Aussiegal/Tonia's Released Soon To Be With Us!!!

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Tonia I'm glad to hear you are doing better today! Keep getting better! Can't wait to see you posting yourself here! You got a great Mom!
So glad to read that Tonia's doing better now. Keep up the good work Tonia!
Sending positive thoughts & prayers along with all the others.

Any more news?

Any more news?

Just wondering how Tonia's doing?? Please, give us an update as soon as possible!! I'll only rest when I finally hear that she's awake and breathing on her own. I bet she'll want to make up for lost time so make sure she has access to a computer!! LOL!!
Hang in there Tonia

Hang in there Tonia

We are praying for you every day Tonia. Just a few weeks ago I was in your shoes feeling miserable in the hospital. I had lots of complications but not as bad as yours. It's so hard, but you can do it! Hopefully everyday will be a bit better than the one before. This too shall pass. --Janea
Fingers crossed!!!!!!!1

Fingers crossed!!!!!!!1

:confused: Hope to hear something before I leave for New Zealand tomorrow!!
Goodmorning Ross. I'm just Noelene by the way. ANd thank you. When we left Ton on Fri night the medics were so impressed with her too that they removed the ventilator, but she had a very stressful night, breathing wasn't good etc and then they couldn't get a proper echo so they had to drug her up again, reinsert the "V" and try again and the echo was really good, but they decided to keep her drugged and vented for another 24 hrs. I stayed with her last night for a few hours and she now has pink hand s and feet - gooood - and was resting really easily. They are very pleased with her heart everything is on track and working as it should.
I have spoken to her nurse an hour ago and she did have a good night last night and they are talking about letting her wake up [again]. It is up to her, i'm sure if she can stay calm about it too. She does know where she is, and who is who - I think her surgeon got a sort of a smile. Not sure she knows about they bypass yet, but I reckon she'll be wanting to get to the ward. These hiccups were not on her agenda.
I have been giving her your messages and all the others too, but she will thoroughly enjoy reading all of these emails when she gets here next week.
My thanks to you and all of the others.
Love Noelene
Sounds like Aussiegirls coming around, smiling at the surgeon and all ;) That a girl!! Take care Tonia and family!! Thank you for the continued reports. Continuing to keep you in our thoughts and prayers....
Being on the road home, I came late to this thread, but am so happy to read that things are improving. Please give Ton our best wishes for continued improvement and a complete recovery. She is in our prayers.
These are baby steps... but lately they are in the right direction! :) 'Looking forward to Tonia's posts. Thanks for sharing the encouraging news...
Sorry to hear that Ton had to go back on the ventilator but hopefully that will turn around soon. It sounds like she is progressing well and we all certainly look forward to reading her smiling words again.
Thanks so much for keeping us updated and know we are all still praying.
I'm so thankful to hear Ton's echo looked good and her heart's working as it should--two very strong positives, I would think. Keep up the good news, Noelene. Hang in there, Ton!

with fondest best wishes,
Great to hear that Tonia's showing more signs of improvement. Prayers still continuing.

A family of fighters!!

A family of fighters!!

Hi Ton and Noelene! I feel that I can now relax and enjoy my flight to NZ knowing that by the time I get to Wendy's house, Tonia will be up and about and above all, dying to get to the computer!!LOL!! I remember she wrote in her last Email to me that she hoped she'd be awake enough to wish me a nice trip but please, tell her I consider it done!! Just knowing that my Aussie frined's on the way to recovery's enough to make me happy!! Give her a BIG bRAZILIAN HUG FOR ME, BUT MAKE SURE IT'S NOT TOO TIGHT THOUGH AS IT MIGHT HURT HER!! lol!! i'LL GIVE HER ONE OF THOSE BRAZILIAN SPECIALS when we get a chance to meet!! LOL!!
Anyway, it's Sunday morning here now and I have to get the last of my things ready for the trip. I'm leaving my house at lunchtime so I doubt I'll get a chance to post anything else until I get to Wendy's house.
YAY! So pleased things are looking up now! Really hope it continues this way and Tonia gets on that ward soon!
Love Emma