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First let me say hello and I have missed you all dearly. I have stayed away because my health has started to fail again and I have been so depressed I could not handle any sad news. I am glad to say I remembered that sometimes if you stop and listen to someone else and try to be there for them you relieze your problems are not so bad. I have a few questions I had my replacement in June of 2004 I was told to get off my depo shot cause it will interfer with my INR levels so I did and by sept of 04 I started having bleeding issues (depo is birth control shot) and it would not stop this went on till Dec. 04 I was finally admitted to the hospital and given blood due to the massive blood loss and after a week sent home. Well I had started going to curves and this all stopped when the bleeding started. I was feeling great havent felt that good in years. Then after the bleeding episode I started getting tired again short of breath and palpitations often with chest pains. I found out less than a year after replacement one of the valve is leakin again. They are not going to do anything right now so they say just watch it, but it is leaking just as much as when they replaced it which was 70% of the blood is getting thru. That I know does not sound to bad. They have also not checked it in over a year and a half to see if it has worsened. I now am like before I have no energy of my own, without caffine I cant accomplish anything and very little with it I have chest pains, paplitations, and shortness of breath. I breath heavy on the smallest bit of exertion, and sweat really bad after washing dishes my hair is soaked with sweat as if I just washed it. Grocery shopping is very hard it makes me exhausted and by the time I leave the store not only is my hair soakin wet ringing wet but my shirt is soaked around the neck. This is not normal for me to exert so much energy with so little of task. I am very heat sensitive I hate it. I do wake up every morning in a cold sweat, soakin wet. I have also been diagnosed with pre diabetes which I think is full diabetes due to the low blood sugar I keep havin, I get shakes, chills, sweats and very tired when it goes low this happens several times a week and hopefully my doctor will test this next time I go in. I am asking if anyone has had these problems because the first time I know I did not have the sweating issue as bad now it was difficult and had no energy everything was the same before my valve replacement except the sweating when I exert myself. Taking a shower is hard I get out of the shower sweating.
So sorry to hear you aren't feeling well.

Which valve is leaking, and do they know why it is leaking? Scar tissue, poor sutures in the sewing ring? I would look into the reason. A well placed mechanical with no scar tissue problems shouldn't be leaking.

Am I to understand you were on depo for uterine bleeding? If so, have you looked into uterine ablation? I have heard good things about it.


Well it is my aortic valve I believe is what they said. No they have not said why or what has caused it to leak again. As far as the depo I was on it for birthcontrol after my second child I wanted more kids but stayed single for 8 yrs after my first husband left before I remarried in Dec 2002 6 months before I had my stroke. My husband now was not sure he wanted more kids he has 1 that is almost 18 and I have a 15 and 11 yr old. Therefore I never had my tubes tied, guess I should have cause they tell me now that if the pregnancy didnt kill me the labor would, so that is why I was on depo to prevent pregnancy. They since put me back on it to keep me from having periods because they said if I start to bleed again I wouldnt stop like last time. They would not say why but just to keep a close eye on my INR and raised my dose of coumidian. They said that me stopping the depo shot after being on it for 5 yrs straight threw my body out of wack and with the coumidian I just could not clot and stop the bleeding on my own.
Time for a cardio visit

Time for a cardio visit

Sorry to read of your set back. I am concerned that your valve is leaking and is supposedly being watched however it hasn't been checked for 18 months it may have got considerable worse in this time and this may be why you are struggling so much. I hope you are going to get it checked in the near future. As for the perspiring this is what I was like with my endocarditis very little fever yet night sweats and massive perspiration with the most moderate of exertion or change of temperature. Your mentioning of perspiring when getting out of the shower is exactly as I was with the endocarditis, the perspiration would pour out of me for up to an hour after only a warm shower.
Hi, April--
I read your reply to my post on BE, and wondering why you haven't been checked in over a year. Despite the success with my valve repair, my cardio still wants to see me every six months for a while, and he won't let me go back to work officially until he sees me again tomorrow. I have seen him three times since my surgery in June.

Your symptoms seem an awful lot like BE to me. Demand to get checked for that.

Take care of yourself and keep us updated.

Debi (debster913)
Sorry to hear that you're having problems.

Seems that if the depo intereferes with your INR, you just work around that, you adjust your warfarin/Coumadin to whatever is needed to stay in range. (You should post a query about this in the Anti-coagulation Forum here to see what Al Lodwick says.)
Or, perhaps there is another BC Rx to use.

<They are not going to do anything right now so they say just watch it, but it is leaking just as much as when they replaced it which was 70% of the blood is getting thru. >
What are the figures from your latest echo? Do you have a copy of it and one before your surgery?


Ya know I am so dumb sometimes, your right I have not even thought about it but the only symptom I dont have so far like I had last time with BE is the aching joints and muscles but that didnt come in till the end after being infected for 4 months and becoming septic. Your right the nite sweats and cold sweats are all in line. It was toward the time I was diagnosed with it that the sweats came without any type of exhurstion. Oh my I have an appointment with my doctor Sept 12 so I will recommend they check me now. I dont even remember when I had my last echo so I cant tell you what it said. I am due my yearly check up with my cardio so that will be soon. Wow now I am kickin myself for being gone so long sometimes it takes you all to open my eyes to see what I dont. Great to have my friends back
April (((hugs)))

April (((hugs)))

Just wanted to send some hugs. I am so sorry that you are feeling so bad. Please do insist on some answers at your checkup. YOu know we are behind you. Please keep after them and please keep us posted. Hugs. J>
Go to the doctor ;0)

Go to the doctor ;0)

and get all the answers you can! That in itself will make you feel better.
As for the Depo - :mad: - I am surprised they still use it. I gained a lot of weight, had high blood pressure, and was very depressed while using it years ago. I have heard the same story from so many others. I did not even realize how it affected my mood until it was out of my system. That may be a huge factor in the down-ness you mentioned. Just a thought...

Good luck - best wishes!!
I am sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well.. I second the test for BE..and hope it proves Negative.
as for the bleeding issue..I can say with 100% satisfaction that Endometrial Ablation is the way to go.
I was in your shoes a few years back..and my gyno recommended it.. I have never looked decision I made. Very minimal pain (nothing compared to OHS)..recovery 24hours.. it was a breeze.. not a spot since!

Keep us posted on your tests..