Back pain?

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One unexpected complication I've run into is pretty sever lower back pain. I've had it in the past but had been pretty much pain free for a long time before my surgery. It started up again while I was in the hospital. I attribute it to having to sleep flat on my back (poor positionfor a bad back) and getting so little motion since (even with walking) I'm still sitting around most of the day. My cardiologist said that it is common to develop back pain after prolonged time on the operating table - I was on about 9-10 hours. At this point, the back pain is worse than my chest pain (which is pretty minimmal unless I do something stupid).

Has anyone had similar problems? Any ideas?
I have some too. I think it's from a combo of things, from laying on the table, rib spreader, lack of excercise, etc. I know a few people here have had some real problems with the pain. Mine only bothers me when I stand up from laying on my left side. :)
I've only had upper back pains, my shoulder blades and thats only been lately after a day at rehab.

Ross how did you get my real picture?:eek:
Ross how did you get my real picture?

I found you in a shockwave flash presentation at The guy has some seriously funny flashes about being laid off and unemployed. :D Please check it out. Click on the free holiday gift thingy. Turn your speakers on and audio up a little, there is some whispering that you won't hear very well at a normal volume.
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Boy do we run on the same side of the rail tracks. I thought I was one of the odd balls to have been to oddtodd's. Did you watch any of the videos?

Sorry Bundenmeyer don't mean to down play your back problems. Check out the site of oddtodd it'll make you laugh.
Go there and check out the free holiday gift flash. hehehehe :D
I love the laid off series. They are great! His new holiday thing is pretty good too.

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