home, and having a problem.
When I returned from work on Friday, my husband was on his way
to his PCP as he had blood in his urine all day. They first checked his
INR - 4.0 - He has been running 2.8 to 3.5. The blood was quite visible.
No pain, no irritation, no infection. No visible blood on Saturday or today.
Has anyone had experience with this? The PCP seemed concerned.
Sending him to a urologist.
I did find somewhere that this is a symptom of alot of things. The
scariest was a blood clot in the kidney arterial supply.
Of course, it could be lots of other things. He is anemic as well.
ANY input would be appreciated. Thanks. - Marybeth
High INR's

High INR's


My INR has been as high as 10.4 (improper self medicating, before I got my ProTime) and I never experienced any blood in the urine.

I don't know if that helps, but it just shows that hign INR's effect different people different ways.
Hi Marybeth....

Could just be a fluke. Have heard of older individuals on Coumadin bleeding with a slightly raised INR. You are absolutely doing the correct thing to see the Urologist. Certainly pray that it is nothing serious.

If you do find that he has concerns with his Kidney....please email me directly. Just journeyed that road with a family member.

Take care
Sorry to hear that Wayne has this problem. I'm hoping that it's something like a little irritation or small infection which can be readily treated.

Please keep us posted as to how he does.
Scary Indeed!

Scary Indeed!

It is most likely a fluke as Gina wrote. But, if you haven't been to a Urologist in awhile perhaps it's worth a visit.

Two years ago I had an "oh my God, I'm peeing blood!" experience. I called my PCP's beeper at 6:30 on a Monday morning. He wasn't all that concerned as I was only 4 months post-op and didn't have that much "experience" with Coumadin yet. He gave me an option to see a Urologist, but made a Coumadin adjustment on the fly without even seeing me. I wasn't personally tracking my INR's at that time either, so I have no clue how high I was.

I believe my experience was alcohol related as I had participated in a weekend golf outing and the beer was flowing as much as the sweat on a sunny August afternoon in Chicago.

Good thing about it, I quit drinking!!! Although I have since slowly brought back a little beer and wine into my life, I sure know my limit!

Best regards.
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Thank you all for your replies.

Nancy, they did test for infection, which probably would have been a good thing, but no white blood cells in the urine.

We really aren't convinced it is the coumaden either, since although the level was 4.0, he has been much higher. He has been on coumaden since May of last year.

I plan to call his cardio in Boston today, and we should be getting word on when he sees a urologist. This all happened very late on Friday. Interestingly, no visible blood on Saturday, but back to dark brown tea like color on Sunday. Perry, no alcohol all weekend. Frankly I think it has been at least two weeks since he had a beer. And, of course his coumaden was lowered. Also took Vit. K on Friday, so today his INR will probably bee too low.

If anyone else has any experience with this, please let me know.

Thank you to everyone. - Marybeth
I having the same EXACT problem as I write, lots of test, no ansewers. Doc say maybe the warfarin. Going for more test in a couple more days. I will let you know.

Thanks for writing. That is a relief. We went to see a urologist today, and this afternoon they are doing an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder. If that shows nothing, then they are doing a cystocopy as day-stay in the hospital as his cardio wants him on IV antibiotics.

PLEASE let me know how you make out. I will actually be so happy if it is the coumaden...I think.

gee marybeth!
i hope it's nothing... please let us know how things go and if your husband has the cystoscopy, what the results showed.
we're all praying htat it's nothing major.
good luck and be well,
Hello everyone!

I've good news..I think.

My husband saw the urologist yesterday morning, who scheduled an ultrasound to be done first. The kidneys look fine!! Hooray! We should hear today about the cystocopy...when they will be scheduling it. I will say he was totally wiped out last night, but we are both so relived that at least 2 out of three are looking good.

Of course we both now think it is the coumaden and aspirin he takes. His INR was slightly elevated last Friday 4.0 and he has been MUCH higher with no bleeding episodes, but still, we think it must be the coumaden. I wonder why this would happen???

If anyone else has any insights, let me know! And, I will let you know how we make out with the cystocopy next week.
Thanks to everyone!
Marybeth -
Good news, Marybeth-

I bet Wayne was relieved to hear that the kidneys look fine. I'll be thinking about him with the cystoscopy, too bad he has to go through that. But it nice to have things ruled out.

Good luck.
I am soooooo happy it's not the Kidney's! My husband just went through that. Had one removed.

My father on the other had, he's in his late 60's. For the past five years has had visible blood in the urine. Maybe once a year for those five years. Does not take Coumadin. Has had every test known....can't find a thing. That say he may have a polyp that forms in the bladder than bursts and causes the bleeding. Non detectable. Enough to drive you nuts
hi marybeth,
so glad to hear that the kidneys are ok. great that the first two tests came back well.
please let us know how the cystoscopy goes. when is it being done>
we'll be thinking of you. God bless,
Hello all!

The cystoscopy has been scheduled for next Friday! I'll let you know!

Thank you for all of your input. I am beginning to think it really is the meds, although from what I can find on the internet, it is pretty uncommon. If anyone has any add'l info, please post here!

Hi Marybeth-

Did you mention that Wayne still has hemolytic anemia? Maybe it has something to do with that. I know it can cause changes to the urologic tract. If the doctors haven't mentioned it, maybe you could ask.

Joe has this type of anemia also, but it's much improved. So far it hasn't affected his kidneys or bladder. However, it can do lots of things to your body systems.

They do know he has anemia, but your comments are interesting. Do you have anything to add from all the research you've done?

Also, I took his BP last night 117/65. It has been running 95/65 ish. Don't know if this means anything or not. Will take it again tonight. Probably the anemia.

I did some research regarding gross hematuria. It was, in one study, an event that took place 7 times out of 2600 patients in a two year time frame. And, this was in patients whose INR was over 5.0, and Wayne's was at 4.0.

We will know more next week. I've just got to stop worrying. I really thought, after the surgery, we were on the home stretch, and that the visits to hospitals/doctors, would be "maintenance". Evidently, that's not God's plan for us right now. We will see.
Thanks again, Nancy, and everyone! - Marybeth
Hi everyone!

Good news..I think. Wayne had the cycstocopy done on Friday! They had to IV him the antibiotics, so it took longer...better to be safe though. The urologist could see nothing amiss. Scar tissue in the urethra is where they think he bled from. The conclusion is that it was the coumaden. INR at 4.0. Hmmmm.

Thank you all for your concern. Obviously this doesn't happen often with you VR folks, but it does happen.



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