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You may remember that Darlene (Yaps) has suffered from a low grade fever since late Spring. They finally performed a TEE yesterday, and she has endocarditis. There's growth on the mitral valve and she will see an infectious disease doctor in Mobile next week. Her health is precarious so I don't know what the options are at this point.
Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
You may remember that Darlene (Yaps) has suffered from a low grade fever since late Spring. They finally performed a TEE yesterday, and she has endocarditis. There's growth on the mitral valve and she will see an infectious disease doctor in Mobile next week. Her health is precarious so I don't know what the options are at this point.
Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

I am so very sorry to read this ... Darlene will be in my thoughts and prayers ...
I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope they are able to help her with this and she recovers soon.

I'm so sorry to hear this ~ I will keep Darlene in my prayers.
Thanks for letting us know Mary and please tell her that we all are keeping her in our prayers.
Oh no!! Poor Darlene.

I don't understand, why wait until next week to see an infectious diseases doc. :confused: Get the heavy duty antibiotics in as soon as possible are my thoughts.
Oh my.
Thanks for letting us know Mary.
Praying for the best for Darlene.
But how come it took so long for it to be diagnose?

Freddie, my thoughts . . . she has esophogeal varices so the doctor was not anxious to attempt the TEE; that was a danger in and of itself. She is losing blood from some source and the coumadin is aggravating the bleeding. Taking her off for any procedure is a six day hospital stay (for her, I'm not saying for everyone)due to the INR, so I don't think they pursued this as aggressively as they would someone else. She was hospitalized right before we visited in mid-June and they did do tests trying to determine where the fever was originating from.

Bonzo, I'm not certain when she has the appointment. It may be earlier than what I think; I hope so. They will have to travel, and their transportation and income are very limited, so there will need to be arrangements made. This is where the American system of healthcare really falls short of what you have in England and Canada. It is a sad situation that angers me when I write about it.
She has had such a tough go on everything and it truly never stops for her. I keep on praying anyhow. Through all of the trials she's been through, there has to be a reason to it all at some point.
I recall reading a post of hers where she said she was diagnosed with Barrett's esophagus.
Thanks for the update, Mary. Hoping things get better for Darlene soon.