Biopsy results

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Very sorry to hear this. Hopefully the surgery will remove all bad cells and will provide the needed treatment.
Best wishes.
Thanks for letting us know. I've been thinking of you. It is probably little comfort, but you don't need that thyroid to thrive. You can manage quite normally on synthroid supplements. Two of my girlfriends had a similar diagnosis and had their thyroid removed and some radiation and now YEARS later they both are still great. I'm just glad you have a diagnosis and can move forward with appropriate treatment. Hugs!
Drive brings up an excellent point. I know several people who've had thyroid cancer, had thyroid removed and are doing just fine. I think it has a pretty good success rate. Keeping you in my prayers for all the best.

Big hugs!
If it helps at all, your in my prayers also. My mom battled that stuff from 1972 until 1998. She outlived ALL of her friends. I pray you do the same.