bar exam DOWN!

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
portland, oregon.
now 10 days to prepare for open heart surgery! the fun never STOPS! i feel like i have so much to do, but hopefully i'll have a few days to decompress before everything goes down.

oh haha! there was a medical malpractice bar exam question involving open heart surgery and a heart surgeon. i made a yuck face during the exam.

that's all i got, really. man, this whole thing has got me beat. just thought i'd post a little update.
Im 5 days post op and when we say it will be will!!!!! I hurt like hell for a few minutes a day and feel awesome a few hours a day. You will be all better soon....Will be thinking of you !!!
You made it through the bar exam.... You'll sail through OHS!!! After all, you faced that question on the exam. :)))

hahaha! i wanted to be like BAR EXAM, did you know some of these questions could be triggering! all your questions should be about kittens and rainbows! can only eat an elephant, one bite at a time. I wish you a speady recovery.

apparently you've never seen the drawing of the elephant inside the boa constrictor from the little prince? you can eat an elephant all at once. i took a lesson from that. i can do anything, it just takes determination. a friend of mine saw me at the second day of the bar exam and told me, "that's what i call determination." i told him i was still waiting for my medal in determination. he said if i passed the bar, he'd buy me one and engrave it.
Congratulations on taking your bar exam. One less stress in yourlife now.

Hope you sail through your surgery next.
My friend, Dada Manssa, was born in 1900 in southeast Ghana. One of her favorite Ewe (ĕvĕ) proverbs was "Elephants are born can only move them a little at a time." Over these next few days, there are going to be some things that don't get done. Try to accept that and let them go. Your focus now needs to be on reducing stress and your imminent recovery. I would also emphasize what others have told you; when a friend asks if there is something they can do, tell them what would be helpful. They will feel better at having some way to be of help even if it is only to come by for a chat or to bring you a slice of Italian walnut cream torte. Take care.

My friend, Dada Manssa, was born in 1900 in southeast Ghana. One of her favorite Ewe (ĕvĕ) proverbs was "Elephants are born can only move them a little at a time." Over these next few days, there are going to be some things that don't get done. Try to accept that and let them go. Your focus now needs to be on reducing stress and your imminent recovery. I would also emphasize what others have told you; when a friend asks if there is something they can do, tell them what would be helpful. They will feel better at having some way to be of help even if it is only to come by for a chat or to bring you a slice of Italian walnut cream torte. Take care.


admittedly, i caught a cold from all this running around. but i'm pretty confident i'll get everything i thought of completed. then i'll have nothing *but* rest and healing. for me, reducing stress would be knowing that i took care of everything the best i could under the circumstances. i know, i'm not the most fun person in the world. i'd probably be a more interesting person if i had gone to disneyland instead. but this is kind of my form of stress relief, in its own way. thanks, though. i appreciate the well wishes and of course, your great anecdotes, as always.
for me, reducing stress would be knowing that i took care of everything the best i could under the circumstances. this is kind of my form of stress relief, in its own way.


I know exactly what you mean. My pre-op stress relievers were researching, planning, and organizing. Watching details drop into place has a very calming, soothing effect on me. :D


I know exactly what you mean. My pre-op stress relievers were researching, planning, and organizing. Watching details drop into place has a very calming, soothing effect on me. :D


lol! exactly! so nice to watch my cunning plan fall into place! it's aaaalll as i plotted!
Congratulations on finishing your Bar Exam. I hope you pass with flying colors.
Make sure that friend follows through on your medal!
I don't know how you've managed to concentrate on the bar review courses the last several weeks! And people thought I was nuts spending this week at my annual CLE seminar right before my AVR. I think it's easier to face the surgery knowing you've finished all your chores.
hehe cles! hopefully one day soon that'll be part of my life too! :D what area of law do you work in mostly?

admittedly, i didn't get to study as hard as my friends -- not only was i distracted, but my surgery is so soon after the bar, i did have a lot to do at the same time. i ended up doing it all at once because i had paid for the bar review courses and the bar, and as you know, that's quite a lot of money i'd have lost out on. so i figured, why not just go for it. i'd either pass by doing what i could, or there'd always be february. i figured, if i didn't pass, i'd be in the same position i'd be in if i didn't take it. but if i happened to pass it and try as best as i could, that would be pretty neat. i mean, i don't have that much riding on it or that much hope considering how much more my friends got to study. but there's always that chance, right? and that would be so awesome if i managed to pull it off.
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S! :thumbup:

I am so happy for you. It must be a big relief for you and an omen of more good things to come!