Blood In Stool - Anyone?

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2012
San Diego, California.
Hello all,

I had a bowel movement today (15 days post-op) and there was bright red/pink blood in around my stool and anus. Immediately, I checked my INR with my InRatio 2 and it read 2.3, so I should be fine as far as INR level. I called my cardio and he didn't sound too concerned about it. He basically said that it may be hemorrhoidal and that I should just keep an eye on it. He also told me that if my heart rate shoots up and I start getting dizzy to go to the ER. Does this sound normal to any of you? I'm kind of freaking out. I'm still on iron, so my stool has been black and hard since my operation. I am also taking stool softeners every day. Are there any other symptoms I should look out for?

Also, random question: I have been experiencing some urinary pressure problems. Occasionally, when I urinate, I get a momentary pressure, then it stops, then it starts, etc. until I empty my bladder. In other words, when I urinate, I pee a little and I feel like there's no more, then I pee a little more, etc. I notice this happens when I hold in my pee. Is this a post-op symptom? Anyone experience this?

Thanks guys!
Sounds exactly like hemorrhoids to me. Bright red blood vs. darker blood and having a hard stool while also taking iron are all signs that point to that. As for the urinary pressure, I would think that is probably a left over from having a catheter in and should subside with time. Do keep an eye on things like the Dr. said, but in the meantime, keep taking the stool softner, drink plenty of water, and eat plenty of fruits and veggies and all should be well soon.

I've had this in the past, and it seems that being on Warfarin can make it more likely to occur. It's inflamed internal hemorrhoids. I had this happen to me after I was diagnosed and had treatment for Melanoma cancer, so I was really stressed at first that it was a re-occurrence. Just eat more fiber, and your Primary Doctor may prescribe some of those steroid capsuled you stick up your butt.

Nice blog, by the way. I especially agree with your view on the doctrine of Election and The Final Perseverance of The Saints (in the blog "Do we accept Christ? Can we reject Him?"). For several months now, I've been listening to the late Welsh preacher, Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones and his exposition of Romans. I happen to be on Romans 9 right now. He is a very strong proponent of these doctrines.

God bless,
Thanks for the responses guys!

Chaconne, nice to meet a fellow reformed Christian! If you get an opportunity, check out Dr. John MacArthur. He has thousands of sermons and resources available on on just about EVERYTHING. He is a great preacher. Romans 9-12 are incredible chapters regarding election. You should add me on Facebook if you utilize that social media resource; I am constantly engaging in fruitful discussions and am involved in several discussion groups which I could invite you to!

God bless!
Sounds like irritated poop chute to me with all iron and such. I had the same issue. When you describe it to your doctor use a better description then I did.
Sincenow one touched the unrinary problem. You did not mention if there is a burning sensation when you urinate? If you are experiencing burning or pain when you urinate, you might have uti, urinary tract infection, or yeast infection. Get the unrinary tract checked out asap. Hugs for today.
As others said above, stool blood that LOOKS like blood is not especially scary, usually caused by local irritations like hemorrhoids. Many of us had some trouble regaining normal regularity and "texture" after OHS, and it's tough to be an ass when passing rocky stools. Dietary fiber (soluble and insoluble) and fluids are probably the best approach.

There's also another aspect to the problem that may help. (Last exit for those who are eating, or scatologically averse!) In the shower, and preferably with a hand-held shower, rinse the area thoroughly with warm water and check that your tissues are not "inside out". Hemorrhoids often involve bulges in the tissue that get forced outside the rectum -- especially when you're working hard to eject hard stools, like post-op stools. After the bulges get forced out, they get squeezed way hard by the sphincter muscle that keeps your rectum closed. All of that promotes bleeding. Those tissues all belong inside, and just putting them back where they belong (while relaxing in the shower) usually eliminates the vast majority of the problems.

Also, I was also told many years ago that it's scary-bad to "push" so hard while you're defecating, that you stop breathing. Apparently many MIs (heart attacks) happen then, brought on partly by the spike in BP from that no-breathing pushing/grunting.