Black and tarry stools?

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Okay you guys, I think I already know what you're going to say so I have a call into my dr. already. Yesterday I did something probably stupid, but I didn't think it'd affect me that much. I had two large servings of spinach-breakfast and dinner and a large green salad at dinner with two (guessing) 6 ozs. of red wine. Since I usually have 2 glasses of red wine I'm not particularly concerned about that, but I'm pretty sure the sudden input of spinach and green salads has caused this. My INR was high on monday (5.1) so I skipped the coumadin on M, took 2.5mg on T, and cked it again yesterday and it was 3.2. Since I should be between 2.5 and 3.5 I'm okay I'm thinking. I just can't figure out if my stool really is black and tarry...and if it is, if it isn't b/c of the sudden infusion of Vit. K. What do you guys think? I had blood in my urine a couple of times after drinking too much (a martini before dinner and wine with dinner) but it went away the next day and of course, I didn't drink my normal 2 glasses of red wine for several days. I don't feel as if I'm particularly susceptible to alcohol causing problems, but I am kind of concernced about my spinach binge. I was soooo craving it, I love it, and I haven't had it for a quite awhile.
I guess my main question is won't my bowels settle down in a day or two if I don't go crazy with Vit K again? It is so expensive to have to see my dr., I'd love to avoid it if at all possible. My little voice says I'm okay, but I don't know how serious the contraindications of bingeing on spinach might be. Also, my blood pressure has been pretty low 96/64 (I took my blood pressure meds this a.m. b/c my first reading was 138/83 otherwise I wouldn't have gone ahead and taken them). I feel okay, maybe a little lightheaded, but not bad.
My mom died of a coronary on this day and xmas is a bit of a downer for me. For some reason, I've been struggling with some grief issues this yr. that haven't been so pronounced in years past.
Thanks in advance for the wisdom I always find here.

Black and Tarry usually means blood in your stools. The spinach certainly wouldn't cause that. It would cause your INR to go down not up. I'm more concerned that maybe you have bleeding in your GI tract. Are you prone to ulcers? Even if your INR is in range, if you have bleeding in the GI tract, you will end up with blood in your stools.

You know what to do, and you've already got that call in. Hope that it's really nothing.
I wouldn't worry about the spinach at all.....I'm going to bet that the alcohol is the culprit. Something is going on in your stomach or intestines.
Try avoiding alcohol until you get checked out "thoroughly". Don't settle for anything less.
Must admit, I would be a little worried, too. I would also be wondering if I had taken an iron supplement - when I cam out of hospital, I was put on irom, and stools were black, very black. I stopped the iron supplement (with my cardio's blessing, it was just "a precaution") and the black went away. But yes, I would get it checked out.
You need to see the doctor asap.

Some other thoughts, as mentioned, iron supplements can cause dark stools, Pepto-Bismal can cause dark stools, even a lot of very dark chocolate can cause dark stools.

That being said, the most important thing to rule out is intestinal bleeding which is not a good thing. So call your doctor now.
No question about it, you have some internal bleeding going on and you need to see the Doctor like immediately.
Yes - off to the doctor you go. Iron and foods rich in iron will also darken the stool. But rather than trying to guess - you need to be certain.
had the same thing this hematicrit was dropping weekly and finally the gastro doctor did an upper GI...had a bleeding ulcer. Still struggling with anemia. I have always been on the lower end of the scale and lost quite a bit of blood. I hope you find your answer.
Thanks for the advice and concerns! By time I had cked myself into ER the morning I posted here, into the same hospital, on the same day my mom had died on 14 yrs ago of massive heart attack, my BP was 80/38. It was extremely emotional along with alot of other things. They ran me through some way way creepy tests and basically could find no reason for the bleeding other than a small erosion in my my colon. They clapped me into ICU and gave me the three units of blood I'd apparently lost and 2 units of plasma to (I think this is right) counter the coumadin in my system since my INR was 3.1 when I cked in. I had to stay in ICU on a heparin drip for 2 days and then was moved to a medical floor where they began to re-introduce the coumadin while being on heparin. Since I felt good and my numbers where improving indicating I was probably no longer bleeding they let me go on the 22nd. I had so much to do to get ready for grandkids xmas and I was so relieved I felt good!! I had to go to cardio guy for INR since I was put on Lovenox until my numbers are where they have to be. My daughter is giving me the shots (2x a day) since neither my H nor I have the stomach for it (pun intended). Lovenox is quite unpleasant, reminds me of being stung by a bee; glad when this will be done! My INR is slowly going back up, but this a.m. I passed a small clot and am not sure if going back on the coumadin plus the Lovenox is causing some more bleeding now or what that is all about so am calling the gastro-guy when their office opens. I was surprised when the drs. said some stuff about ulcers (which I've never had) and they didn't seem to think they had found any (although this whole episode could sure cause some for everyone in the whole family) I was even more surprised when I cked in here with you all to see some of you think maybe that's going on too. I don't know for sure yet about that possibility b/c, so far, they haven't cked out my small intestine, which will mean swallowing a camera to see what they can, and if it's anything like the other tests, I have a strong suspicion they are saving the best for the last--a final supreme torture. I hope so much I don't have to do that.
I really hate being back in the drs.' clutches again but the one good thing that's happened is that I am going to find a more user-friendly cardiologist and not like the one I have now that is impossible to get in touch with w/o going through the whole nursing staff first. I am also going on quest to see if a dr. exists who understands coumadin and being a vegetarian, and believes like you all do, that the drug should work for me instead of the other way around. My present cardio aspires to the belief that it's my home monitoring system at fault, and I'm at fault for all of it not working according to his training. I have had nothing but hassles with this drug since I was put onto it and if it hadn't been for finding this forum I would have given up along time ago. I was totally at my wit's end when I started here and it's helped me so much to be able to find wisdom and understanding and that I'm not alone with this.
So everyone, that is what the outcome was, but I have a sneaking suspicion I'm not out of the woods yet so I'll keep you posted as best I can.
Relieved to hear from you and that you were thoroughly tested. I hope this latest is not a sign of anything they missed and wishing you the best as you go through whatever they deem necessary to throw at you!
When I had mine, mine mysteriously stopped also. They scoped me and found some stomach irritation, but no evidence of a bleed. They put me on a Proton Pump Inhibitor anyhow. I also had to have a colonoscopy to check that end of things and nothing there to indicate a source of bleeding, but they did remove 2 polyps. I've been fine since, but still worry about the stomach irritation because for all the pills I take, I'm sure it's eating my stomach.
Hmmmmm, Ross, I too had to have colonoscopy while there and they found 2 polyps also, and a small erosion where they suspected the bleed may have come from, especially since I had kind of ignored it for 4 days suspecting other things to be the cause. Now, I know. Experience is a great teacher. I was also told that if I ever walk into an ER again, I could plan on spending the night so bring my toothbrush, as anyone with my heart history will be kept, no matter what, for observation. Obviously, I will try not to rush in there! So far, I'm feeling good and BP is in normal range and not low which is a good sign.